Oddworld Soulstorm represents a big visual and cinematic leap….
Oddworld Soulstorm represents a big visual and cinematic leap. With intelligent new mechanics and twisted new devices which enable highly explosive deviousness. This is a dark parable that tells an epic tale of a volatile society pushed to its limits.
Title: Oddworld Soulstorm
Genre: Action
Release Date: 26 May, 2017
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/oddworld-soulstorm
Oddworld Soulstorm v1.06000
Size: 12 GB
Thanks guys
No working,getting error message when booting up game ‘Failed To Initialize player’ Failed to load player settings (internal index #0)
stop posting not working shit stupid admin
No work ( Failed to load PlayerSettings (internal index #0).
Most likely data file is corrupted, or built with mismatching
editor and platform support versions.)
@wtf That’s a bit harsh,mistakes are easy to make
Mother fuckers out here complaining about a game not working that they are too cheap to just buy. STFU and be fucking grateful you get anything. Dumb ass mother fuckers out smh
@Motherfucker’s Shut up you pathetic cunt!
Motherfucker’s LMFAO, xD dude u have all my estimate about this ppl. literally +1 with ya hahahaha and ur Name lmfao ahahaha
you goddamn bloody degenerate bloody moronic retards thinking there better telling others they are to cheap to buy the game yet are on this site for the game how fucking much of a cheapskate are you then ya fucking wanker. so i guess ps5 owner are cheap asses to for getting the game for free on plus. fucking morons everywhere