Without doubt flying virtual aircraft from your PC is one of the most interesting…
Without doubt flying virtual aircraft from your PC is one of the most interesting simulations – at the same time, it is one with a very steep learning curve. Ready for Take off, though, makes it especially easy to relive the last holiday trip from the cockpit’s view, even for less experienced PC pilots.
Title: Ready for Take off – A320 Simulator
Genre: Simulation
Developer: ExViRe
Publisher: SimWare Simulations
Release Date: 13 Apr, 2017
Ready for Take off A320 Simulator-CODEX
Size: 13.37 GB
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PlanetCoaster pls?
Buna ziua,
Va multumim foarte mult pentru noul joc incarcat pe site.
can we dragged passengers off plane in this game XD
Afterburner looks a more realistic flight simulator.
United Airlines Simulator
Yep, just as I suspected: Poor. If you go for this when X-Plane 11 is the alternative just a few games further down the list, then perhaps you and mediocrity were made for one another.
TheGreat bla bla bla
So what are you doing here then?
Ckecking it out, and you don’t believe anyone else should?
not kewl…..
Please don’t waste your time on this bologna. Scroll down a bit further and get X-Plane 11 as ‘TheGreatHadoken’ also recommended in the comments. X-Plane 11 is as good as it gets at the moment for flightsims imo (or FSX, its a preference thing, both are quality). Then just find a torrent with updated NAVDATA for X-Plane and you’ll be flying like a pro by the weekend.
Forgot too add to above comment, Still thank you Skidrow regardless of the quality of the game this site is top notch for game releases, most others have poop links that lead to viruses or INSERTGAMENAMEHERE.iso.rar which is 3MB for a 50 gig game lol.
How about a United Airline simulator?
Saving people 13GB worth of bullshit Oggdogg, but hey, there’s no accounting for taste buddy.
Agreed with Nate, appreciate all links regardless. I didn’t say it before because I’m ALWAYS saying it, but of course the one time you don’t, that’s the time somebody notices…
I’m sure they are smart enough?, to make up there own minds, fyi i have have FSX10 and X-plane 10 (original) and x-plane-11, but that still doesn’t give me the right to tell people what they should get, perhaps they are not looking for an authentic simulator?, and in any case it can easily be removed..
Of course you guys seem to think that nobody else can appreciate the difference..but w/e
the game is crash in level 7 and hang
did any one have the same problem ???
I got error while installing game!