Savage is a multiplayer-only game with a competitive focus…
Savage is a multiplayer-only game with a competitive focus. Combat includes both melee and shooter aspects, and should challenge even seasoned gamers. Servers are currently located in the US, EU, and AUS with more planned. Players may also host their own servers, use ours, or play offline!
Title: Savage Resurrection
Genre: Action, RPG, Strategy
Developer: S2 Games, LLC
Publisher: S2 Games, LLC
Release Date: 18 Aug, 2016
Savage Resurrection-PLAZA
Size: 4.7 GB
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F1 2016 pc please its a great game and I would pay video game. Thanks
isin’t this a multiplayer game ?
Does it include a multiplayer patch if it’s a multiplayer only game ?
Hi Skidrow, could we get F1 2016 Please?
f1 2016 have denuvo
f1 2016 is denuvo-ing
ya skidrow pls get f1 2016 i wan keep the file no crack because denuvo but i will keep it…f1 2015 cpy cracked it this year dunno ..haha
What is required to play this online? I tried making a lan match and it still said no. lol
i get this game for free on Free steam keys but ok
That was Beta key only bro.
Do you have newest update for this game? It requires newest update to play.
Did It Work On WIn 8.1
When I start the game it says unable to load online module
Unable to load online module, help?
Whenever i try to host a LAN game , it gets stuck at loading the scenario … What should i do ?
Same problem as Rohail.
Have you solved in some way ?
Couldn’t find a way @Konami