Sophont is an action packed science fiction first person shooter….
The year is 2999. Daniel Keldrik was a previous soldier who joined the biotic regime because he wanted to live up to his father. His father is known as the greatest biotic who ever lived and is royal protector to the King of Mars.
Title: Sophont
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 22 Mar, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/843650/Sophont/
Size: 14 GB
first,,,,,first time that i tell this, first
Gratz Sandro. You accomplished…nothing.
Looks like a very special game
If you feel like you’ve seen this FPS before, it might be because most FPS nowadays are just recolors of the same mediocre game template.
But then again, after actually downloading and giving the game a chance, I’m absolutely hooked! Recolors are nothing compared to the gameplay.
Biotic is a stolen term from Mass Effect
yet another scify themed shooter …
i abandon before start playing, it’s very badly optimize, and the intro is way too long i got bored and left/
first comment is homo lol
what makes these fools think that a poorly-written, poorly-optimised, hour-long, visually boring, slow-as-fuck intro is going to help sell a game? seems to be no mouse adjustment so camera is all over the place … I just couldn’t make it to the actual game cos no way I can sit through so much boring dogshit. If anyone likes this then good luck to you but for me it’s uninstall & delete asap.
this game i cant play, the loading screen takes 1, 2, 5, 10 minutes or more, impossible to play