Planet Coaster-FULL UNLOCKED

Planet Coaster is an upcoming construction and management simulation developed and…
Planet Coaster is an upcoming construction and management simulation developed and published by Frontier Developments for Microsoft Windows due to be released in Q4 of 2016
Title: Planet Coaster
Genre: Construction and management simulation
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments
Release Date: 22 Mar, 2016
Note: Wait For Crack!
Planet Coaster-FULL UNLOCKED
Size: 5.9 GB
- OS: Windows 7 64-bit
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8GHz or AMD FX-4300 3.8GHz
- RAM: 8 GB System Memory
- GPU RAM: 2 GB Graphics Memory
- GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7850
Planet Coaster-FULL UNLOCKED
- Extract
- Wait For Crack
- Play
Posted by
Thaaaaaanks, you rock
Thank you so much, I was waiting for this!
OMG! You’re great, Skidrow! Thank you.
When will there be a crack available?
Never been this early to a game before, what’s the average wait time on a crack?
How long do cracks typically take?
Just to say guys we don’t have the crack yet so this doesn’t work
I don’t know what I am doing wrong but its not working for me
Thanks, is this the full version of the game that came out today?
It’s DENUVO protected 🙁
Does this game use Denuvo?
There’s a cracked early alpha version on this side – without denuvo – and it works!
What does “full unlocked” means since it has no crack inside?
let it to CPY !!!
Where is The Sims 4 City Living, Please, please, please
Hey is this the full game that just released today?
Crack pleaseeeeeeeeee
Thanxxx <3
There will be a crack for this or we are waiting for nothing?
crack please thank you so much!
Isn’t this using Denuvo? Doubt it’ll get a crack anytime soon.
omg, im so anxious
Just waiting for the crack!!!1
whats the point of this torrrent without a crack??…
crack plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, i wanna playyyyyy
Guys, sadly it’s denuvo protected so it’s either going to be a week (extremely rare) or over a few months so good like waiting
is this real?
its denuvo guys, you’ll have to wait hahah….honestly its a great game. Its worth the money.
Only 4 Denuvo games have been cracked, there is a good chance this game will never be cracked.
no work
Thanks heaps, just need to wait for the crack to come out guys and because it uses denuvo it may take a little longer than you think
All you ppl asking for crack…. Planet coaster has denuvo drm…
is the crack out yet?
I didn’t realize games were uploaded without cracks–I’ve never seen it before. Will we have to download the entire thing again once the crack is out?
Thanks for the upload–cheers!
Oh god dammit, it’s denuvo so I downloaded this for no reason.
Krustan, last time I waited for a game with Denuvo to be cracked, it took over a year…
no crack yet, just base game files. CPY where art thou.
Thankss, waiting for the crack ^^
It’s DENUVO protected !
pls crack
you mean the cracked early alpha version of this game works?, or do you mean the crack from the EA version of this game works with the full release?
Why do you say unlocked? if it is not yet unlocked?
crack please?
So is it unlocked or not? It says “wait for crack” but in the same time “fully unlocked”, I don’t understand…
Wiil be crack today?
Cant wait for the crack..argh! 🙂
God, teenagers are dumb. lol. This game is NOT CRACKED. It will not work.
thx, cant wait for the crack to play the game <3
Why “full unlocked” since it has no crack? What does it mean?
Thanks it works great
where is the crack
crack ???? faster
“Full Unlocked” Means no download restriction you dummies. Normally without purchasing the game you cannot download this file. The file has been “Unlocked”.
In this state anyone can come download this and work on a crack.
waiting for crack , when will be avaiable? ^^
It has denuvo. Check it on steam: “Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Antitamper”
When will the crack will be available?
Crack will probs not be released for a while
this game no is importan like others so forget it is Denuvo b1tch
For those of you still wondering, planet coaster is protected by Denuvo… Meaning this crack could take a month, it could take a year, or it could never come at all. If CPY is working on a crack you won’t even know about it until they’re done, so all you can do is wait unfortunately.
Doesn’t work, ” Missing VCRUNTIME140.dll
how do i install this game? its differnt files from the others 🙁
Any estimate of how long a crack will take?
Also an unrelated comment, any idea about the SIms 4 City Living?
Sorry to sound impatient, haha I appreciate you guys SO much, you rock …. but I’m also dying to play both of these so if you have a time estimate, it’d be wonderful.
Cracked Pilzzzz
Why are you said: “UNLOCKED” ??? NOT UNCOLKED, couse we waiting for the CRACK!!!
Tanks for that !
cpy website say they got crack, i did try download it but i can’t do that stupid thinking they want so they give crack
cpy website say they got crack, i did try download it but i can’t do that stupid think they want so they give crack
lol next time I read the comments first… I downloaded a bunch of scrapdata lol no crack… lol
Cracked here Search on Google “493340”
” full unlocked “
we need this fucking crack !!! plz send link
when will be so the crack
its craked by cpy
his crack please
game costs 35$ its liek 1 day of work….. even half day….
i <3 Denuvo !!!!
i hope they will start make also protections for MMORPG… no bots,hacks etc…
open steam_api64.dll decrypt file
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() true; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local %s.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate interface factory in %s.
Steam_ReleaseThreadLocalMemory [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; no appID found.
Either launch the game from Steam, or put the file steam_appid.txt containing the correct appID in your game folder.
SteamAppId %u SteamGameId %llu steam_appid.txt steam://run/%u steam://run/%u// InstallPath Software\Valve\Steam \steam.exe %s\steam.exe o p e n %s\%s yes no Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: %lld [API loaded %s]
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Setting Steam ID: %lld
Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Breakpad_SteamWriteMiniDumpUsingExceptionInfoWithBuildId Breakpad_SteamWriteMiniDumpSetComment Breakpad_SteamSetSteamID Breakpad_SteamSetAppID Breakpad_SteamMiniDumpInit Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
pid Setting breakpad minidump AppID = %u
Forcing breakpad minidump interfaces to load
Using breakpad crash handler
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec %02d:%02d:%02d %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d SteamClientDll SteamGameServer012 ðaB; ÀŒ@; à¬@; bad allocation pbB; $@; `@; _hypot csmà “ ) € “ èbB; ¬@; à¬@; Unknown exception e+000 m s c o r e e . d l l CorExitProcess ÖA; ×A; `×A;
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– f l o a t i n g p o i n t s u p p o r t n o t l o a d e d
R 6 0 0 8
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r a r g u m e n t s
R 6 0 0 9
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r e n v i r o n m e n t
R 6 0 1 0
– a b o r t ( ) h a s b e e n c a l l e d
R 6 0 1 6
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r t h r e a d d a t a
R 6 0 1 7
– u n e x p e c t e d m u l t i t h r e a d l o c k e r r o r
R 6 0 1 8
– u n e x p e c t e d h e a p e r r o r
R 6 0 1 9
– u n a b l e t o o p e n c o n s o l e d e v i c e
R 6 0 2 4
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r _ o n e x i t / a t e x i t t a b l e
R 6 0 2 5
– p u r e v i r t u a l f u n c t i o n c a l l
R 6 0 2 6
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r s t d i o i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
R 6 0 2 7
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r l o w i o i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
R 6 0 2 8
– u n a b l e t o i n i t i a l i z e h e a p
R 6 0 3 0
– C R T n o t i n i t i a l i z e d
R 6 0 3 1
– A t t e m p t t o i n i t i a l i z e t h e C R T m o r e t h a n o n c e .
T h i s i n d i c a t e s a b u g i n y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n .
R 6 0 3 2
– n o t e n o u g h s p a c e f o r l o c a l e i n f o r m a t i o n
R 6 0 3 3
– A t t e m p t t o u s e M S I L c o d e f r o m t h i s a s s e m b l y d u r i n g n a t i v e c o d e i n i t i a l i z a t i o n
T h i s i n d i c a t e s a b u g i n y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n . I t i s m o s t l i k e l y t h e r e s u l t o f c a l l i n g a n M S I L – c o m p i l e d ( / c l r ) f u n c t i o n f r o m a n a t i v e c o n s t r u c t o r o r f r o m D l l M a i n .
R 6 0 3 4
– i n c o n s i s t e n t o n e x i t b e g i n – e n d v a r i a b l e s
D O M A I N e r r o r
S I N G e r r o r
T L O S S e r r o r
r u n t i m e e r r o r R u n t i m e E r r o r !
P r o g r a m : . . .
M i c r o s o f t V i s u a l C + + R u n t i m e L i b r a r y ¸Ñ@; cB; \Ò@; à¬@; bad exception ðàA; áA; áA; áA; j a – J P z h – C N k o – K R z h – T W Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April June July August September October November December AM PM MM/dd/yy dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss S u n M o n T u e W e d T h u F r i S a t S u n d a y M o n d a y T u e s d a y W e d n e s d a y T h u r s d a y F r i d a y S a t u r d a y J a n F e b M a r A p r M a y J u n J u l A u g S e p O c t N o v D e c J a n u a r y F e b r u a r y M a r c h A p r i l J u n e J u l y A u g u s t S e p t e m b e r O c t o b e r N o v e m b e r D e c e m b e r A M P M M M / d d / y y d d d d , M M M M d d , y y y y H H : m m : s s e n – U S
Well lets hope they can find a way to crack it
Denuvo (Person who commented) Prepare to be banned cocksucking motherfucker :*
When will crack be available ?
Yeah… Half day of work… In Poland it’s at least two days if someone has average earnings….
Look out for CPY crack, its been released. Enjoy the game and if u like it and u can, buy it! We need to support this kind of games these days.
pls hurry up im a starving ethopian child, pls escalate this crack i need it or else i die
is the cpy version legit?
I’m not sure about the CPY version, it’s asking me to install some additional software. Has anyone tried it?
Im wondering about the cpy crack too, can someone confirm if it works ? It looks very sketchy to me
The CPY is virus , and it installs 7-zip it does nothing more than that.
it dont seem clean download on cpy website
Downloaded this and applied the CPY crack. Does not work. The Steam store page for the game launches instead, and no luck getting the game to run.
I tried the CPY version + crack but all it does is open up the Planet Coaster url in my steam. Anyone know if I’ve done something wrong?
Might just buy this game before trying it seems like an awesome game for not a bad price
CPY didn’t work for me
CPY crack doenst work, instead of start the game it will open Steam……. useless…..
I tried the cpy version and its shit, don’t download
I really would like to buy this game, but my computer specs are below minimum requirement. This means i will probably not be able to play this game properly, but i really want to try it out to see if it works for me. CPY crack is fake, don’t download it.
Guys i know your working on crack but i hope it you will get the crack not like with far cry primal just left it pls , pls make a crack
So, where to have the cpy crack ? cause it’s not seem legit at all !
No, CPY is a hoax
No i tried out the CPY version is a scam/fake.
Hey guys. I tried looking for CPY crack as somebody said here but it´s not working. Or… it might be but I don´t trust it. My antivirus blocked it. I deactivated it for a while, downloaded it but it´s some kind of an .exe file and I´m not opening that. CPY shows in his youtube video a fully working crack files which I tried downloading but he is lying. You´ll only download an .exe file… If anybody tries to install it, let me know if there is any crack hidden inside that file. 😀 But I think that the game won´t be cracked anywhere soon as for example – Rise of the Tomb Rider took how long a year to crack it? 😀 I´ll probably buy the game if there is no crack in like a week or two. But anyways thank you for the hard work you put into all the games for us to download for free. 😉
CPY crack doesnt work, it only open Steam instead of start the game….. FAKE CRACK
How is it “FULL UNLOCKED” if there’s no crack?
It could take months to crack this because it’s denuvo protected but because of the fact that denuvo has beed cracked serveral times now ( i.g. Rise of the Tomb Raider) could it also be cracked in a few days.
I have found de CPY version, the size matches (5.7GB) but it is ONE RAR file, I havent test it, I will wait for SKIDROW to release, if the crack is working, SKIDROW WILL UPLOAD!
where mathias
just google the name of the game “+ cpy” its something with games and NO “-” (hyphen) in the middle
DON’T install the crack from “CPY” (CPY has NO Site and NO YT Channel)
I tested the “Crack” and got a Virus. Nothing Special but a Virus..
matias, be careful, cpygames is not safe.
ye this game will take much time for be cracked, forget it for now …
somebody know if the CPY crack working?
CPY crack ojust opens steam for me. Waiting for skidow
Crak plizz im must be play
I luve ur work !
But is there a way to follow the crack’s progress ?
Thanks for your works and good luck for the denuvo cracking (you’ll beat it !)
it’s a locked games “full unlocked”. Whats does “full unlocked” even mean ?
Don’t download the CPY crack .. ITS A VIRUS
Lol CPY is not a legit website. Cracks are packed full of malware, and the “reviews” are all fake.
where mathias?
CPY crack is not working, I download it myself and tried it but it just takes you back to steam. FAKE
CPY Crack is fake, also i dont think this crack will be ever available. I just want to test the game before buy, but it seems i will not do that, time to open the wallet
Come on guys.. some info about crack ?
is the crack coming anytime soon?
crack plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Is there a way to follow the progress of the crack for its game ?
Thanks for your work, you’ll beat the denuvo code !!
So this is just a click bait download, you try to install and steam opens. No crack.
CPY Crack is scam/hoax and madly infected, i suggest not downloading it and wait for a proper crack. CPY just lost my confidence in them
Is the game cracked now? Need to play it now! 😀
Are we waiting for the crack of the game, any prediction of when it will leave?
In the CPY Website seens like they have cracked already, at least i checked it today and the users aproved 100%…
u can start the game without a crack got it, thanks ski
When available the crack for this? i need play this game :3 , Greetings from Uruguay xD
Crack? ;-; I really want to play it so bad
Need to play it now
Do not download the CPY crack, it is a fking bait.. Like that
Crack please
Oyun çok pahalı. Umarım crack yakın sürece çıkar. (This is game very expensive. I hope crack will come out soon.)
Please, need the crack … guess this one is not a priority for Skidrow …
Need the crack please ! 😀 I make a 10$ donate if it release.
Now, deus ex is cracked, can we hope a crack for this game soon?
i think you guys need a job, i mean don’t give hope, it uses denuvo, just get a job and buy the game..
I don’t know how half of you people are even capable of torrenting a game without knowing what “Full Unlocked” means… Just support the devs and buy it , everything cant be free you spoiled brats.
Crak plizz
cpy crack……malware!!! do not download it!!!……..warning
Like the guys say Buy the game or wait for the crack but don’t download CPY it is a virus i downloaded it than after 99.99 percent the programm said do you want to make a survey for the passwort to unlock this file?. And it installed web search bar and all that crap
but not working at all
where is crack 🙁
this game is currently incredibly popluar and the workshop is highly active its is getting frequent updates to fix graphics and various other little issues so cracking this will be very diffcult as each version will then get updated versions of denevo aswell as Frontier have lost nothing in this its probably made half its money back already through steam sales.
I do not suspect this will be cracked anytime soon is it worth the price? absolutely its everything rollercoaster world should have been but failed at.
I want some crack (scratches neck)
Guys, apart from thanking to skidrow, also from thanking to 3DMGAMES for hack this game ^^. (This sentence has been translated by “Google Traductor” :P)
How to use it… guys Im a first timer to not use a crack
When came to crack ?
Hi, we want the crack! (Brazil tamo junto <3)
Download the game but when you open it send me to steam. 4 hours downloading it so you get that
When crack comes out ? :c
Hope u all manage to end the crack soon, ill wait for it because it looks like this page its different from CPY and doesn’t want u to download malware.
P.S: The page its gonna send us a email when the crash its released or we have to keep looking this page every day?
I downloaded and install says missing files i will download the missing files then this game takes to the steam and tell me to buy i cant play this game Help me
Any word on when the crack will be coming out???
Hopefully soon 😀 and sorry for being impatient haha I know it takes time, you guys rock!
ty for nothing guys
no crack
usles file
Nice Skydrow, you are the BEST cracker ! =)
Guys just chill and wait. They upload these game files early because it’s easier to then just release a small crack download at a later date. It also shows you what projects they’re working on.
Just give it time and check back every so often.
It amazes me how some people are willing to donate $10 to Skidrow if they successfully crack the game, yet wont buy the game itself. Hmmm, anyway, it is a very good game, I bit the bullet and bought it, and I can say that you wont be let down, so far they’ve proactively supported the release, and have promised new content at no extra cost, all of which you will not get with a cracked version. Also, as has been mentioned before, Denuvo changes with every iteration of the software, so even if you manage to crack it, you’ll be stuck with one version. Further to this, Denuvo is known to be unique for every installation, so cracking one version, on one computer, is useless, unless you can repack that without the Denuvo, in which case, good luck. To be quite honest, Skidrow are best using their talents to create a new version of Planet Coaster, and releasing that, for free. It’ll take about as long!
Any chance of getting any news about how is it going on with the crack? Can I somehow somewhere see the progress if there is any?
all these morons wondering why the game dont work when they try to launch it.
Yo kids.
A lot of wondering what Full unlocked means , well it means that you have in game all dlc , bonuses , maps , ets… , you just have all , on the second hand , its not saying in name CRACKED , you should have use brain while living , sometimes its usefull. Cpt. out.
pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee crackkkkk
pleeaasseeeee. craaaccckkkk
Craaack pleaseeeeeeeeee
Craaack :’c i need it :CCCCCCCCCCCC
Hello there. Is there anyway we can see the progress of this crack? 😀 Just cant wait for it to come out 😛 Btw skidrow U rock! 😉 I have downloaded many games from here now and i love the way u guys do it! 😉 Thx for everything
Hey there ! Any news about the crack ? 😉
Thanks a lot
Please release the crackkk i can’t wait anymoreeee
When create a crack :/ i will wait because game so expensice my country :/
We’re releasing the crack on Friday, took us a while but we did it! Remember, if you like this game, just buy it and show your support to the developers!
Friday December 30, we forgot to mention.
read info before download…
Sorry, Friday December 30 2017.
Friday december 30 … …
… … it’s a joke ?
Nice troll ^
There is NO crack yet.
ahah nice joke
of 2017.which we should add
It’s friday december the 30th. Will the crack be released today?
How many hours from now? Can’t wait!!
Ty. 🙂 Probably I’ll be bougth it when got sale 🙂
We’re waiting Skidrow
@skid-row bs. Nice fake name
Just in december? No way ;-;
We releasing it tomorrow
Well if u gonna release the crack in a freakin month i don’t want it… In that time i will buy the game so fuck it i just wanted to play 1 month earlier….
Wow, lucky to spot skidrow’s comment, cant wait for tmr 🙂
December or November??
Yaaaaaay! Thanks! So excited for Friday 😀
and yeah, I’ll most likely buy the game (if I like it as much as I’m hoping and thinking I will) I just can’t afford it right now, especially when I’ve got much more important things to pay. Plus I wanna make sure it’s a good game before I buy it
good one skid friday… december 30…2018 xD
Why wait until December 30? I guess there’s a good reason, I’m just amazed.
If the information is confirmed congratulations for this work;)
Sorry for my english….
Still no crack -.-
SKID-ROW, do you think you are a little troll or something? Anyone with half a brain knows that noone would post in the comments like that. Go back to high school.
Where is the crack?
Somebody found the crack?
Those comments are soo fake.
Only December 30th that will crack out?
Crack plissss
wow 200+ comments, denuvo is cancer and designed for crony capitalism
Sure december 30…..
i need this T_T please crack
We’ve decided to postpone the release of the crack to March 30th 2017 due to technical reasons. Stay tuned, guys!
When will the crack be released?
Sorry I accidently deleted the crack file. Will not be posting.
>lol… SKID-ROW, why not 30 December 2020?
still waiting for the crack. hope it’s ready soon
Come on guys, be patient. The crack will come soon. For now you can do like me and play Rollercoaster tycoon 3. Here’s the full version and it works perfectly:
Hang in there Skidrow! We know you can do it!!
I bought the game in the end and well, you will need to buy it really.
On steam workshop there is so many designs + coasters to use which will not be there on the download.
I would just buy it, great game.
There is an early cracked version – without implemented DENUVO ! It works – but not with all final features!
olursa hll
How to download crack total war warhammer ?
Guys sorry i deleted the crack 29334 times wait until april 1 2017 pls
Thx a lot for the upload, a real games better than new version of Roller Coaster Tycoon
If i open the Planet Coaster.exe File, it shows me Steam!!! I dont want to buy it!!
Release the Crack-en Pleaaaase ….
Nice troll SKY-DROW, but Fuck You !
Where is the moderation ? -_-“
what??? 1 april 2017??….
you should do it calmly, don’t be clumsy, hope not deleted again…
Here is the crack status for Denuvo DRM.
Only *4* have ever been cracked!
Cracked. Uploading now. Shouldn’t be long.
Hi, I’m still in vacation, you need me ? I come back : NEVER !
It´s normal that when i click in the cracked exe , Steam open in the game store page? :\ -.-
Waiting for answer.
crack crack oh crack wait T_T
Can you please give us a little clue about the crack? Are you working on it? Why is it so hard to make? Thanks.
+1 for crack
How much longer is it gonna take U?
sorry guyz pls wait till dec. 2020 for crack. Be patient
Sorry,there won’t be any crack relased…
what is great is the workshop of steam, I will buy this game, just this time….sry ; P
What is great is workshop of steam. I will buy this time the game, is awesome some ppl work, sry crackers, next time, thx.
uups, moderators, erase this coment and some one of other 2 coments…. a little mistake O____o
what is this.
Please release the crack i am losing faith on this site
No crack? Never? What’s the official version?
Very useless.
Some of you are a total disgrace.
First you’re ” stealing ” a game. Yes, i’m also doing it because i want to try it first before i actually buy it to know if it’s worth my money. Because of Skidrow i downloaded NBA 2K12 and from this i have bought every signe nba 2k games that followed because i fell in love not only with the game but also with the sport.
When i see some of you crying ” Oh i’m losing faith on this site ” ” Oh this will come in 2225 ” i feel sad for your parents. You’re on a website that allows you to play games for free by stealing them and because they’re not able to deliver a crack ( Which you don’t pay for it ) as soon as you want you’re insulting people that work illegally.
Do you know how hard and mentally exhausting it is to code a crack ? Some of you wouldn’t even be able to code something in HTML and you dare to cry and insult the work of someone else because you can’t wait for a fucking roaller coaster video game.
You need to grow the fuck up kids.
Sorry but they pay us to not make this crack
People are so retarded. Games these days have good protection against piracy. You guys clearly have the mental capacity and patience of a 10 year old so I’ll put this as simple as possible. IT’S HARD TO CRACK, YOU NEED TO WAIT.
Losing faith in this site? Pay for the game you cheap impatient cunt, these people are doing you a favor. Stop whining like a little bitch.
Skuan for president pleas!
I’m a bit confused, why are there people on here calling others out for stealing but then, there on this website? HMMMMMMMMM?????? Oh GEEE I wonder why. Maybe because your mad that your can’t download it yourselves. Anyway after coming here and seeing the game not cracked I just ended up buying the game, though I’d like to play a demo at least. The game is not bad however I feel like 45 bucks is a steep asking price for something confusing as hell. This is not your average tycoon game.
A fago prima a comprarlo sa ve speto voialtri a moro de vecchiaia..prima de scrivare completo de crack, cate’ El modo de craccarlo…
I dont understand why Skidrow uploads games that cant be played yet ! Whats the fucking point of that? ok yeah you can download the game but you gotta wait a year before a crack comes out wtf .
pls crackkkkkkkkkkkk
Looking forward to the crack! thanks for working on it
i don’t think Planet Coaster will be cracked because thats not a Fifa or PES or someshit :o)))
When will the crack come i wish the developers hear our word and finaly give us a crack for planet coaster. This upcoming week. Thx skidrow for the best of games.
so, i download all the shit just to notice the crack is not release yet…
F*ck Denuvo
Check 3DM and CPY crack in the web, i get crack after 8 hours but it works
Planet Coaster is protected with Denuvo, that’s why it takes so long. FYI:
Im still waiting skidrow, im still waiting….
I lunch my game and steam open …
Sto crack proprio non se vede…den dai…toive rancura che qua la zente l’e’ drio spetare da un bel fia’
I download cracked games to test them out and i almost 100% buy them afterwards. When you guys say stop complaining that doesnt really make sense because some people want to play the full version for free as soon as possible so that they can buy the game without worries. Cracked games saved me from crappy games like rctw
Why when I launch it his me steam steam ?. I try to uninstall steam the games do not start 🙁 !!!!
Agree with Just Saying. I’m glad there is more people like me who do care about supporting good games developers. If they wont get any money they may even stop trying make another good production
Do not trust CPY crack in cpygames.. website, that website is fake and that crack is malware
if real CPY crack this game u will see crack here in skidrowreloaded 😀
Cmon man we waiting long time.
Elora????sto cazzo de crack riva oppure no?
F*uck denuvo!!! i hope a musulman fanatic murder all the company
spongebob caster voice * 2 years later *
holy crap here in the comment section is a guy who send threats to a company because he/she can’t earn a few day work money? haha
..zzzZZzzZzzzzZzz… It have to be good…
I would just buy it. Even if a crack does come out, you will not be able to use the Workshop, which is a huge part of getting enjoyment out of this game imo.
This crack is just a legend, a myth …
Skidrow, pls finnish this one…
How long its gonna take bro :p i am checking this everyday…
When will be the crack available pleaase answer !!
Anyone need some crack?
latte me too T.T
@SmiteTB go bro! xDDD
Denuvo is the best. can’t cracked
all is on the name !
IT will probably be the gift for christhmas
i give up, i am gonna buy the damn game xD
There’s another game I’m waiting for: Arizona sunshine for the HTC Vive. That game looks so fucking awesome man! There’s only a demo available and this demo available from RELOADED and it only offers 3 small level with very few zombies to kill. It’s very far to be completed. Can you please crack the whole version of Arizona Sunshine? Thanks a lot!
crack Please :'(
Fuck you Bro
crack PLEASE ;'(((((((
Hackers this days are sooooo WEAK
Finally the crack is out!!!! YESSSS! THX SKIDROW
Finally the crack is out thanks skidrow!
I`m from 2050, and came to warn you guys:
The first Planet Coaster hasn`t been cracked yet.
Don`t worry, it`s free now.
fuck you santa claus, i almost believe, you ass hole
Santaclaus what do you mean its out? it still says Note: Wait for crack?
where is the crack?
So is it actually gonna be cracked or not ? I’ve been waiting since the beginnign of this post
Where is it I dont see the crack, it is still written wait for crack…
Don’t think a crack/patch or loader that is working has been released for 2.1.
Still no crack available ?
You are a link of the crack ?
You Shal Not Get Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!!!
whats wrong with that crack ?
they probobly gave up like with far cry primal
Skidrow didn’t u said “30 december we release the crack”? plz thx
Friday Dec 30 he said…. Saturday 31 Dec it is…. (happy new year for laterz)
We’ll build a wall between us and Denuvo and make THEM pay for it!
new year and still no crack!!!! i’m dying help me
seems like full unlocked has a new meaning
9 month and no crack??? Jeez cracking games become more and more difficult
dec 30 was my bday and you blew it thx skidrowreloaded for being a fucking selfish assholes
is this game also scured with denvo if so,there is no crack for this game
aaand i still wanting.
give them some time
sur there is no crack
Jesus fuck what is wrong with people. You are waiting to get a game for FREE, stop being impatient little shits and just wait for the crack, otherwise BUY the game if you are so thirsty.
I have never seen so much impatient people in my life. Wait for the crack without huffing and puffing about it.
Wait patiently like the rest of us.
I have some crack for you guys…
20 us dollars for a gram…Who want some?
You guys are really annoying bunch…Like little kids.
It says Denuvo protection,it says to wait for crack…SO WAIT FOR DAMN CRACK!!!
Why is this taking so long? Hurry up!
I agree, if you feel compelled to complain to Skidrow because he has yet to crack Denuvo, fuck off.
Go buy the game if you can’t wait, hell he doesn’t even need to try to crack it if he doesn’t want to. I mean, Denuvo is getting better and game devs will start to see this. Cracking a game 3 years from now may be near impossible, even for Skidrow. So be patient, as Skid owes us nothing.
This comment section is soo cringe. I’m dying….
WHERE IS THE FUCKIN CRACK ????????????????
I need my fix dawgs
I watching you~
Skidrow are the worst. They can’t crack anything anymore. They are total sell out whores. If you want people to take you seriously then you need to actually do your jobs.
im waiting crack
Waouw, if you don”t wanna wait, juste buy the game or shut your mouth….
@1337H4X I’ve got some good news for you. If you BUY the game you get it right now!! No waiting time required!!! Or you could crack the game yourself, since you obviously know how to.
You either buy the game or wait, it’s simple…
Crackkkk pls I havent money buy this VERY GOOD GAME
This comment list is growing sooooo long.
i wish everyone would stop making excuses and just make the crack already why is this taking so long for a stupid game i dont want pay money for
hey skidrow, i would at least love to know if you are working on the crack
A Few Moment Later …
Crack plizzz
Joke of the day:
“What type of bees produce milk? Boo-bees”
You are welcome.
waiting for crack guys , im growing a long beard waiting
For crack
when is the crack coming out?
Hey, Don’t forget the crack plz !!! We are waiting for it.
Year 3000, where the crack?
crack with update pls
Year 4000 there is no crack yet
There will be no crack. Team Skidrow is probably doing everything they can to crack the game. It’s just that the game is protected with an extremely hard to crack software.
People you don’t need a crack for this game to run it, you have two options.
1. Use a DVD drive emulator and mount the disk e.g Alcohol 120%
2. Download a no-CD patch to bypass the disk check.
Toujour pas de crack
para cuando sacan el crack este juego salio hace varios meses atras y nada
were is the craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack -____-
Still… no crack. Sadly, CPY are avoiding this one. 🙁
Yeah… sad, would love to try play game
Go to this link and download Planet coaster pre-cracked. Just install in and boom. It has 501 seeds and 18 leechers at the moment so you should have a really fast download speed.
Where is the FUCKING crack!?!?!?
Hope they bring us a present soon, however this one is well protected, let’s see what happen.
Where’s the crack?????????????????????? It’s been MONTHS!!!! im really looking forward to this game :((((((((((((((
crack please
I have found an alpha working, but theres no tutorial
Waiting cracked please!!!
Can not they tell us if they’re working on the crack?
How to???
My name says it all
Stfu u ALL, be patient or buy the game u fucking tard its on denuvo protection bitches
crack ?
Fuck Denuvo
i found cracko @
You son of a !
Hi! Still no crack?
crack! please
I bought the game today, it is so good and it just updated to newer version 1.2 Spring a few day ago. Frontier Dev completely deserved it guys. Go buy the game its on sale now. I get the game before at a super low price somehwat 35$ only
There will NOT be a crack released for this game.
any one know the release date of crack
Please release the crack soon! everyone’s waiting!
when I launch the game, it opens steam’s market, help plz
They Aren’t Working on Planet Coaster Anyone.
Some games from Denuvo protected can’t be cracked or very hard to crack them
Crack ?
Roses are Red
Violets are blue
wheres the file named “cracked”
And i Hope ‘its’ true.
I guess there will be no crack
i have been visiting this every single day since the day this was published… jeez
c’mon man still waiting for the crack. you can do it.
Where is crack 🙁
DELETE WHERE REPLY LIKE “%no%crack%” OR REPLY LIKE “%wait%crack%”
Well well, I’m the first post!
Crack please………..
Crack feels
when i try to start PlanetCoaster.exe, it open the steam client and the setup does not begin… what i have to do?
Been waiting for this for a long time…pls
You have to buy the game
Hello, this version work ?
when will crack upload plzzz do fast
please upload the crack.
Crack please!
why is required steam
They have no intention to hack this game.
Hi, need crack for games please !! Thanks for crack.
uncrackable, sry all
If you guys still don’t know yet (Most of you don’t)
Skidrow doesn’t crack games !
Skidrow is a like a crack games community that all links are from other sources. (Mostly from China)
One of the most famous cracking group is 3DM from China. You can check that everytime they post a new crack game, it will appear here later.
Your request doesn’t work here, Skidrow only responds when the cracking group from other source crack it.
i want to link download crack
crack please ….
lo que no entiendo es si esta pagina tiene los cracks de CPY como no tiene el de este juego si en CPY ya tienen el crack
We need the crack right now!
Crack is available. Search for “Riddick”!
very good
very good!I LOVE IT
Cant find the install function, can someone please tell me how to install the game?
why everytime i click execute, its directing to steam “Planet Coaster Page”. can someone help ?