Jill Valentine is one of the last remaining people in Raccoon City…..
Jill Valentine is one of the last remaining people in Raccoon City to witness the atrocities Umbrella performed. To stop her, Umbrella unleashes their ultimate secret weapon: Nemesis! Also includes Resident Evil Resistance, a new 1 vs 4 online multiplayer game set in the RE universe.
Title: RE 3
Genre: Action
Release Date: 3 Apr, 2020
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/952060/RESIDENT_EVIL_3/
Size: 21 GB
@Hoodlum Thank’s a lot ! Congrat !
Awesome! just Awesome!! I got a virus from the installation! Thx Hoodlum for the virus!!
you’re an idiot and how did you find this place if you’re this stupid is fkn baffling…
well i bought it a way back for the ps4
but thanks!
Hoodlum thank you again!! Sincerely from the bottom of my heart! For the virus seriously thank you
what virus ?
Game version?
That’s great! Thank you 🙂
Zamus Reborn, that virus you got is AIDS, from dirty buttsex its not your PC. Torrent is all good.
is it safe now?
q8uase comprei ainda bem que n comprei kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Is there anyone have crack only link?
i cant play it keep saying ” the code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found”, please help me.
so download MSVCP140. dll from browser and paste it on game directory anywhere on game directory and start your game
lol, you should download whole library from microsoft only website.
just downloading and putting it in your game directory is a sure way to get infected.
ashish – you’re a clown.
SHITLOOM and their shitty virus can suck my cock.
can i suck your cock while stroking my own?
nice upload, thank you, its working perfectly
well i was dissapointed with the virus… carefull
corrupted RAR volume … just a waste of time
tiene virus troyano la concha de tu madre puto
Trojan cryptinject in this download. I think i’ll skip and wait for another upload
Viene con un regalito llamado virus Troyano la re concha de tu madre manga de hijos de re mil puta casi me cagan la PC, vayanse bien a la mierda
the game dont save data anyone with this problem
Anyone know how to change the voice language from Russian to English? I tried changing it in the options menu and steam emu. I’m able to change the text to English. Other voice languages work when I tried French and Japanese but not English.
pls upload the uptobox link, its down so I cant download the game. Thx
Still with virus??
i have a problem with parameter is incorrect and cant launch the game
Cannot extract the file wirar password needes
Its work well, thank you for this game
i got HIV and hepatitis from a 70 y/o prostitute i fucked 20 sec without a condom with a soft dick.
my whole face and lips are covered in herpes cuz i ate her out.
is there anybody have only crack my game just crashed
@z here for the missing component of your pc https://fr.dll-files.com/msvcp140.dll.html
getting RE3.Exe not responding right after the final boss when jill sticks the gun on the monsters mouth. any idea how to fix this?
RE3.Exe not responding right after the last battle with nemesis. after JILL sticking the huge laser rifle on nemesis mouth. any solutions?
Why would you name your group HOODLUM when people want reliable sources? Lmao
Is it safe and working game ?
Thank you so much 😀
please someone tell me if i can download it now or not safe or not???
A: All safe. be aware from others fake website.
while installing game i am getting unpackaging error please help me
I’m not confident with the torrents files did someone used them
Thx M8 🙂
No estan bien los archivos rar. se produce un fallo al extraer ,despues de descargar 2 veces el game,hace lo mismo,ruego verifiquen los archivos que estan corruptos.Un saludo y grandisimo abrazo, ha los desalloradores de esta grandisima pagina y a todos us colaboradores sois unos champions¡¡
Does it really have a virus?
A:All rls are safe, don’t worr it’s just false positive in their installer, otherswhise search for repack.
This file is contaminated with the T-Virus
i can’t play it. keep saying “the code execution cannot proceed because XINPUT1_3.dll was not found”
please help me
always pop out missing component XINPUT1_3.dll
anyone can help?
is it safe to download? the torrent link. Because some comment says it has virus and some dont
quase comprei ainda bem q n fiz isso
I can’t open, app open only steam. Some help?
Anu poh password nka rar passwod poh xa dko ma extrct
file does not exist, why post if it does not exist? this world does not exist.
broken torrent links
Downloaded it , no viruses , everything is legit , but the game is too short i played it first time yesterday and i finished it in 3 hours …
Everything works fine , thank you
PC: i5 6400
RX 460 2GB
8GB 2133MHZ
Even with this potato PC game works pretty good on 1920×1080 LOW settings
please HOODLUM Resident Evil 2 Remake pleas
I can’t install the game, I’m in setup, I click on install game and it says Unpacking-error
Please Upload Resident evil 4 Remake
não estou conseguindo baixar o torrent eu consegui semana passada mas formatei o pc e agora não consigo mais.
não estou conseguindo baixar o torrent, consegui baixar semana passada joguei e tudo mas agora não estou conseguindo baixar de novo.
When starting the game black screen
Configure the Directx
Hi guys can you get the latest downloads for villge please.
Super dzięki nie ma wirusów śmiga jak ta lala pozdro
Thanks HOODLUM! The game works. I’d say you’re a good cracker than CODEX is. I emulated the game with Wine. After installation, I ran the re3.exe; the game opened with black screen, then crashed. I solved it by configuring DirectX Version in the game folder(that is, by changing DirectX12 to …11), also by overriding DirectX12 in the Wine Configuration Library. Once again, thanks a million times. Only If you had cracked or would crack Resident Evil 2 Remake. The CODEX Resident Evil 2 sucks