Russia, 1612, Time of Troubles. The country is in chaos. People are….
Russia, 1612, Time of Troubles. The country is in chaos. People are starving. The state is torn apart by bloody wars. The main character, Boyar Yuri Miloslavsky, takes part in the gathering of the Nizhny Novgorod militia, in the Battle for Moscow, and in other historical events of that time. Will Yuri be able to correct the mistakes of the past, punish enemies, help stop the chaos, and unite the country?
Title: SMUTA/Смута
Genre: Action
Release Date: 04 Apr, 2023
Smuta v2.0.0-P2P
Size: 22 GB
Ruzzian crap game
No shekel gibs for you now taras.
U so right this crap here again
Just stop publish this fuckin piece of shit. This site is for games not for stupid propaganda of alternative history made by slack-handed thieves and bribe takers from dictatorship swamp
Thieves and bribe takers…Ukraine? Because they are known for their corrupcy and about dicatorship, cockainsky is past his cadency so he isn’t legitimate president and also tck is hunting for ukr males so tell me more about this dictatorship not in ukraine…
Fuck off. you are just “z” whore
Fuck off, you’re just a polish whore.
butthurt ukrainian and western wokers cry about game made by russian devs hahaha
Yea lol, they’re hard on ukropium right now and more so that Donarudo Toranpa won, LMFAOOOOO.
ruzzian trash alpha game developed for stealing money from budget
yup. all this crap must burn in a hell fire. ]
is going to be one day when nafoids do not spam this fucking pirated games site? do they not know that pirating games is illegal is jewmerica and jewrope?
newmerica and jew rope
Oh another anti jew. conspiracy theory fan freak. Who believe that all civilized countries ruled by crypto jewish government.
If piracy is illegal so to publish piracy shitty propaganda is double illegal
Oh so you’re pro joo lmfao, you’re really masochistic if you’re nonjew, because they hate us…fck being z whore like you called me is infinitely better than being (((eussr’s))) bitch, no rainbow-oids, no migrant/green deal in Russia and Byelorussia.
Not a chance sadly because they have demoralised (jewed) brain, they think and act the way juden want them to.
The war is over nafotards, no more billions for your shitlord Jewlenski.