Captain your own space ship and roam the galaxy in 3D…
Captain your own space ship and roam the galaxy in 3D in this tactical space simulator with tons of RPG depth ! Space has never looked so inviting – but images can betray… It has been two years since the end of the second Gemini war, the situation in the wartorn system is further from resolution than ever.
Title: Starpoint Gemini 2 Gold
Genre: Action, RPG, Simulation
Developer: Little Green Men Games
Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
Release Date: 7 Nov, 2015
Languages: EN/FR/DE/PL/RU
This Gold Edition includes:
• Starpoint Gemini 2 (v1.9300)
• Secrets of Aethera DLC
• Origins DLC
• Titans DLC
• ArtBook and some other extras (on the DVD)
Starpoint Gemini 2 Gold-PROPHET
Size: 5.5 GB
Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
Please make just cause 3 or far cry primal! And thank you for the game
deus ex mankind divided pls
People, stop asking for games, Skidrow only posts games that are cracked BY OTHER PEOPLE… WHEN THEY ARE CRACKED. So stop it already!
Thos two kids above, are metally disabled? THOSE FCNG GAMES ARENT CRACKED YET SO GO AWAY OR BUY THEM
This game better than No Man ski
Furthermore, those games still not cracked is due to Denuvo. so stop waiting for the crack version or asking like a fucking baby and go buy the game.
seriously (to the other comments up there) this game is wayy more interesting and fun than the ones they are asking for anyways. and it seems thats usually the case, people beg and whine about the shittiest games not being available yet lol. do yourself a favor and try out this awesome gem instead of whining for crap.
Why would skidrow give a shit about requests on this page anyway? This is for comments about this game, not shitty far cry. Go request games on the request page, dumbasses
Thx skid/rld Prophet
About the crybabies upthere begging for free games, this is no place for resquests, and try something different than cod / far cry / gta.
if you got a functionnal brain, of course. deadbrainers can stay on gta/battlefield
Getting a virus warning for the cracks steam_api.dll.
It’s the second release I got the same detection within the last few days (other one being game Endless Legend Tempest) and in both cases the dll is unusually large in comparison to other steam cracks?
I’m sure it is just a false alarm but here’s my warning for whatever it’s worth.
@song yup just a false alarm mate. if it had a virus it would not be here. not once downloaded anything from this site that had a virus and i download a LOT.
why dont you place downloads in better places?
those take mostly hours
Cant seem to copy the steam dll over from prophet directory. Says I dont have permission. Anyone know the fix for this?
So which is better? Starpoint Gemini Warlords (Recently came out) or Starpoint Gemini 2 (With all the DLCs). They are both two different games. As far as I had research, The Warlord version have a feature where you can command and build a fleet. Whereas, Starpoint Gemini 2 don’t have that feature except recruiting a few mercenaries ships. And whats most surprising is the fact that when I test my laptop for system requirements in Game-Debate. There are a huge amount of changes between Starpoint Gemini 2 and Starpoint Gemini Warlords. From the analysis, my laptop can play well in Starpoint Gemini 2 but not as much as in Warlord version (Still playable though). Anyway, those who had played both games, Which one is better in terms of experiencing with both games?
so… is the crack working or not =P
because mine ain’t working lel
Only game im wating for is god eater 2 since im not sure if i want to buy it 😀 tho others are nice time sink at end of the day thank you for the cracked games 🙂
its possible to change the Language to German ?