Use your Time Powers, combat, and platforming skills to perform deadly combos and defeat time-corrupted enemies and mythological creatures.
Title: Prince of Persia The Lost Crown
Genre: Adventure, Action
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2024
NOTES: This is not the actual PC version, this is Ready to Play on PC using Emulator.
How To Install/Play:
1- Mount iso
2- Install
3- Play
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown-EMU
Size: 3.55 GB
This is not prince of persia … look at that stupid haircut
I was thinking the same. Did this game get woke too? (I’m asking anyone who played the full game)
Play the fucking game before opening your mouth, no, he is not the prince of persia, he is a warrior trying to save the prinche
replying to “Joe”
honestly I didn’t know. I was genuinely asking because I have never played a game from this franchise before. I only saw pictures and posters from the previous titles and the cover of this game was different from all of them. That’s why I asked! No need to get angry.
@Joe, youre that dumb? You cannot rescue the princess only because of modern politics, thats only why they created this “new” character nobody asked for and make him save now the weak cuckold persia prince. the modern famale have to be bigger and more muscular like every male person, like you can also see in this game here too
its fully garbarge of woke shit, dont even try to puke one good word about this or are you cucked too?
You’re clueless. Right about one thing. This liberal right here wants your guns!!! Cunt.
Everytime i read woke there is a fascist behind
Seriously man, So what if its a black dude with an afro. I think he looks rad.
The original prince of persia was a brown dude, not a white one. You should show a bit more tolerance.
LMAO HAHAH nice one.
Woke of Persia.
those leftist won’t leave us alone.
somehow in Persia when he was supposed to be Arabic, whoops he’s black.
🤣🤣🤣🤣, you know DiVeRsItY.
Persia (Iran) isn’t Arabic. They are Aryans, just like Germans and Indians. Similar to Slavs (Russians) they are all of Indo-European ancestry.
another “rightist” showing its ignorance 😉
For Martin the gubu shartin, this hero is an immortal – he’s not the Prince of Persia! Dumb dumb.
Also, this version isn’t the best port. The proper Switch version with all DLCs is 6GB. You’ll want to play this game on Yuzu early access.
Ya empieza la gentuza mierdosa a decir que es woke no se que.. puta gentuza de mierda que no sabéis ni de que coño habláis … dejad de decir gilipolleces basuras que woke ni que pollas.. es un enorme y grandioso juego de Ubisoft pasa que no tenéis ni putísima idea, dejad de de criticar sin saber que coño estáis hablando hijos de puta
Hey gilipoyas,pagafantas cucked up simp.
Callate la puta boca gilipoyas,este juego es una Mierda como otros tantos que ha sacado Ubisoft que son unos ladrones.
Y lo de woke? toda la razon del mundo,vete a la mierda y juntate con tus colegas esos que usan 451 pronombres y tienen el pelo azul y naranja y ponte a el travelo de Dr Who o mejor aun las Marvels.
Me das asco pero asi asco de verdad,callate o ya veras que te voy a revental el culo verbalmente con verdades que tus padres nunca te dijeron.
Si quieres mas te reto a que me contestes,hoy tengo ganas de fiesta y tu eres el woke candidato del dia.
Pagafantas cuck de miera.
The only Prince of Persia games were the ones from the eighties and nineties.
The rest of the “franchise” is just a pile of trash for graphic whores and imbeciles who think misusing words makes them cool or superior to others. But it’s not their fault that they’re brain-damaged: Their Dad-Uncle and Mom-Sister are to blame for it.
i will agree with you that the old versions were really good and enjoyable but as for the rest you are exactly like a pot calling the kettle black lol
Supposedly, you play as Sargon, an immortal on a quest to rescue the prince caught in a time curse……….why tho? Wtf is the point of not playing the beloved hero of the franchise?
What is this? What they did to the grand PoP Franchise? Its was about “1001 nights” and not about woke wet fantasies
full game 3gb only ?
we play on pc but its not pc version ? i dont understand ….
This is the Nintendo Switch port of the game with an emulator (yuzu, I presume). You have to wait for EMPRESS or another skilled hacking group to crack the denuvo for this game.
I’m going to stand out from the rest and say thank you, instead of crying about the fact that the hero is the wrong color or god knows what. It’s a good metroidvania and I couldn’t ask for more.
Its not even out yet, this is clearly not reliable
Saying a game is going “woke” is because of skin color cringy asf. This ant-woke crap is getting to the point that it doesn’t have more relevance because any differences is somehow woke. STFU please.
100p for the install music !!!
Woke of persia
lol just download the game and enjoy it broke bitches.
cual es el pasos del crack?
bando de cuzao q adora espaço pra política vão dá os seus cus nem parece q é um game direitista esquerdista meu ovo, essa porra do país tá do jeito q tá por causa de vcs q pagam de intelectual mas n passam de um monte de burro
For all the ignorant right-wing scum (pardon the redundancy), this is not Prince of Persia. You’re controlling one of the 7 immortal warriors. Do the world a favor and vanish without crying so much.
Regarding the game, it’s a bit tricky to play on the emulator; I’ll wait for the PC version.
it has denuvo..i suppouse it will be not so soon cracked.. sadly said.. why empress skidrow codex or realoaded or other groups not trying crack that game?
also waiting to be cracked lastest hit titles like mortal kombat 1 Street Fighter 6 or assasins creed mirage , sonic superstars or perfect racig game Crew Motorfest!!! plus longer time waiting on thos titles: Sniper Elite 5, Dead Space (remake), Star Wars Jedi Survivor, NFS Unbound, Callisto Protocol when it will be cracked all those titles?
btw which emulator we are talking about here yuzu or ryujinx?
this one is Yuzu, but you can download the Switch ROM separately and run it by using Ryujinx. Here’s the download link for the Switch ROM and it’s update file(s): https://www.ziperto.com/prince-of-persia-the-lost-crown-deluxe-edition-switch/
To hell with color, what happened to his hair??
the game is woke..
he dont try to save the princes but the price hahaha
the world is broken
Il est bien indiqué que ce n’est PAS la version actuelle donc j’ai du mal à comprendre les hurlements de certains (qui sont à priori anglophones et qui devraient comprendre plus facilement que moi ce qui est écrit !!)
is it final PC game what had released on second week of january o not? or tell me what is it then? will be pc game cracked also?
i just wanna know if the iso works or not ._.
The egs version is crackable right? i can wait until then
I tried the Game multiple Times , but this Version isnt that responsive and dont run on 60 Fps , thats unplayable for me .
Lol at the woke comments. What have the word become now? So now any and everything that isnt about a white dude is woke now? The only non-woke right thing to do is to only have male and white protagonists, probably with shaven head too to have that generic stock silent protagonist look.
What the hell are you guys smoking
And some get mad when theyre called racists… literally only praise white guys, anything but white guys is ‘woke!’. Makes me wonder if theres something else… is there a term for the inverse of jungle fever?
the game works fine ,60 fps great graphics
I want to play a Transgender Girl with blue hair and Pali flag. Otherwise i feel offended
Haha ha ha – best commentary on this page so far !
damn it’s a Fitgirl installation gotta wait until August 2025 for installation to finish :'(
Will you upload the latest dlc of prince of persia the lost crown game?