Russia, 1612, Time of Troubles. The country is in chaos. People are….
Russia, 1612, Time of Troubles. The country is in chaos. People are starving. The state is torn apart by bloody wars. The main character, Boyar Yuri Miloslavsky, takes part in the gathering of the Nizhny Novgorod militia, in the Battle for Moscow, and in other historical events of that time. Will Yuri be able to correct the mistakes of the past, punish enemies, help stop the chaos, and unite the country?
Title: SMUTA/Смута
Genre: Action
Release Date: 04 Apr, 2023
Smuta v2.0.2-P2P
Size: 22 GB
Huyeta sploshnaya
Nice self description.
even adequate Russians understood what is shit this game
Get a life keyboard warrior.
Thx guys, hopefully one day they will translate to english
why do you want this shit to be translate in english ?
So then we westerners can understand better their point of view, it’s good to know both side of things isn’t it? I’ve got enough of contant pro-ukie bullshit that’s on tv and even on teh internets.
Are you serious? Just read the reviews and responses and you will understand what a shit it is. Let it die like it is.
cry harder please
absolutely correct opinion. It’s nice to see smart people who understand what’s going on and what the shit this game is.
Just eat some shit. It’s has same effect as playing this
lol so smart to have game only in one language russian chauvinism at peak
chauvinistic game for true “z” scum chauvinists made by chauvinists. it all fits!
Stop posting this shit.
Let’s make our internet clean from crappy fake history propaganda.
Developers and idiots who upload it. Please kill yourself.
Don’t understand why this shit is still alive
cleanse the world from filthy jews and the internet will become clean.
Stop seething and coping nafopollack, you’re spamming and it’s boring af, please follow your suggestion, kill yourself.
‘Don’t understand why this shit is still alive’=you and jewkraine, really why this shit is still alive, gotta ask Mr Putin why he didn’t nuked you and them…
Please, cry some more losers
Сколько раз вы будете постить этот вонючий русский мусор? Русские – вонючая нация и будут нейтрализованы до уровня крысы.
Нормальная игра.. Не шипи там из польского хлева, шелуха!
Primitivan si…da istrebiš neku naciju, kakva je to glupa ideja…ako gledamo kao primitivci onda nijedna nacija svetska ne zaslužuje da postoji. Nema te nacije, države kja nije ugnjetavala druge na najsvirepije načine. Engleska, Francuska, Belgija, Poljska, Italija… kad bih nastavio ne bi bilo kraja dok se ne nabroje sve zemlje sveta…U ostalom ovo je sajt za igre a ne za političko prepucavanje…
Sve najbolje
Слабо приехать ко мне в Россию и сказать мне это в лицо, нацистская ты падаль? Или ты только в Интернете пиздеть горазд? Ленинградская область, деревня Нурма, 5 дом, 7 км от районного центра Тосно, автобус 330А ходит от ж,д вокзала каждые 30 минут, подъезжай. Тут как раз около недалеко твои нацистские дружки, когда драпали в 1944-м, несколько могил на своём кладбище незаполненными оставили, так что будешь разлагаться в подходящей для тебя компании, нацистская ты гнида.
Хороший нацист – мёртвый нацист.
cry harder dumbass