Planet Coaster is an upcoming construction and management simulation developed and…
Planet Coaster is an upcoming construction and management simulation developed and published by Frontier Developments for Microsoft Windows due to be released in Q4 of 2016
Title: Planet Coaster
Genre: Construction and management simulation
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments
Release Date: 22 Mar, 2016
Crack.Fix-STEAMPUNKS { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Support the software developers. BUY iT!
Planet Coaster-STEAMPUNKS
Size: 6.05 GB
Poleeee. Finally here
Finally 😀 Thanks ! I try this game for later buy!
Steampunks have gone mad!!! XD
That’s Insane
sniper elite 4 please
all download links are ” Uploading”. YAY!!!!
Seriously thank you for the great work
FIRST? maybe
they said they will crack 3 games, coaster dawn of war and total warhammer is this the begining? if so holy monkey balls thank you
Just upload it already lol
Links Added! “Refresh Using CTRL+F5”
Don’t Forget Support the software developers. BUY This Game!
Now we need Total War Warhammer for windows !!! 😀
All hail steampunks!
THANKS!!!! I was yesterday asking and now its here <3 THANK YOU SKIDROW
Dear Steampunks don’t forget Unravel…
oahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahah deadnuvi gone mad for sure hahahahahahahahhahahahah
I highly recommend to buy this game and support the creators. There’s a lot of content released by the community that you can’t download with a pirate release, also, this game has constant updates.
The game crash and doesn’t start…Any idea guys ?
is it supports online?
dont work for me, always “error send” at launch … same in admin.
Steampunks flexing there muscles
cannot play here, it crashes everytime…
what should i do??
thank you!
Hello guys, just wanted to say fuck you Skidrow!
Dont work this crack
Game installs fine. Language change works fine. Upon launching it crashes every time. My legit copy doesn’t do that.
Something in the crack not working as expected(for me).
game crashes to game crash reporter….
Don’t work… Every time I launch the game, it crash.
thank you steampunks.???
Still crashing at startup, some fix ? I have reinstalled it, restart PC, trying compability, starting as administrator…. and nothing helped… Some FIX?
for some reason it crashes when I launch it 🙁
i cant play,Opening error
After installation and folder STEAMPUNK application on the installation folder, the game still crash
the game won’t launch… it crashes always… win7, but people in win8 and win10 also report crashes… hope they will fix it soon
Acho que os jogos da EA e Ubisoft têm algum segredo extra além do Denuvo… Unravel, Titanfall 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands são jogos com bastante notoriedade e nunca quebraram nenhum deles. Parabéns aos grupos que estão nessa luta (cpy, baldman e agora steampunks). Thanks!
thanks can you guys do total war warhammer plz
Thank SO much to Steampunk, but I have one issue. Every time i try to start the game, it will only open crash report saying that the game crashed. Can anyone help me?
the game dont start for me, he crash all the time
Install the game even the DirectX all Visual Basic libraries apply the crack but at the start of the game comes a crash report window 🙁
people, support if possible, I know this game is the nut to crack to run in lower specs but if everything runs fine imma gonna purchase, I encorage to everyone do the same, Frontier is a really nice company and this game deserves your money.
reinstalled it 4 times, game keeps crashing, am i the only one getting this issue?
Just crashed on start up fix that pls :CCC
WOW ty sooooooo much..steampunks/skidrow!!! you guys rock!!!
Gameplay – 1:38 the Guy on the coaster is have a wank 😀
Thanks for the upload 😉
Doesn’t Work 🙁
Tanks for Uploading.
But Game wont start. Instant crash while launching. Shown no error or something.
Tried to reinstall the game dont worked.
game crash on startup
steampunks are kickin ass!
No B.L He can also crack our favorites, Including Unravel
This, sadly, did not work for me, I did all the things, even copied the crack separately, just in case. Key gen says it works and to click play, so I did, but it keeps on popping the crash report screen, never actually opens the application though, never even gets that far. I did allow it to install the DX and the C++ it came with, also just in case. And everything is up to date on my end. Oh, and I set it to run as administrator, still nothing. And I created new rules to block all executables in my firewall, both in and outbound.
Sorry, I cannot think of anything else to do to try to get this to work.
Hi. Doesnt work. When lauching the game with the desk shortcut, after copying the crack folder to the game folder, a report window opens saying the game crashed.
Im first, you suckers.
Thankyou so Much dude!!! You Guys are AWESOME!!!
Thanks Very Much Steampunks <3
the game crashes after initializing, someone with the same problem?
Yes Skidrow!!!! I’m waiting so long for this one! Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!!! You make me happy as a child! If you are a girl I wanna marry you! 😛
Greetz, Legion.
game wont start click play and crash raporter comming up
is there a way to download blueprints from steam or somewhere?
Ladies and gentlemen STEAMPUNKS are running wild !
Oh dang, steampunk achieved the unthinkable once again.
Omg… i love you guys
Every link is being displayed as uploading, even the torrent one too please see to the matter. Thankyou
game doesnt start. when i press play or i click on the launcher it said send some notification, pls steampunks be like codex all games working
Crashes on startup for me. I have all Windows updates installed and the latest Nvidia update. I have Win8.1 and Nvidia 980ti.
It’s crash with me. Windows 10 64bit, Core i5 4200M, GT820M
Is this legit? Awesome work Steampunks! Another one down!
The game is in Spanish?
Crashes on launch (using stp-pc.exe as per instructions)
Dear Steampunk ,the game crashes in startup.Ive already reinstall it 3 times,i also checked for necessary updates in my laptop and everything are fine and updated.(i have the minimum requirements)Any help and fix would be greatly appreciated!Thank you so much for your hard work to bring us free all the greatest games!
steampunk games works like shit, im sorry to say it but its the truth. codex pls come back fuu this steampunkbuggygameswhitnocrackandallwayserrors
Installs fine but crashes 🙁 Hope a fixed crack is out soon 🙂
Game crashes
Does not work
Mh game works fine but a friend of mine has the same issues with the crash @ start
Thanks for cracking ! works pretty well
Game works perfectly, Win10 x64, i7-4790k, i7-6700k- NV GF680 – NV GF 980, following setup instructions, executed with admin rights. Last Nvidia Drivers, Win 10 creators update 1703 with last updates. I think crashes are CPU ID related
Game keeps coming up with Crash every time i try to start it, Please fix thank you
i don’t get it, why bother to upload when people can’t start but crash? haven’t tried it yourself steampunk? Crackfix, EVERYONE
Game crashes on launch
We need fixed crack. Creashed oppening screen. Win10, i7 6700k, Gtx980.
Crash on startup , ive tried all compatibility setting with same out come .
Win 10 64bit
i7 6700k @ 4.6
GTX 980 ti sli
samsung evo ssd
Hi guys. Yeah, same thing with me. I have a very good PC and the Alpha version is running like a charm on my PC but I just reinstalled this “cracked” version 2 times and every times I launch it I get a pop up showing an error. I got it from kickasstorrent by the way but it’s the same version than here.
Thanks Steampunks!. 😀
Unravel the following please. 🙂
Crack Fix Added 😀
Enjoy Guys
now my antivirus found malware
thx for crackfix now it works 🙂
After the crack the game is working excellent!Thank you so much Skidrow you are the BEST 🙂
for those who can’t start this game because crashes – just download crackfix from other skidrow page 🙂
Hi, use the crackfix guys…than it works…
New crack worked!! win 10
Finally, thanks to all who made this possible. Hopefully it works well!
It doesn´t work. Says that failed to create key or something.Download at your own risk.
Hi guys, this might help for instant crash. I have used the crack from JonnyK (its in this comment) which help solving the issue
Game Doesnt Work in the start, ;(
i have windows 8.1 card 1060 GTX all Librerys C++ Directx .. etc all OK
and game doesnt help please
crack added , i didnt read
NOW WORK 100% thanks thanks thanks for try play this game
The game is working now fix Thanks
hey guys,just wanna say it wont launch on win8/8.1
just 7/10
so sad buy true
The game crashes at startup…
Crack fix works, like a charm. You did that in a professional and timely manner. Good job guys, much appreciated.
Hi guys do you know where i can find the language files?
Damn you.. Why does this finally come online, when I go send my laptop for repair tomorrow 🙁
Download this:
Paste the files into the planet coaster folder and it should work, at least it did for me 🙂
With crack fix game work perfectly 🙂
The Crack fix works, but the game still crashes when playing the game.
Start stp-pc.exe
than it will work
Cant install it, it says the source file is corrupted
Those complaining about the game not working please refrain from ever speaking or breeding for that matter. These people who crack these games for us don’t do it to cater to those who just complain about it not working. Reminder that these people don’t have to do anything for us or even give us these games for free. If you have an issue buy the game and don’t complain.
I bought it to support game developers.
Thank you very much, Skidrow.
It’s working.
You’re the best.
Hey, even after installing the Crackfix game keeps on cracking, but i think it’s something else. The pop-up window says that the detected steam path has something to do with dead island’s steam then “Keygen Status: Failed to create license directory! Please check Steam path and Run As Admin.”
Help plz!!
Any idea??
Waiting for this since the release…
2 weeks at hospital and now the best surprise is here!!! thanks !
Thank you steampunks and skidrow!
It’s working perfectly !
Thank you for another amazing release.
Please may I ask….
Is there a way to use steam mods with this …if so ….how?
Thank you for any assistance.
thank you very much for this game !!! (sorry for my english i’m french lol !!!)
Does this work? Wasn’t it impossible to crack before due to the DRM Denuvo?
It’s very difficult yes, but not impossible if time is put into it. Steampunk has done the work of a saint for cracking denuvo games recently.
Much thanks to him and skid for putting it out for us.
It really really works after the crack is placed. The crack that johnnyk placed on here. Wow ThAnk you so excited
———————-Pour ceux qui on du mal :
Pour moi ça a marché comme ça :
telecharger jeux + crack
faire l’instal avec le crack
si ça marche pas telecharger le crack fix et coller le dans le dossier
pour le passer en French re-ouvrir le 1er dossier et ouvrir STP-SELECTOR
Passer en french + save.
et la le jeux doit fonctionner en francais
Hello i’ve made a mirror
Crack fix worked!
Nosteam is far more better than this buggy shit. Keep it in your ass STEAM PUNK.
the crack fix is giving me problems with antivirus, saying that there’s a trojan in the download, what do I do? should I remove the antivirus dowload the file and then reactivate the antivirus or what?
Can someone help me,
The game works fine but i can not save the game for some reason.
It keeps saying failed to save the game does someone know how to resolve this issieu
Game CRASH when start benchmark run good but game not..
Update 1.3 !! Please please …. You are awsome !!