single-player game puts you in the role of a Jedi Padawan…..
This narratively driven, single-player game puts you in the role of a Jedi Padawan who narrowly escaped the purge of Order 66 following the events of Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. On a quest to rebuild the Jedi Order, you must pick up the pieces of your shattered past to complete your training, develop new powerful Force abilities and master the art of the iconic lightsaber – all while staying one step ahead of the Empire and its deadly Inquisitors.
Title: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Deluxe Edition
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 15 Nov, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172380/STAR_WARS_Jedi_Fallen_Order/
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Deluxe Edition v20211108-P2P
Size: 55 GB
Even when a game gets denuvo removed ,warez team are not even able to release a proper version . Warez team are sux all the ways . It is a pity to see how lazy they are . They are nothing anymore and certainly not crackers .
Wow thanks !
Finally last version without denuvo! ty
@yahari2222 Whining about free stuff? Entitlement to the maximum! Calling people lazy? How about you get a job and buy the game, stop living in your mom’s bedroom!
Good job guys. Thanks a lot <3
Dude yahari2222 this is free, you pay nothing you gave this people nothing
they also have lives and they also have to actually work so if you have time to complain
maybe you could cut this people some slack
btw guys
not many people appreciate the time and effort you put on this things
but some of us do so THANK YOU!
@yahari2222 We are eager to see your cracks. Maybe you ought to present a “properly cracked” version of this game?
If you can’t afford 40 EUR to buy a game, then play with what you get for zero cash or simply STFU. Nobody is obliged to present you cracked games.
@yahari2222, Ты пидор ебанный, заебал уже во всех темах хуйню писать, свали нахер, долбоеб.
buggy, glitch jump scare shit game
How can you say that? did you know how hard it is and time consuming to make release like this?
It’s maybe not as proper as some other, but they aren’t payed for, what did you think exactly? they are your slave?
You underestimate they work, if you think that you can do better and use your time to make something and then share it for free and not keeping it for you, do it, we will see if you keep so “nice” with people commenting your stuff…
And btw, the game can’t let us change voice language in game because of windows system dectection, so they made the game to be english voice by default because that the language the most comone for people too lazy too change or who don’t read the info.
It’s not there fault if there isn’t an ingame option, and they can’t add it in the game just like that…
Please… stop with those argument… “get a job”… “stop living at mom’s house” etc… grow up dude, please.
@yshsri2222 The fact that you’re them lazy when they are posting shit and even cracking these games makes you sound like a retard. Buy the game and stop being so whiny lol.
yahari crake le jeu toi meme cretin au lieu de pleurnicher comme un abrutit…
i own this already i suppose its time i restore my backup and let it update
Does this work?
do we still change dates to play this game?
Is this the version with new gameplus and a photo mode?
@yahari2222: Fcuk you and shame of you talk shit but only to yourself with hopeless.
thanks p2p group
very appreciate for your hard work. always
Finally denuvo got removed from this masterpiece 😀 Thank you so much guys 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
What a dum it’s a free game you idiot
Thank you.
Star Wars Squadrons please.
Has the Micro-stuttering issue been fixed now that Denuvo is removed?
Has anyone been able to change the audio of the game? when i try to put it in any other language they just go dumb.
@HungaryCuk: Maybe he lives in your mother’s befroom? You MAD? XD
STAR WARS Jedi Fallen Order v1.0.10.0 MULTi13-DARKSiDERS
Windows detected a virus on starwarsjedifallenorder.exe. Uploaded this on virustotal.com reported the same. Anyone tried it ?
what was the problem with it? Because I downloaded it long ago here and it was fine.
To All The Moaners, If You Dont Like It Dont Bloody Download It, Stop Bitchin like Little Girls, Its FREE SO SHUTUP
Stank Wars: Jedi Bitch Order
Stank Wars has always been a retarded franchise. All the characters are just fucking lame. Yoda sucks, Darth Vader sucks, and the whole Sucky Sith Order Sucks. Fuck Stank Wars. Stank Wars are for the majorly geeky, pasty White Men, who jizz in their skivvies over lightsabers. Lightsabers suck ass too. I can’t believe grown men go absolutely ape-shit over colorful sticks. Grown man-children such as yourself ought to be shot and hanged for good measure.
Use the force bitch. This entire game is a piece of shit. The developer man-children need to place their cocks on the chopping block to redeem themselves. Trashy game for trashy diaper men. You want daddy to buy you a lightsaber lollipop? You fucking geeky White Trash you. Voom! Voom! Ezoom! Goes the Trashsaber! Sorry lame fucks…
no polish dubbing jeb sie wdupe
Thanks So Much
At least I can use mods on this game and not fear being banned in my Origin account – GOOD JOB!
tnks *,..,*
only ENGLISH and RUSSIAN voices…
kyobitch bro do u ever remove the king size dildo off of ur ass? pls stop assuming this shit u r saying is funny. I mean ofc there are a few special ppl that will laugh at it but come on they also laugh when they manage to stuck their micro penis in a soda bottle so not a huge achievement there…
I have finished the game long ago. Beside the denuvo has been remove, any others difference between the old version compare to this?
Awesome game thank you.
shitty game thanks but no thanks.
no voice in french, soo bad 🙁
Sabem dizer se as linguagem in game foi alterado ? Não consigo além de inglês. Algum pach para corrigir isso ??