Step into the shoes of sports manager and lead your pro cycling team through a challenge-packed 2018 season. Compete in over 200 races across 500 stages around the world, including famous Tours such as La Vuelta and the iconic Tour de France.
Title: Pro Cycling Manager 2018
Genre: Simulation, Sports
Release Date: 28 Jun, 2018
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/704230/Pro_Cycling_Manager_2018/
Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Language.Changer-SKIDROW { Download | Download | Download |Download |Download | Download |Download | Download }
Note: Run Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Language.Changer.exe and select a language of your desired choice!
Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Stage.Editor-SKIDROW { Download | Download | Download |Download |Download | Download |Download | Download }
1. Unpack release
2. Run Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Stage.Editor.exe
3. Install into the same drive and folder \Games\ as Pro Cycling Manager 2018 - or else it wont work
So it should look like this:
• \Games\Pro Cycling Manager 2018\
• \Games\Pro Cycling Manager 2018 Stage Editor\
Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.WorldDB.2018.DLC-SKIDROW => Here
Pro Cycling Manager 2018-SKIDROW
Size: 6.7 GB
First Thanks !!!
Amazing! fast, thanks! <3
I installed, copy crack and started game.. when it starts it asks to make new profile. But you cant enter and nothing happens..
Thanx for all the help
Ok ignore my last message.. had to install from game folder user settings.. you should make a note for it, or else other noobs like me will ask .
I can´t install, after click install the installer not start.
i dont know if it happens to anyone else or my computer is blocked but, when i simulate races most of the racers finish same time.
Steam auth failled 🙁
the language selector doesnt work 🙁
We need new profile, (Users.cdb i think) we cant play
Game is not working for me. When I launch the game it says I have to create a profile and won’t let me continue.
OK is done, we need put manually, are in skidrow folder. ty
I have a problem with the language changer, this don’t work for me anyone of you have an explication ? the language is still in english, i change language in steam.ing and steam.api but no one of this work. Ty
Oh ffs, Jurassic World evolution will be a pile of dog shit. Any big name game that ever comes out that isn’t immediately made available on a crack site, you’ll get omegas like the dude up there begging for them, as if it were the very air they needed to breathe like a rabid cuckold begging for his wife’s passing attention.
Get a hold of yourself, man.
hello, i ve installed the game and crack with installer, i launch the game but I need a profile…
we need to start the pcm18 account setup to generate skidrow profile
For those that have trouble with create profile: go to game folder (C:\Games\Pro Cycling Manager 2018) and run Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Account.Setup.exe
Install to the game folder.
Hey ! Same Problem : Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Language.Changer doesn’t work…
alguem consegue entrar no jogo?
Les français qui veulent le jeu en français, le programme fournit par Skidrow ne fonctionne pas. Pour passer le jeu en français, editez le fichier steam_lng et remplacez le 8 par un 12
In english : For change the lang of your game, edit steam_lng and replace the 8 by a number :
5 Tchèque
6 Danois
7 Allemand
10 Espagnol
12 Français
14 Hongrois
16 Italien
19 Hollandais
20 Norvégien
21 Polonais
22 Portuguais
Downloaded using WinRar, extracted to desktop and then Installed. First of all, errors d3dx9_43.dll and
d3dx9_42.dll appeared on my screen. Downloaded both files and then it said it was needed a steam application to open PCM.
J’ai essayé de le faire comme tu l’as décrit, et comme je le fais à chaque fois avec le steam_lng mais ça n’a pas marché…
J’ai donc cherché une autre solution et j’ai trouvé ce qui a marché pour moi :
Allez dans C:\Users\votrepseudo\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2018\config
Ouvrez le fichier option.xml avec le bloc note ou notepad++ et trouvez la ligne :
21 (ligne 43 sur notepad)
Remplacez le “21” par “22” et cela devrait être bon.
Les codes language sont différents de ceux habituellement utilisés, je ne sais pas pourquoi ! J’en ai testé beaucoup avant de trouvé le bon (par exemple mettez “3” pour l’allemand)
Si ca peut aider certains 😉
In bad English : To change the language if doesn’t work with the usual methods, try this :
C:\Users\youraccount\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2018\config
Edit option.xml and change the line :
Change number : 22 = french ; 3 = Deutsch ; 8 = poland (i think) ; 12 = netherland ect
Try another number, like me, to find your language.
This method worked for me maybe for you too 😉
Je ne peux éditer mon message et seul le “21” est resté… La ligne que vous devez trouver est :
option_language 21 option_language et mettre 22 à la place.
I can’t Edit my message… The line you need to find is :
option_language 21 option_language
You know, I always opened all files from this site using Daemon Tools and never had any issue with requiring the latest version of anything. It always just worked. Perhaps try downloading Daemon Tools and using that if you’re having issues unzipping.
pour changer la langue il faut faire ça
allez dans ”C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2018\Config”
editez le fichier ”option”
cherchez la ligne ”21”
et mettre 22 a la place du 21 voila
If you get the steamauth you didn’t setup the account.
To do this you need to follow these steps.
1. Go the folder you installed the game to. Standard is C:\games\Pro Cycling Manager 2018
2. There should be a file called “Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Account.Setup”
3. Click on this and pick the folder you downloaded it to. Standard is Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Account.Setup
4. Open the game
5. Enjoy
What Saviour said works for me.
I’m having problems with the language changer.
All the other things seems to be working but I can’t change the language…
i start the game and nothing happens help plz
Someone managed to pass the profile creation?
Rien ne marche pour le langage du jeux …
j’ai aussi galèrer pour mettre le jeu en français mais en modifiant les fichiers comme dit au dessus j’ai réussi, (les deux opérations sont nécéssaire)
Was hard to install in french language, but when i change de Options.xml and Steam_ing, it works great.
TY very much for this game 🙂
J’ai un problème error 0xc000007b, j’ai tout fait les tutos sur interent, qqun a une idée ?
virus on crack
is anyway to upload crack separately without it?
When I click to run install.exe, it appears for a few seconds and disappears instantly. I completely removed windows defender and at the moment I am without any kind of antivirus. I only have problems with SKIDROW executables. Help, please!
Hi, how can i change the resolution cause the resolution by default is too high for my screen and i can’t see the option menu
Where I can find the crack?
Get this bug when running the installer. “Sorry an error occurred while extracting the files, look at log for more information.
Report: C:\Users\Admin\Appdata\local\temp\tmMwzmp7,uPC.log”
Please help
Fred, ton antivirus a mis un fichier en quarantaine, d’où ton erreur.
I can’t install.. After click install the installer not star. Please help me !
how to change language to Portuguese?
if you have Steam Auth Falied run copy the files from crack to folder where game is installed and then run the Pro.Cycling.Manager.2018.Account.Setup
Ehm, everything works fine, but I think the graphics are somehow set for a 4K monitor.. I can see 3/4 of the game on my screen but 1/4 is out of reach.. In-game it says that it is 1920×1080 but there is no way i can test other resolutions because i can not apply them.
problem with steam api 64.dll
whats the problem??
Same as above.
Cant copy steam_api64.dll
Any help?
Same as for Fred. Error: 0xc000007b. The application cannot start.
I updated the video driver, turned off windows defender, excluded in Avast.
Any possible solution? uninstalled, reinstalled several times but still no luck.
if you have resolutions problems do this
In drive(C for me) ➡ user ➡ user name ➡ AppData ➡ Roaming ➡ PCM2014 ➡ config ➡ option (open with worpad) and change :
768 change 1366* and 768
0 NOTE: FullScreen it’s 1 not 0
dll error as above.
J’ai aussi une erreur 0xc000007b et j’ai également tout essayé comme begbie 🙁
I have the same error 0x000007b any solution ??? please
Skidrow 2018 installer doesnt work. It just sits there and says installation will soon finish. Does nothing. I don’t have an anti virus installed.
Ramdom Hero
Après avoir suivi ton tuto ca marche niquel merci beaucoup +++ !!!!!!!!