Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest-SKIDROW

Posted December 13, 2014 in PC GAMES

Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest-SKIDROW


The Dragon Age: Inquisition Digital Deluxe grants you an exclusive bundle of powerful items.



From the creators of the popular “Brytenwalda” mod, “Viking Conquest” is a brand new DLC for Mount & Blade Warband! This single and multi player DLC brings Mount & Blade to historical Dark Age Britain, complemented by authentic scenes and cultures.

Title: Mount & Blade: Warband – Viking Conquest
Genre: Action, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Brytenwalda
Publisher: TaleWorlds Entertainment
Release Date: Dec 11, 2014

Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest v1.03 => HERE

Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest-SKIDROW
SIZE: 2.3 GB






NOTE: Game is standalone and featuring also the Napoleonic Wars DLC,
all of course fully updated to latest build

Remember to set “Current Module:” to Viking Conquest in the
launcher, if it does not auto set it.


OS: Windows® XP, Vista, Windows 7
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD 2.5 GHz
Memory: 2GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 1.2 GB available space
Video Card: Graphics card (128 MB+) (does not support integrated graphics card)
DirectX®: Directx 9.0c
Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card


OS: Windows® XP, Vista, Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+
Memory: 4GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 1.2 GB available space
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600, ATI Radeon HD 2600, or better (does not support integrated graphics card)
DirectX®: Directx 9.0c
Sound: Direct X-compatible sound card

Mount and Blade Warband Viking Conquest-SKIDROW
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount the image
3. Install the game
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory
5. Play the game
Posted by


  1. BlueBullet998 (16 Dec 2014, 4:48)

    Installed everything correctly. The intro works, then it goes to a black screen and stops working.

  2. devgru (19 Dec 2014, 18:41)

    Me too can create char but black screen after that

  3. Alkaid (20 Dec 2014, 6:20)

    Please upload the Update / Hotfix, there’s a lot of bug in the game, and TaleWorld already published the update for this game. Thank you. 🙂

  4. aliraven7 (20 Dec 2014, 19:30)

    Viking Conquest Update 1.01 released , and the game is trash without it

  5. Selva Ganapathy (21 Dec 2014, 7:31)

    Guys will you please upload update 1.01 for this game, the game has lot of bugs…….

  6. Andrei C (21 Dec 2014, 12:19)

    Please upload te update.Can’t progress in the main quest because of a bug.

  7. Nick (21 Dec 2014, 15:10)

    Upload that update please.Wanna play this game before Christmas.

  8. DavidTheNoob (22 Dec 2014, 0:57)

    Uhmmm im kinda new to all this downloading shenigans.. i was wondering if any of you friendly people could tell me how i download these things? Thanks !!!!

  9. manat (22 Dec 2014, 15:29)

    Please upload the update!

  10. aliraven7 (23 Dec 2014, 5:46)

    thiere is a new patch for game coude you do something about it ?

  11. Mihai (23 Dec 2014, 9:25)

    Upload that update please.It’s been 6 days already since it apperared.

  12. Saloom (23 Dec 2014, 16:38)

    hello can i download the crack files without the hole game please ?, because i have the game and the dlc ,but it’s working on trial mode .

  13. notreallymatter (30 Dec 2014, 11:08)

    it looks like the old crack doesn’t work properly (new game not starting, no town menu in old saves) with newest updates (wb1.165 and vc1.02). They probably changed something. Please, can we get new crack from you guys?

  14. Maias (03 Jan 2015, 16:53)

    working 100% ,only problem, the bugs , so i’m watting for the update (wb1.165 and vc1.02) 😉

  15. hereiAMstillWaiting (04 Jan 2015, 2:00)

    still waiting for that 1.02 fix
    get a move on it guys,we really cant play this game without it
    plz plz plz plzzzzzzzzzz plz plz plzzzzzzzzz :'(

  16. Vincent (04 Jan 2015, 22:14)

    Same problem as said above, updated to 1.165 and 1.02 and copied crack but it has errors, could you pretty please update the crack / whole game ? And Happy new year everyone 🙂

  17. Scryre (13 Jan 2015, 10:06)

    Update pls :-/ great game, but unplayable without update 🙁

  18. hereiAMstillWaiting (23 Jan 2015, 14:07)

    Get The Updated 1.03 (yes thats right, 1.03 was recently released ) from Kickass , the cracker is IGG-games i think.
    i haven’t tested yet but they also uploaded 1.02 and it worked so im pretty sure their 1.03 release will also work.
    just so you know im not some confused idiot who has confused mount and blade for viking conquest,im talking about VIKING CONQUEST 1.03 + MOUNT AND BLADE 1.66
    unfortunetly it seems skidrow isn’t releasing any updates on this for some reason,it hasn’t for a long time,1 month now? idk.
    but iGG is doing it regorusly so no probs.

  19. Juggernalt (23 Mar 2015, 12:45)

    Hello Skidrow

    Patch 1.04 released.

    It fixes lots of things and also add lots stuff too.

  20. juggernalt (24 Mar 2015, 18:25)

    I guess that after this patch 1.04 everybody is going to stop complaining about the bugs. Look how much stuff changed in this version\/


    -Added new MP mode: Warlords
    -Added shield bash
    -Added the option to leave a battle and win it when every enemy is running away
    -Added hair underneath helmets
    -Added multiple entry points for towns
    -Added the possibility of your refuge being attacked
    -Added info to inform player how the horse can be called
    -Added option to switch off shield bash
    -Added surgery skill system
    -Added a maximum to troops in refuge
    -Added traits to ship battles
    -Added traits for jarls
    -Long axes are 1- and 2-handed axes now
    -Added unique 2-handed-axes
    -Added thunderstorm always with rain
    -Added the ability to train your soldiers in your lair using either normal or alternative upgrade routes
    -Added a higher risk for axes to break while blocking (wood shaft)
    -Added the ability to improve relations with faction lords by giving them gifts
    -Added the ability to release a prisoner for potential honor gain or loss
    -Added the ability to ask your prisoner lords to convert to your religion for freedom
    -Added the ability to execute a prisoner
    -Added the ability to hire your prisoners one by one
    -Added the ability to put together a band of masterless men out of your prisoners and send them to fight one of your enemies, or raid his village (one-time event)
    -Added standard bearers and hornmen to troops tree
    -Added new scene props
    -Added throwing spears and Ragnar’s Seax to the character model when they are equipped
    -Added the option to attack a village that belongs to a faction you are not at war with
    -Added the possibility to split your fleet
    -Added coastal assault for Dorestad
    -Added feature to embark and disembark together with your lords from any location if you are marshal
    -Added new features to right click on one’s own fleet to find the nearest landing point if one is next to the coast
    -Added mutiny
    -Added new improvements for castle: church and brewery
    -Added ability to send your companions on relation improvement trips (with various outcomes)
    -Added new lady quests to improve relations with all ladies (not just unmarried ones)
    -Added lords quests
    -Added new scenes: Bal Dara, Bal Magh, Dorce Ham, Middels Ham, Oxena Ham, Ham Ham, Tref Erth, Tref Reghed, Donne Ham and Vebjorg. New multiplayer scene replacing Forest Hideout
    -Christian priests now travel from monastery to monastery instead of patrolling
    -The Norse now don’t use slings
    -Now you are forced to enter into some scene where you find a new mate with space in your party for him/her
    -Power draw now only starts at 4 if you are a hunter
    -Character button and sheet button on the tool bar don’t do the same thing any more
    -Now you can sell as many ships as you want in a coastal town
    -Blocking skill has been removed from some small axes
    -Tweak village/castle prosperities
    -Removed the slave trader from ports. Now they will appear from time to time depending on the settlement
    -Finish map trigger overhaul
    -Masterless men can now loot villages on their own
    -Strategy camera and order panel now are in separate buttons
    -Stopped some parties from spending too much time on the sea
    -Player cannot be victorious in “Sven attacks the fleet” mission any more
    -Changed the character size to fit other agents’ in the campaign map
    -Reduced the number of messages that shows casualties in battles to improve the vision of the player.
    -Restore lost rents, village conversion and enslavement
    -Shorten overly long player dialog buttons

    ###IMPROVE / BALANCE:###

    -Improved ship movement, management and traveling
    -Improved recruitment system
    -Improved the collision meshes from MP scenes that allow agents to walk through some walls
    -Improved decapitated heads
    -Improved access to classic menu
    -Improved colors of the kingdoms to be more legible
    -Improved longport hideout difficulty
    -Improved tournament weapons balance
    -Improved campaign map
    -Improved amours balance
    -Improved troop names to be smaller and historical
    -Improved the siege system
    -Improved the training system
    -Improved several info panels to give a more accurate and fuller explanations
    -Improved missile weapons balance
    -Improved the use of seaxes
    -Improved performance
    -Improved the ammunition system while you are on a ship
    -Improved stamina balance
    -Improved prisoner prices
    -Improved generated garrison strength
    -Improved bandit distribution through the campaign map
    -Improved the appearance of hoods with helmets at the same time
    -Improved decision consequences after conquering a settlement
    -Improved Viking aggressiveness
    -Improved formation and division system
    -Improved elite troops weapons resistance
    -Improved NPC speed in scenes and battles
    -Improved castle/town food stores
    -Improved the casualties system
    -Improved trade penalties for some more items
    -Improved the cost of low level mercenaries
    -Improved battle trophies system
    -Improved the ship label to make it more visible and easy to find
    -Improved the campaign banner optimization
    -Improved the morale system both on land and sea
    -Improved sea speed system for player and NPCs
    -Improved ship icon when player have several ships
    -Improved the music quality and behavior
    -Improved the kind of weapon used by troops
    -Improved the character icon
    -Improved path-finding
    -Improved scene trigger management
    -Improved sailors impact on sea traveling speed
    -Improved some long text buttons
    -Improved keyboard entry management for extended battle menu
    -Improved tree movement
    -Improved axe-meshes for more variations
    -Improved spear-meshes for more variations and better performance
    -Improved shield-meshes for better size-variations and performance
    -Improved bow-meshes for better visuals and more variations
    -Improved some helmet-meshes for included nasals


    -Fixed bug that made you appear in an island you can’t leave without a ship after become prisoner
    -Fixed issue that make troop get stuck at the front of some ships when they land in the shore
    -Fixed issue that make banners troop don’t make use of it during the battle
    -Fixed some issues in Aescesdun storyline part
    -Fixed several storyline quests conversations and scenes
    -Fixed free ship customization
    -Fixed bandit lair
    -Fixed Hadrian’s wall bug that allowed you to kill them all
    -Fixed season switching
    -Fixed conversations that never start
    -Fixed wrong troop portrait in Kingdom report
    -Fixed agent typing
    -Fixed hero wealth
    -Fixed garrison not shown in the settlement menu
    -Fixed collision meshes from Saxon towers
    -Fixed bug that makes some jarls do nothing
    -Fixed resolution of duels while besieging a settlement
    -Fixed troll scene and dialogs
    -Fixed axes thrust attack empty values
    -Fixed crossbows troops that never make use of the crossbow
    -Fixed impossibility to assign captured settlements to one’s jarls
    -Fixed issue that make your soldiers get stuck on some bridges
    -Fixed the confusing menu when you attack “Sea Kings” from an allied kingdom
    -Fixed quarter issue about leaving prisoners alone inside
    -Fixed continuously alliance between kingdoms
    -Fixed Doccinga scene
    -Fixed battle size visual option
    -Fixed bug with tournament master conversation
    -Fixed issue that made decapitated soldier survive the battle
    -Fixed ferry used while you are on a escorting a caravan mission
    -Fixed missing scene props
    -Fixed the cause of a lord who don’t want to leave his town/fort
    -Fixed sally out and starvation in sieges.
    -Fixed kingdom jarls that never switch to a new one
    -Fixed free movement right before the army reach Aescesdun during the Aescesdun battle
    -Fixed the cloning of jarls after the storyline ends
    -Fixed too big relations consequences after plundering
    -Fixed script problems that make troops get stuck in some battles
    -Fixed some banner textures
    -Fixed visually duplicated recruits in recruit menu
    -Fixed issue that made the Followers camp button build a refuge
    -Fixed Solveig scene consequences
    -Fixed icon of kidnapped girl during mayors mission
    -Fixed consequences of been attacked while you are plundering a village
    -Fixed issue that make your jarls not follow you when you get into the sea
    -Fixed traits effect that make dead camera appear continuously
    -Fixed the commander options before the battle
    -Fixed spawn point in Norway that make you get stuck at the very beginning of the sandbox
    -Fixed the cattle movement through the sea
    -Fixed the weapon brokenness system
    -Fixed the loot amount after a battle
    -Fixed the passive behavior about sieges of allied jarls
    -Fixed wrong weapon reach information
    -Fixed bug that made you lose all your ships when you lose a naval battle
    -Fixed a situation when 3rd person cam started for non player agent
    -Fixed invisible head of player in the kill cam
    -Fixed a icon problem on the sea
    -Fixed the frequency of finding new landing points
    -One fix and some small improvements for monastery looting
    -Fixed special seax carry position
    -Fixed small UI for too many options in the town menu
    -Fixed some options in admin panel not working correctly
    -A lot other minor fixes.

  21. treos (17 Apr 2015, 19:36)

    in system requirements: video card: graphics card (128 MB+) (does not support integrated graphics card)

    what? so, they can’t even give a suggestion other than saying no integrated graphics card? *facepalm*

    ok, could someone with a brain answer the following: my laptop uses an integrated chipset for graphics card related stuff. does that make this game unplayable or not, yes or no?

    i really hate it when devs can’t give decent system requirement info or leave bits of that info out like this. it’s stupid.

  22. treos (17 Apr 2015, 19:43)

    according to i do meet the minimum requirements but i guess i won’t know for certain until i download and actually try the game. thanks for the lack of help devs.

  23. atheris77 (30 Apr 2015, 18:59)

    Patch 1.04 guys. it fixes a lot of bugs. this is the link. (including red lines fix)

  24. thanku (18 Jun 2015, 15:44)

    thx for providing the patch,bro

  25. P!cK (30 Jun 2015, 16:22)

    does it contain the actual game.
    i mean the warband game ?

  26. felipe (05 Dec 2015, 20:36)

    come with password -.-
    WTF is the password? the link is broken

  27. Lazar (17 Feb 2016, 13:43)

    There is a bug when I get to the point where I need to retrive the letter and i’m talking to Bodo.
    The game still works but I can’t continue. I keep pressing left click and it just stands there. Pleasee heelp!!!

  28. Joe (25 Jul 2017, 10:15)

    Can we have the latest version, 2.032?

  29. Hussain (24 Feb 2021, 2:04)

    Please can you upload only crack for V 2.0

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