Inspired by the Italian crime flicks of the ’70s revered by Quentin Tarantino….
Inspired by the Italian crime flicks of the ’70s revered by Quentin Tarantino, Milanoir is a pixel-packed action game set in the violent city of Milan. Come meet Piero, a convict suddenly released from prison looking for revenge over the man who framed him.
Title: Milanoir
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 31 May, 2018
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/642830/Milanoir/
Milanoir v1.1.0.213
Size: 248 MB
Ah, a download for a 1983 game, emulated on PC. Nice!
… Wait, what you mean this game isn’t old? It sure tries to suck as much as old games. You telling me developers *choose* to have games suck just to sell to ‘nostalgia’ faker teens? Wow.
Kyouko, what you think of as garbage some see as treasure. I take it you never played many classics as a kid.
one wankful gamer, I played a lot of classics as a kid. As a kid, they looked awesome. As an adult, going back to play them, few survive the test of time.
But I guess naive youngsters will keep on feeding “retro” developers of half-assed trash like this, instead of going back and playing good games from back in the day.
I’d rather go play Dragon Ninja or Pit Fighters.
…Wait, what YOU mean by this? Show some respect a**hole!