Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay…
Who’s Next? Experience the Next Generation of the #1 Fighting Franchise.
Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with all new gameplay. For the first time, players can choose from multiple variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style.
Title: Mortal Kombat X
Genre: Action
Developer: NetherRealm Studios , High Voltage Software
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: 14 Apr, 2015
Note: Read whatsnew.txt for update info. Also “the early access release of Tanya and Klassic Pack 1” is included.
Mortal Kombat X Update v20150602-RELOADED
Size: 981 MB
soy el segundo
trae una mejora en el rendimiento?
Upon looking at the whatsnew.txt, it seems it does not include the HunterPrey pack 🙁
Crack 3DM?
Men it delete lots of files, and the applypatch doesn´t works! FIX IT PLEASE
My game doesn´t run anymore after this patch…
Tengo un problema con el parche después de la instalación que me dice que tiene un problema renombrando el primer o segundo archivo de los 725, que lo corra como administrador, pero lo hago y es lo mismo, como lo soluciono?
I have a problem with the patch after the instalation, it says that there is a problem renaming the file and to try to run it as administrator but it doesn’t work, how do i fix it?
When i put the crack, not works, freezed on `mk` screen, black in case
where is the file patcher????? >.<
Another update? nice, thank you!!
Good job guys, thank you very much but …
Apply patch won’t finish after the update install, says to test re-run as administrator…
Everytime i try to do the file patcher after installing the update it just gives errors and days it has problems renaming files.
works perfect for me. Just ensure to follow all instructions on the previous versions that you must have before applying for Patch
My lost costumes from Krypt are back. Jason and Tanya working as intended however there i felt the PC version is still a bit cranky or may be its just me.
I hadn’t played this game for a quite a while.
Thank you SKIDROW!
No problems with this update. But how works tanya’s x ray? O.o. or maybe it’s not implemented? Anyway thanks a lot guys!
Patch works fine. Little improvement on performance.just A LITTLE bit better.
FedeC: trae una mejora en el rendimiento, no es gran cosa pero algo es algo….
can we have coldwar pack?
It works!
The apply/patch runs automatically after you install the update, guys!
why in ISO file? cant get the damn thing to work
excellent as always!
I have required updates, but I can’t install patch. ApplyPatch file ask admin rights. Fix it pls
every single update i try i get the rename error have to install from scratch! somebody knows a fix for this?
no puedo aplicar el patch aunque lo ejecute como administrador :/
que hago?
Finally, after this patch game is playable, no shuttering
Already installed all of these required patch before this. But after installed this patch, everytime i start the game, it’s freeze with a black screen. I can not do anything about that (alt+tab, crt+alt+del, ect …) except turn off my pc with physical button.
Somehow this update uninstaled my game -.- had to download 35 gigs,again,so i can play…. will try with the update once more,ill leave comment what happend
For those asking about Tanya’s X-Ray: it’s an air move. Jump and input the X-Ray command. Voila.
doge.w0w here and doge.w0w in WWE2K15. What is?
doge is a virus gpu usage 100 is a bitcoin miner
Para aquellos que tengan problemas con el caché después de aplicar el update se debe a que se debe dejar como mínimo 40GB de espacio disponible en tu disco y no tendrás problemas de CACHE.
Saludos desde Argentina.
Para aquellos que tengan problemas con el caché después de aplicar el update se debe a que se debe dejar como mínimo 40GB de espacio disponible en tu disco y no tendrás problemas de CACHE.
Saludos desde Argentina.
Same problem as others. The applyPatch.exe gives the “Please Test to re-run with Admin right. I’m using both admin options, right clicking and also the check box in properties.
Nao ta carregando o torrent me ajuda
Hola a todos, saben instale el update, aplique el patch que indica al ultimo de la instalación, puse el crack, ejecute el juego como administrador y se queda pegado con el Logo de MK y no hace nada mas, mi consulta que debo hacer en este caso? También intente instalando todo otra vez de cero (como administrador obviamente) con los updates anteriores (goro, skin packs, jason etc) y aplicando el crack de la actualizacion anterior a la v20150602 y nada. Ayuda.
Saludos desde Chile.
Thank you guys! Keep up the great work! Waiting for the Predator wuahahaha
O meu nao aparece a tanya so as skins novas me ajuda
I realy dont know what to do nothing works SKIDROW PLZ for gos sakes make a tutorial step by step on FUCKING installation of updates and stuff will u thanks u fucking much for uploading with no guide
please…please a solution for the apply pacth
say s run as admin and not run the error percist
por favor alguien que ayude el error del parche ejecutar como administrador ni aun asi funciona no funciona ayudenme
Perfecto!! Nuevamente…! Muchas Gracias!! A disfrutar 🙂
Para los que no les funciona, asegúrense de tener espacio suficiente en el disco y un dato adicional a mi el Update 20150506 me funcionó pero sin el doge64.dll solo copié los dos archivos steam_api* y sobre eso apliqué este update y está funcionando perfectamente…!
My appears not to tanya new skins so please help me
Tengo el mismo problema que ff. hago de todo para poder ejecutar el parche, pero no me deja, y lanza el mensaje “ejecutar como administrador”, eso es lo que hago y ni aun así logra aplicarse el parche.. alguna solución ?
New hotfix is out add it plz
Everything works fine!!! Tanya’s XRAY is working, you just need to jump first 🙂 If you want everything unlocked, go to MKSecrets and there’s an unlocker there. Use it.
You NEED the “Mortal Kombat X Proper-RELOADED” (sized ca. 32 GB), then you need ALL updates and patches (i have all of them installed) when you do it in this order, the game works perfect!!
look in the description of “Mortal Kombat X Proper-RELOADED”!
PS: Thanks to the people, who explained Tanyas X-Ray 😛
Looks like there is a bug, i cant enter spider tunnels in krypt. I wasnt able to with older updates, i updated to this, updated drivers but still nothing. It just shows loading screen and then it is stuck like that seems like forever.
Is it just me or is it this realease ?
By the way, why are you still putting bitcoin miners in crack ? That is really some really bad shit from you skidrowreloaded … i know 99% guys wont even notice, but is really cheap from you.
Looks lke there is a bug, I cant enter spider tunnels in krypt. I wasnt able to with older updates so I updated to this, updated drivers but it is still not working. It just shows loading screen and then it is stuck like that, seems forever.
Is it just me or is it this release ?
Josekis2k tengo una consulta, cuando instalaste el ultimo update (v20150602) al final aplicaste el crack de este o no? Esa es mi duda. Saludos.
It works fine but still there are no klassic pack #2 (Tremor) and Predator/Prey pack (Predator) as a playable characters. Will you upload their config folders?
I download the game instal the update then patch it then again update and patch it and the
Mortal.Kombat.X.Update.v20150506-RELOADED stuck on 70 i guess with administrator
and latest similar i use 8.1 64x windows plz wtf how i gona update this shit HELP !
plz upload new hotfix they released it today
Quando eu vou colocar o applyPatch pra atualizar fala que tenho que abri como adiministrado eu coloco como administrado mesmo asim nao atualizar quando eu abro o jogo so ta as skins a tanya aida ta bloqueada me ajudem
No meu ta dando esse erro
Could you make “Kold War pack” DLC
I’ve managed to fix the patch/administrator error by reinstalling the game and the updates in a different partition/drive other than C: (where windows’s data is).
Pude solucionar el error de patch/administrador reinstalando el juego y los updates en una particion/unidad distinta a C: (donde estan los datos de windows). El juego tarda un rato en arrancar aunque parezca colgado.
the update seems to have removed the Kold War costumes
tanya XRAY works when you jump and fire it in the air
Mais jjc aonde eu instalo
I don’t know why, but “living towers” wont work for me o.o Another question, is it possible to play online? Thanks in advance!
Thnx so much to all the members of the SKIDROW & RELOADED.
Guys if you don’t know how to install the update correctly,watch the video below,bye.
The MK10 Update v20150602 not work for me. I’m removing all other non English localization.
Have all MK10 from base proper to every update from !ReLOADeD! release scene.
Always the same problem when processing the file “”
I hope RLD will add some special counter on the next Folder Compare v3. Maybe did not check all available “*.awesomeDiff” instead of seek and update only “*.awesomeDiff” found in corresponding folder and file that have same hash check.
Thanks a lot RLD.
do i still need to download the other later updates? or can I just apply this immediately?
We need unlocker of this version somebody know where i can download it ? i tested a unlocker of other version but i doesnt works Thanks ..
Si alguien sabe como desbloquear todo la krypta con un archivo coalesced. ini para esta version con las faction kills desbloqueadas y brutalities porque es una chinga estar comprando toda la krypta
Is the hunter/prey DLC out and available?
Same problem here…
I can’t go beyond the mk logo screen, what is this happen?
El mismo problema aca
Despues de aplicar el parche, el juego se me queda congelado en la pantalla inicial, y nunca avanza al menu princial…
kotal kahan crashes for me??? what should i do
Tendrian alguien el crack de 3DM para este update?
Tengo la version de CODEX, pero no se porque, en los updates el juego no me funciona con el crack de CODEX, me tira un error, es por eso que preciso del crack de 3DM de esta ultima actualizacion.
Someone would have to crack 3DM this update?
I have a version of CODEX , but not because updates in the game does not work with me CODEX crack , shoot me an error, why should crack 3DM this last update.
Perdon, quise decir que tengo la version Reloaded.
Sorry , I meant that I have the Reloaded version .
can it support with all controller?
do not waste time … not work on win 8.1 …
All time error .. test to run as administartr … fuck thsi shit
The wost fuck update never released along with the other updates to MK10 … thk skydrow
OK for fix run as admin error you need all previus update … thk skydrow
The Batch command should work perfectly I guess. “patch.bat” the earlier of very 1st update of MK10. Classic style of xDelta update (Doesn’t need .NET Framework). Thanks for your time make an update RLD.
El error de los archivos cuando parchea se debe a la cantidad de letras que procesa windows, tienen que instalar el juego en una ruta mas corta por ejemplo C:/mkx/, sino no van a poder instalar.
you must install the game in a short path, C:/mkx/, and work
Guys! If the patches have issues,go get the 3dm patches instead. The 3dm patches work better IMO.
you have to make sure you install all the previous updates first or it will not work
it still wont work when i have the others patches installed. the game is just not responding
unhandled exception: system.argumentoutof rangeexception: the value must be less than the console’s current maximum windows size of 35 in that dimension. note that this value depends on screen resolution and the console font.
parameter name: height
actual value was 40.
at system.console.setwindowsize(int32 width, int32 height)
at applypatch.formresolver.clearxmfile(string[])
when i click applypatch.exe “stop working” screen comes up with this error! plz help me!
unhandled exception: system.argumentoutof rangeexception: the value must be less than the console’s current maximum windows size of 35 in that dimension. note that this value depends on screen resolution and the console font.
parameter name: height
actual value was 40.
at system.console.setwindowsize(int32 width, int32 height)
at applypatch.formresolver.clearxmfile(string[])
there’s another important update in the mkx.. can we have it ?
Do i need to install the others updates in order to work ? waiting for a reply . thanks ya
Quando vai lança o predador.?
When i run the applypatch.exe , in the cmd appers a error ” Please test re-run with admin right”
What should i do ?
Quando eu executo o applypatch.exe , no cmd aparece um erro ” Please test re-run with admin right”
O que devo fazer ?
still got a same problem “please verify the integrity of MKX game cache” also when i run that “appypatch.exe” it didnt complete correctly as its shown on instruction,it should have finished from 1 to 700 but after 3rd process it’s sayin “PROBLEM RENAMING FILES…….PLEASE TEST TO RE-RUN WITH ADMIN RIGHTS”
please for gods sake im waitin for a smart solution ,help !
I solved the error of the applypatch, just intall the otthers update , that come before this.
Now i have a other problem, when i tried to run mkx.exe, to play , appears the error 0x0000142
And dont run the game.
update 1 ,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Reloaded .Update 9 (Rev.24399) 3DM and crack It works great
cuando instalo el update se me desintala el juego
a alguien mas le paso?
when installed the update is uninstalled my mk10
Predator Update Please
filorte666— si, me paso lo mismo, tenes que intalar nuevamente el juego + todos los updates en el orden en que fueron apareciendo, eso ocurre porque uno de los parches no se aplico y este ultimo update no anda si no esta todo bien instalado
Is there predator in last patch if not when you are going to upload it ?
installed update and had an error and uninstalled my entire game
RENAME xdelta3-…to xdelta3.exe BEFORE starting applyPatch
@fuck you – FUCK YOU and go buy the game – or become a salad – or the best god damn broccoli you could ever be
The file is corrupted
solucio del problema de appypatch
instalar el update en otra carpeta no en el juego despues cambian todos los archivos que dice awesomeDiff por OUT luego pasar todos los archivos dentra de la carpeta del juego si pide verificacion descargar crack 3dm
crash al eligir una chica solucion ¡
The latest patch is in fault. Adminstration rights fail regardless.
No archives found
WinRAR: Diagnostic messages
The archives is either in unknown format or damaged
I can’t extract the .iso
any solution?
apenas vá no diretorio do jogo selecione applypatch. exe, com o botão direito clique em pro priedades, vá na aba segurança e selecione a caixa “executar como administrador. Pronto é só instalar a atualização
i have intel core 2 duo and nvdia 730 GT and 4 GB DDR3 ram.. but unable to play single fights or anything else than story mode… any suggestions??
Want the ULTIMATE HACK for Mortal Kombat X? How about the ability to use any characters finishing move during gameplay simply by a switch setting, and on top of that, everything unlimited! Must check this out right now! This is for the pc version only, sorry console users, we are working on this for you next! Stay tuned!
Password: warez
Don’t Forget To Say Thanks!
for those having applypatch stopped working error.. change ur desktop resolution to 2560×1440.. I did that and the applypatch worked but another error appeared which is the re run as admin..
oh u need to enable the super virtual resolution (amd cards) to be able to change the resolution for those who have Full HD tvs
anybody know how solve the problem with applypatch?
Para los que tienen el error maximun windows size of ….Parameter name: height actual value:40 y bla bla se arregla poniendo en configuracion de pantalla en personalidad cambiar tamaño de texto aplicaciones y otros elementos en mi caso esta en 100 % (recomendado ) solo asi funciono el applypatch de la update 20150506-RELOADED. Saludos
applypatch stopped working error is fixed by reducing windows font size from 9 to 8
I have windows 10; when I try to copy steam_api64.dll from crack folder to the install location, windows does not copy and deletes the file itself therefore I am not able to start the game. Please help.