Posted October 25, 2014 in PC GAMES



In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of…


In the Time of the Ancients, the Worldly Realm was ruled by a God of pure evil, who enslaved all humankind under his Dominion. But fear turned to anger as rebellion grew in the hearts of men – until the dawn of the Great Rising, when the fight for freedom began. After a glorious victory that cast aside the Fallen God, humans dictated a new order… a world where no sin can ever be forgiven and redemption was not an option.
Now, millennia later, the world trembles in fear as the Demonic Rhogar Legion returns from their dark realm, driven by a foul hunger for innocent spirits. Humanity, in a desperate last act, calls upon an unlikely defender – a convicted sinner, rejected by society and cast out of the light… a man known as Harkyn. Now, alongside his mentor, Kaslo, they must travel to the source of the Darkness… to face the Lords of the Fallen.
Plunge into a fast paced action RPG with a complex and satisfying melee combat system where weapons, armor and skills directly influence the enemy’s speed and attacks… if all else fails, lay waste to your foes using forbidden magic power.


Embark on an Epic Quest that spans both human and demonic realms
Confront the mighty Lords, generals of the Rhogar army
Explore a vast dark fantasy world
Make your choices wisely as they may seal your fate
Wield legendary weapons and armors from a vast arsenal
Choose your class: Warrior, Cleric or Rogue and fully customize each with skills and weapons


Lords Of The Fallen-Full Unlocked


Note : wait for proper crack if the game is crashing







OS: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8 (only 64 bit OSs
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66Ghz or AMD Phenom II X4 940 @ 3.0Ghz
Memory: 6 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 460 or better
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers

OS: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8 (only 64 bit OSs
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 @3.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 X8 @ 4 GHz
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 560 ti or better
DirectX: Version 11
Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers


are you ready

Posted by


  1. lootjunior (28 Oct 2014, 20:55)

    Hey is your upload still running or paused? seems like its taking forever

  2. GTX (28 Oct 2014, 23:03)

    I am downloading right now it says 3 days to complete the download. please remember to seed I always seed skidrow games for weeks.

  3. rob (28 Oct 2014, 23:21)

    is there a crack or patch for this game?? if not how can i start it??

  4. TheEagle (29 Oct 2014, 1:08)

    Game won’t even run just starts steam and goes to the game in steam store GG

  5. Elektro (29 Oct 2014, 3:46)

    I hope this release has crack because I already downloaded SG release of 18 gb and there is any crack inside, the exe launchs steam interface and goes to the buy page, fucking shit of uploaders that does not specify any crack inside. I really hope that this does not happen in a game shared in Reloaded site, advise if it does not contains Crack.

  6. Trollfaceyomama (29 Oct 2014, 7:45)

    Just wait for the crack, jesus christ you’re getting games for free yet you complain.

  7. loothunior (29 Oct 2014, 9:59)

    hey I downloaded the whole thing but winrar can’t unpack saying that there my not be enough disk space when there definetly is. Whats wrong with those files? something missing? thx anyway

  8. rolie123 (29 Oct 2014, 14:43)

    Is there an update related to crack yet?

  9. GTX (29 Oct 2014, 15:28)

    waiting for crack

  10. Ravenz (29 Oct 2014, 18:15)

    Thanks for the upload. Now just to await a working crack if there is one at some stage. 🙂

  11. Elektro (01 Nov 2014, 1:53)

    Someone could explain IN AN INFORMATIC LANGUAGE MEANING (not noobs that doesn’t know what they are talking) why this game is so hard to crack?

    I heard that the game server tries to re-validate the user session when elapsed “X” time, and this is continuouslly, so thats the reason why this game seems uncrackeable (remember that Diablo III has something similar, well I mean server dependency, and can’t be cracked, the server need to be emulated)

    So… If I’m wrong someone could explain the reason about whay this game can’t be cracked?
    Any expert in the room?

    I don’t understand why neither SKIDROW/RELOADED didn’t published notices/reasons explaining in public the problems of these kind of games and all related this new protection to the scene, show us your skills and at least explain why can’t be cracked explaining the protection procedure in the server side and what happens in the client side, I can’t find any useful information that clarifies anything about this protection in any scene website/forum, all seems kiddie-scripters with very low knowledges.

    And this game has the same kind of protction as Fifa 15?

  12. Elektro (02 Nov 2014, 10:07)

    So, moderator accepted my last comment above but we still not receive any comment explaining about the things related to this anti-crack protection? its like an Alien secret to kepp or what? or just no-body even reloaded/skidrow does not has the fucking idea of anything about this new protection, how it works, its limitations, why can’t ve cracked until now and those things?…

  13. Serathu (02 Nov 2014, 12:37)

    Elektro, you need to understand that pages like this are watched (or can be traced) and comments leave logs behind that can be traced back to crackers. No real cracker will ever post something on a public site unless he wants to be flagged for watch.

    Also as far as I know the issue is in the encryption of the files, as they can’t be reversed engineered to figure out exactly the GETS and PULLS to the server and back. It’s not like they can add a tracer and watch logs. So by not knowing what the server is expecting and what it should reply back it’s kinda hard to make an emulator.

    P.S.: I am not related to Skidrow or Reloaded or any scene activity, just a friendly techie that feels that this game isn’t worth buying due to instability.

  14. Elektro (02 Nov 2014, 14:58)


    Thankyou for your time answering here to a random user like I am, you solved my curiosity about the protection problem, really thanks.

    Maybe I’m ignorant but you mean that game crackers need to be away/hidden from the autorithies or they preffer to has an unknown identiy because the law can take actions and trace its activity? I can understand this for a cracker/hacker in other scenarios, but for a game cracker? If I buy the game and I use the crack on my own game for personal usage I think that I’m not breaking the US laws (or my country laws) but if I crack a game and I share the crack that is illegal?, new thing that I discovered, really seems absurd.

    Don’t worry don’t feel in the need of answer me again (unless you want do it), I just wanted to express my opinion about that, sure that maybe I think wrong.

    Sorry for my English.

  15. Dick.Nick (21 Nov 2014, 10:31)

    plz more speed on torrent

  16. UnzipMyPants (29 Nov 2014, 16:07)

    I unzipped this all to a folder on my desktop. Went to run it and nothing happens. Ran as admin, still nothing. Am I missing anything?

  17. HeatBlade (06 Dec 2014, 3:02)

    i have the same problem as @Unzipmypants,

    i go to run the game even as admin and nothing happens, the game wont execute.
    whats wrong here?

  18. Said75000 (06 Dec 2014, 5:06)


    Brain ? No ?

  19. Royalshogun (07 Dec 2014, 5:10)

    Same problem here, launching *exe, nothing happen.

  20. Danix92 (09 Dec 2014, 15:23)

    Same problem here, nothing happen when i launch the game…

  21. Boss (10 Dec 2014, 0:56)

    Guys make a mini iso for deamon tools pro cracked and play and just disable dmr damn you are stupid i am playing in right now on the asus g750jx and the same with the crew use your brains people please and your welcome have a nivce play:-)

  22. Damsco (12 Dec 2014, 18:11)

    @Boss How do you make a mini iso for this game. I tried to create a image with Alcohol 120% and no luck so far.

  23. Grediel (15 Dec 2014, 20:50)

    So denuvo’s been broken, there’s a working DAI crack already, can we get this one please next since it’s even on steam so probably easier before you waste time on FIFA no real gamer cares?

  24. alexmantis (16 Dec 2014, 13:17)

    hey skidrow and reloaded, please help me i downloaded the game with great anticipation but when i run the application.exe then it crashes on startup, it wont give me any errors or anything,i cant fix it with steam becose i dont have it in steam, i tryed to download steam to put the game there to fix it but that dident work out becose i dident have the same options as others did in tutorials , i just love games like dark souls plz help

  25. Overlord (16 Dec 2014, 19:18)

    hey fast crack fuking denuvos
    i danlowad this game over 3 week

  26. Grosoxx (19 Dec 2014, 14:20)

    Why , i am waiting for the crack to come , you alredy cracked denuvo , nobody gives a flying FUCK about FIFA FUCKING 15 so please Skidrow and reloaded , please , crack LOTF :c

  27. Fico (21 Dec 2014, 18:07)

    Are there any news on the crack about this game or not ???? please answer
    thank you 🙂

  28. Pingopallo (22 Dec 2014, 0:02)

    First I want to thank everyone who puts effort in doing this while the people they give the crack to often are ungrateful and annoying.
    Than I want to say that when i run the program the only thing that happens is that the lordsOfTheFallen process appears for 1 sec in the task manager than it disappears

  29. Lilguido420 (23 Dec 2014, 2:56)

    Jesus christ over 12 diff rar folders??? and read me in chinese?

    Yeah.. eff that.

  30. frodo (27 Dec 2014, 14:55)

    wheres the fucking crack already

  31. godsmack (28 Dec 2014, 11:33)

    i hope by the time i finish dragon age inquisition you’ll have the crack for lords of the fallen ready 🙂
    thanks again for your hard work

  32. Diabolis (28 Dec 2014, 19:37)

    Dragon Age: Inquisition was cracked 1-2 weeks ago, and still no crack for this game? I smell something fishy…

  33. Manny (03 Jan 2015, 23:48)

    Thanks for the release… Any information on the crack?

  34. Never Learns (04 Jan 2015, 19:51)

    It is amazing how demanding people are for a service that is being provided to them for free. Is it entitlement? Anonymity? Both?

  35. stil waiting for crack (06 Jan 2015, 7:58)

    i was so happy when DA:I was cracked and saddly i couldnt run it efficently :/ so im hoping this will be different. tried looking around the web for a crack which was rumoured to be released but havent found anything actually real so im hoping this will be cracked soon. you really should make a facebook page so we can know instantly when this is cracked.

  36. elimo (06 Jan 2015, 9:07)

    @stil waiting for crack: they have their facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/SkidrowGame

  37. wheres crack? (08 Jan 2015, 3:34)

    cade o crack? BR hue

  38. joo joo monster (09 Jan 2015, 14:59)

    Dragon Age was cracked weeks ago and uses the same protection… why isn’t this cracked yet???????

  39. LeeMc27 (10 Jan 2015, 18:29)

    What is soon i a half year or what i want play not waiting

  40. Mr. (11 Jan 2015, 21:55)

    Pleaseeeee crack. DA:I cracked 2 weeks ago, but lords of fallen stay not working ;(

  41. stil waiting for crack (12 Jan 2015, 9:50)

    @elimo thanks theres so many “mirrors” of skidrows uploads its hard to tell which ones real and which one doesnt post anything i found it after i found this reloaded page again. im still hoping for this to be cracked soon so i can cry when my PC cant handle it. but its worth the try anyway. im hoping it can on low settings since i can run dark souls 2 with no problem. it really bothered me i could run dark souls 2 and not DA:I but i figure its just the engine used to make the game honestly.

    im still waiting for dat crack like dave chappelle

  42. stil waiting for crack (15 Jan 2015, 6:57)

    it says to wait for proper crack if this doesnt work right, but the thing thats weird is it doesnt do anything at all for me. like i double click the exe and it my mouse shows somethings happening then nothing. it doesnt even appear in the task manager anythings happening. im running as administrater and tried all compatibility. i think somethings off because i litterly nothing happens. any ideas?

  43. diablo4xp (15 Jan 2015, 13:31)

    is there will be a crack soon ,, or it will be like fifa 15
    cause i don’t like to wait for nothing

    thanks team skidrow in advance

  44. Steam (18 Jan 2015, 0:09)

    If you don’t like the waiting you can just buy the original game from us.

  45. Shaco (18 Jan 2015, 12:01)

    Lmao the game is still 50 euros on steam, after 6 months, it’s not even that good.
    Go play some league of legends or some game on origin, those people actually make decent prices and respect their customers.

  46. frodo (18 Jan 2015, 12:48)

    no because a sinple player game with no multiplayer support isn’t worth 50.00

  47. Damsco (18 Jan 2015, 14:54)

    I have waited so long already aint gonna buy the game now. And like @frodo said it is not worth 50 euros for a single player game.

  48. Hitchy (19 Jan 2015, 22:04)

    Guys, whats happening with crack? Thanks…

  49. viga.s (21 Jan 2015, 13:26)

    still no crack shit man

  50. Normal guy (21 Jan 2015, 17:41)

    Realy noobs? OMG is 50Euro on STEAM…. Maybe it is good couse of good game? Bad game have low prices, and good ones have high prices. Isnt it? The witcher isnt worth 50 Euro too becouse it is only single player game?? Idiots.

  51. GTX (21 Jan 2015, 18:28)

    CraacK Plzzzz 🙁

  52. Lalala (22 Jan 2015, 3:05)

    Normal Guy, even though I agree with what you are TRYING to say, I must say comparing Witcher 3 to this is just ridiculous and offensive.

  53. angeo (24 Jan 2015, 12:02)

    hi guys,
    can someone tell me how do you install it please?

  54. godsmack (24 Jan 2015, 12:18)

    still now crack? This are sad times men….

  55. vily (25 Jan 2015, 8:09)

    These are people laughing of you.there s no crack for lords of the fallen and it will never be a functioning crack.with “3dm” so called “crack” the game doesn t crash..it isn t atarting at all.so, to be clear..you wait a crack which will never be made.

  56. vily (25 Jan 2015, 8:12)

    3dm= a stupid chinese who injects trojans in their sometimes workable “cracks”.they steal your information and you think is good.

  57. Damsco (25 Jan 2015, 14:05)

    @vily How is it that Dragon age crack works? 3dm came up with the working crack

  58. k8ABDOU (26 Jan 2015, 10:44)

    the one link FTP plaise ???

  59. frodo (28 Jan 2015, 11:47)

    Why does dragon age have a working crack and this doesnt? They both they use the same fuccking protection

  60. ZaMo (28 Jan 2015, 11:56)

    I finished the cracked dragon age a week ago and I’m still waiting for this
    Does anyone have any news as to whether its coming at all??

  61. neogenyus (02 Feb 2015, 22:04)

    so now that FIFA 15 is cracked can u guys work on the crack for LOTF???PLSSSS i want to see if it’s worth it….

  62. Vicious Vyruz (03 Feb 2015, 19:17)

    el crack plz : dont waste my TiMe 🙁

  63. iquanna (04 Feb 2015, 22:51)


  64. Tortugu (06 Feb 2015, 0:09)

    Skidrow can we get some info about the crack?

  65. RadLook (06 Feb 2015, 13:45)

    You have all the games free, but you complain pars-qu ‘ it is necessary to wait some month for a crack… We would say French (never satisfied)!!! Be patient. And thank you for your work in passing!

  66. Dalogan72 (07 Feb 2015, 0:15)

    Just wait guys, patience is a virtue, these dudes have other things to do that to crack games.

  67. Xsjado (16 Feb 2015, 22:01)

    Any status update or perhaps a ETA ?

  68. Remz... (16 Feb 2015, 22:27)

    no idea dude… still waiting …

  69. maddog (17 Feb 2015, 1:06)

    wow complaining about the price for SP back in the days we all payed the 50 bucks for a SP game , now we only want 2 pay that price for MP games thats lame , no offends to anybody how ever if i can buy it i will pay it even if its only SP or MP or both thats the price they ask for al the work they do for our entertainment.

    sry for my english if its bad

  70. diablo4xp (18 Feb 2015, 23:39)

    come on guys,, and good news yet !!

    We want to play !!

  71. UncleHCM (22 Feb 2015, 16:10)

    I refuse to buy this game until I try it. I don’t even care if it went on sale for 20 bucks on steam, it’s the principle

  72. Waitingsince4months (23 Feb 2015, 16:25)

    Almost 4 months…

  73. Nira (26 Feb 2015, 11:01)


    Could you inform us of the status for the cracked version? thank you

    We appreciate you work a lot.


  74. Kazik (27 Feb 2015, 10:07)

    Yeah… we really do, and we’re waitnig impatiently for the crack. Game is awesome.

  75. el musmech (28 Feb 2015, 5:42)

    porca madonna ancora tempo dio cane?

  76. TheEcono1sT (02 Mar 2015, 22:02)

    Any chance the crack will be out soon ? ^_^

  77. Trust (03 Mar 2015, 14:57)

    Anyone knows if anyone is actually work for cracking this ?

  78. Trusted (04 Mar 2015, 15:15)

    The crack is not out yet, only need to wait 😀

  79. Never Learns (05 Mar 2015, 23:13)

    I keep saying we should be patient, especially when it comes to something we will be getting free, but I do think it would be nice if we could be given some information on the progress of this..

  80. Grediel (06 Mar 2015, 4:35)

    So much time wasted on that FIFA crap… its gonna be half a year since launch at this rate would be easier to just wait for summer sale on steam XD

  81. mitch q (06 Mar 2015, 9:16)

    i agree, we are getting so much from this site for free, thousands of dollars worth of FREE stuff….lets not complain shall we. but this has been up for a wile now with no info on when crack is coming out…..

    even says in description on this game that there is a crack folder…..there isnt

  82. Pornocrack (07 Mar 2015, 23:46)

    This game is a worthless piece of shit, lots of bags and glitches, thats why it not cracked yet and wont be cracked for a long time. Not enough people want this cracked. Its just not popular. Dragon Age 3 was cracked and I waited for it, but it was a crap as well.

  83. tool (08 Mar 2015, 14:01)

    @Pornocrack is right. Dragon Age three was shit. Even though it was free i still couldn’t play that crappy excuse for a game. Also this is the first time I’ve encountered a game release by hackers without a crack. What’s the point of releasing it for download.
    Also I really hope this doesn’t happen with the witcher 3, I’m waiting desperately for that.

  84. JRB (08 Mar 2015, 14:42)

    What’s the point? Take it down! It’s been up for months with no crack. Obviously too difficult to crack for you so just take it down and stick to games you can crack.

  85. abyssus (10 Mar 2015, 22:45)

    The Witcher 3 Developer Talks DLC and DRM
    “We don’t want to assault anyone,” he said. “Each time we are thinking about a decision, the first rule is we have to treat gamers like we’d like to be treated. We don’t believe in DRM because we hate DRM. It also doesn’t protect, not really. Games are cracked in minutes, hours or days, but they’re always cracked. If you want to pirate you’ll find a way. But if you’re a committed gamer and are buying the game why should we place a barrier on you?

  86. Shahab (11 Mar 2015, 21:53)

    please someone answer, when will come CRACK???????????????????????????

  87. Allucard (11 Mar 2015, 22:57)

    how to make mini iso, some tutorial ???

  88. Allucard (11 Mar 2015, 22:58)

    how to make mini iso???

  89. alocard (15 Mar 2015, 18:32)

    any news about crack ?

  90. jamico (17 Mar 2015, 10:07)

    I was wondering.. is the crack of this game taking this long because you guys are busy with other things more interesting (not necessarily pc wise) or is just that this game is hard to crack? Just for a FMI (for my information xD).

  91. Miske (17 Mar 2015, 11:37)

    Why the f… are there people who won’t answer how they have installed it? I’ve got exactly the same problem as most here do. When Chinese is translated, it says just unzip and play. Nothing happens when I click .exe file. NOTHING !!! at least you could have explained how to install this game when you have uploaded it.

  92. jamico (17 Mar 2015, 20:45)

    Miske.. there is no crack yet. That’s why nothing happens.. –‘

  93. Gamer (18 Mar 2015, 5:29)

    Again it’s Denuvo protected, have to wait for a while …

  94. TheEcono1sT (18 Mar 2015, 19:34)

    On the “readme” which is in chinse, if you get it translated it says that a crack has been included “”Integrated 3DM game crack patch prerequisites under the _CommonRedist folder itself to install”” , but all there is there is a directX web setup….

  95. ZaMo (19 Mar 2015, 19:50)

    Just got news of the crack. Apparently its going to be released alongside Half Life 3

  96. startriker (25 Mar 2015, 11:33)

    news for crak ?

  97. Zumic (26 Mar 2015, 3:45)

    So will you crack this?

  98. xXx_noscoper_xXx (28 Mar 2015, 14:21)

    What does it means, that the game is “FULL-UNLOCKED”?

  99. Trusted (29 Mar 2015, 10:51)

    For the crack still nothing, keep waiting patiently maybe one day it will come out !

  100. Neflin (29 Mar 2015, 15:45)

    I really apreciate effort and the time you dedicate to us all, many of us including me would never play many of this games if we have to pay for it so reflect a little before you post comments, this guys are working hard for us and they have my gratitude and my respect.

  101. danny (29 Mar 2015, 20:58)

    the torrent link no longer exists…… what gives

  102. Mark (30 Mar 2015, 7:47)

    No they don’t, no one is working on a crack for LotF

  103. Davide (01 Apr 2015, 14:01)

    no one give a right answer…if noone is workin on this crack obviously the crack is never coming!!!
    So you must answer that : is someone working on it ? YES or NO….??

    and if the ANSWER is no…then close this TOPIC !

  104. cj (01 Apr 2015, 14:20)


    and how do u know that?

  105. Ursofeio (04 Apr 2015, 12:29)

    FIRST QUESTION: does the game works?

    Second question: if dont work why put in the title “full unlocked”

    Third and last: When will it work?

  106. lualab (07 Apr 2015, 23:24)

    Please sir skyd ftp link

  107. Yuss (08 Apr 2015, 13:41)

    Proper crack coming soon! 😀

  108. GetRekt (08 Apr 2015, 17:12)


    How do you know that?

  109. ZaMo (09 Apr 2015, 21:20)

    @Yuss I was told its never coming

  110. vyruz (10 Apr 2015, 11:10)

    Still waiting for the crack 🙁

  111. joseph (10 Apr 2015, 18:15)

    Crack ?

  112. antonio (10 Apr 2015, 20:54)


  113. Carnage (14 Apr 2015, 13:28)

    the Denuvo DRM was cracked 1st of Dec by hackers in china called 3DM
    The game will eventually be cracked same as the crew and any other games with
    Denuvo DRM all we have to do is wait.


  114. vench (14 Apr 2015, 14:22)

    Well this might take a while due to the crackprotection

  115. ino (16 Apr 2015, 6:25)

    come on release this game

  116. Adkas (16 Apr 2015, 7:41)

    Please not download .

  117. Mno (16 Apr 2015, 15:10)

    Still waiting for crack… Seems that cannot even download it via torrent now…..

  118. really (16 Apr 2015, 16:35)

    fucking CRACK

  119. Reloaded (17 Apr 2015, 6:26)

    To all members of Reloaded&Skidrow Crack scene.
    Apologies for the crack delay but we could’nt crack this game and it will not be cracked as long as it uses the same DRM protection as FIFA 15 with the codename: Denuvo.
    Strong DRM protection that follows future games will not be cracked.

    Thanks for your Support.

    Reloaded team.

  120. Shadow (17 Apr 2015, 6:59)

    Crack !!!

  121. Reloaded (17 Apr 2015, 10:52)

    Imma crackin my lzr

  122. saeed (18 Apr 2015, 10:26)

    please release the crack! still I’m waiting

  123. hoppy (18 Apr 2015, 13:16)

    why is dragon age cracked and this isn’t?

  124. srdjan (19 Apr 2015, 8:30)

    in the end i bay the game but i’m not paid 50 euros i found on the net a gay who sells steam keys and i paid 25 euros and worth every penny i like game so much 😀

  125. Nilmar (19 Apr 2015, 17:29)

    This crack seems impossible to came , and the game is costing R$ 90,00 on the Steam . I will never pay this price , I heard rumors that this DRM protection fucks the HD and the game is full of bugs . Why the hell I would pay for a game with so many problems ? I will wait for the crack for the rest of my life or for the half of price .

  126. haha (21 Apr 2015, 6:49)

    Lol 25 euro what a scum you ca buy the game for 13 euro on g2a or so =O

  127. Top Gun (26 Apr 2015, 13:28)

    How do I install the game, I cant see and setup or install?

  128. ali (28 Apr 2015, 14:29)

    crack when proper?

  129. Stardock (28 Apr 2015, 21:46)

    Fifa 15 alredy got crack, but this game not, Why?
    Thanks for the time.

  130. reza (29 Apr 2015, 7:26)

    reza cheraghivash
    دانلود اخرین بازی ها و اخبار و تریلر بازی ها از ویدئوگیم فارس
    پرچم ایرانی ها بالاست
    اسکیدرو دوست داریم

  131. cj (29 Apr 2015, 18:50)

    any crack plz?

  132. Ivan (30 Apr 2015, 6:17)

    Para cuando el crack? Digan algo please!

  133. Divine (30 Apr 2015, 9:13)

    Guys need a crack when will be the release any news pls ? Admin ?

  134. MR (04 May 2015, 19:36)

    This 3dm crack v 1.0 doesnt work at all.After launching the game , nothing happens. Can you tell us please when the game will be cracked?

  135. AboAyyash (05 May 2015, 15:12)

    Crack Still SOON !

  136. Delta (06 May 2015, 18:28)


  137. KiRuR (12 May 2015, 22:16)

    please guys.. i really want to play this game!

  138. JemmyHulk (13 May 2015, 15:30)

    crack pleaseeee

  139. Mega (13 May 2015, 18:29)

    hey, how should i run this?

  140. Asterat (14 May 2015, 2:26)

    Is it rly so hard to make a crack for this game? FIfa got one, why not Lords of the Fallen…

  141. rascallacsar (14 May 2015, 2:58)

    Dude, do you guys produce anything that works anymore? I tried downloading 6 of your games over last two days and not one of them works.

  142. provatwh (14 May 2015, 23:13)

    If you didn’t get the games to work, I guess you didn’t read well the games info, or you didn’t follow exactly the installation procedure. I also figured out I wasn’t doing the things properly once done, all the games i donnloaded here works perfectly, you just need to read before install.
    And devs pleaaase crack this one! I hope you understand 🙂

  143. Many (15 May 2015, 1:44)

    After all this time we are still waiting for it… come on!

  144. Davide (15 May 2015, 11:29)

    Hey, where is a crack?

  145. Jure (15 May 2015, 22:12)

    c’mon it’s been more than half a year… release the crack please

  146. R3volter (17 May 2015, 11:25)

    Still no crack? i think 3dm as forgotten about this game….

  147. Hunkar (17 May 2015, 15:27)

    is it working or need crack? I dont understand!

  148. Yustinus (18 May 2015, 13:24)

    i think why there is still no crack beside the DRM its because the game is still crashing even for who buying it and dev doesnt try to fix it . You can see it on steam there is like 1600 bad review and only 2400 good review

  149. petya (18 May 2015, 16:57)

    pls make a crack .!!!!

  150. Pavlus (19 May 2015, 7:35)

    Походу пираты положили хуй на взлом этой игры, видимо она настолько отстойная, что ее даже с торентов качать не будут

  151. Lolzero (19 May 2015, 15:25)

    I guess the crack of this game is takin forever …

  152. Junão (19 May 2015, 18:10)

    Are you guys working on a crack?Love you work, and just can wait to play this game!

  153. odis (21 May 2015, 12:46)

    still no crack?????????????????

  154. Angellos (22 May 2015, 15:06)

    If only you guys read what was written above, this game will not be cracked….

  155. Icarus (23 May 2015, 8:22)

    Hey guys if you’re looking for a original version of the game you can buy it for 17 euros (or just change the currency to usd) at

    I’ve bought a few games from steam black market, once you receive the key all you gotta do is enter it in steam to download, I bought UT3:black edition for 3 euros instead of 20 usd on steam 🙂 I also bought terraria for 2 euros instead of 10usd on steam original market,

    happy shopping:))
    Cheers from the colourful land of South Africa! 😀

  156. Icarus (23 May 2015, 8:23)

    Oh sorry forgot to mention the regional limitation =/

  157. Peepee (25 May 2015, 9:23)

    Wow, since FIFA 15 no crack yet, what’s going on ?

  158. viga.s (25 May 2015, 15:49)

    still waiting 🙁 for crack

  159. Tabarnak (25 May 2015, 18:52)

    Longest crack ever… don’t forget us Skidrow 🙂
    We believe in you !

  160. anna (25 May 2015, 19:24)

    http://sh.st/km1qT It is at last

  161. petya (26 May 2015, 16:49)

    im want buy the game , but im cant 😀 sold out….

    1 month and the goty comeing…

  162. dariush (26 May 2015, 20:13)

    why u cant cack this game.i tire waiting.please answer

  163. nima (26 May 2015, 21:48)

    why you wont cracked this

  164. asdsad (27 May 2015, 2:30)

    crack crack crack -lord of the fallen

  165. aziz (27 May 2015, 16:03)

    need seeps

  166. Šíma (31 May 2015, 0:06)

    When will be Crack guys?

  167. Done (31 May 2015, 22:49)

    Guys the crack is not ready yet
    if you wanna play buy the original game or wait.

  168. Lucas (02 Jun 2015, 13:46)

    So I’ve completed downloading and to finish the installation I’m asked to provide a CD-Key.
    Anyone have it by any chance ?

  169. Starlord (02 Jun 2015, 16:20)

    Forget about the crack…It will never ever be out :(! I’ve browse the web and found out that the protection is just too hard to crack, the game has bugs impossible to solve because of the highly complicated protection, and overall the game is not that good (only looks good than its dissapointing) so the crackers don’t even bother to try to fix it. Just Forget about this game, may it RIP…

  170. Shackerz (03 Jun 2015, 0:02)

    Guys if you want a cracked version search for the 3dm crack on their site. Apparently the game got cracked but no one cared about it. Its on bt.3dmgame.com

  171. homeless man (03 Jun 2015, 2:34)

    02/06/2015, still no crack. At this rate i dont know if its gonna arrive in time. my wife is dead, my kids are dead, even my god damn dog is dead… im not gonna last much longer. If this crack doesnt arrive soon, im afraid im gonna be next.

  172. David (04 Jun 2015, 23:17)

    When will be released crack ?

  173. Starlord (05 Jun 2015, 23:42)

    Belive me my friends this game will NEVER crack…just FORGET about it! If you realy want to play it buy it on Steam!… But you’ll be dissapointed!

  174. David (06 Jun 2015, 21:01)

    When will crack be released ?

  175. ABHAY SINGH (07 Jun 2015, 11:57)

    Hello guys,

    I am reading all above posts in hope If crack is released!! This game was long awaited and is not so crap to play. Its a nice game and in great demand. I request SKIDROW to work on it please.


  176. wtfskilz (08 Jun 2015, 8:46)

    hmm has SKIDROW cracked any Denuvo games?

  177. its1134 (10 Jun 2015, 18:06)

    Guess LoTF wins. =) Don’t remember hearing about another uncrakable game before, but here it is, the Champion!

  178. Shadow (10 Jun 2015, 18:57)

    Crack please

  179. Natanael (11 Jun 2015, 21:52)

    error: the aplication cannot run (0x0000142)…how can i fix this?

  180. Albatrose (12 Jun 2015, 7:57)

    You will never happen to unblock

  181. kaveh (13 Jun 2015, 21:10)

    امیدی به کرک این بازی هست؟؟؟

  182. ABHAY SINGH (15 Jun 2015, 11:12)

    Request SKIDROW to remove this game from exclusive list! There is no point people downloading 16+GB of useless data without a CRACK..

  183. Teoiulian94 (15 Jun 2015, 11:53)

    You guys have no brain at all . above said is almost impossible to get a crack but still cry like a baby.
    Wait till somthing happen and if not even in 2016 wont be a crack mean the game is a shit and no point on making a shit crack.
    End of story .

  184. Zinka (15 Jun 2015, 21:40)

    Game is cracked BY ALI213 pliz upload it

  185. joojoo (16 Jun 2015, 8:25)

    ill buy this when its $9.99 on steam

  186. Divine (17 Jun 2015, 2:33)

    Guys pls leave a comment about when will you finish the crack I’m waiting already 2 months or more I guess. Just let us know when it will be ready approximately. Thank you

  187. Seed (19 Jun 2015, 14:35)

    Seed it ppl pls 🙂

  188. ali (19 Jun 2015, 15:23)

    any hope that we get a crack sometime?

  189. JavaFX (21 Jun 2015, 4:39)


  190. ahmed kabbary (21 Jun 2015, 12:06)

    maybe they have low internet speed so that’s why it’s taking too long

  191. oussama.kr10 (21 Jun 2015, 13:58)

    can any get in the game or we should wait for the crack to do that?????? plz answer me

  192. Poke (21 Jun 2015, 21:35)

    a GOG version is commnig for this game, hope it comes without protection

  193. Redfort (23 Jun 2015, 18:45)

    “Crack coming soon” No one believes you!

  194. djchris (24 Jun 2015, 5:16)

    skidrow when crack please eight month no yet when please crack

  195. Realist (24 Jun 2015, 11:45)

    It’s not possible to crack it, go buy the game, you’re all wasting your time waiting nearly 1 year for a crack. Move on.

  196. bbc111 (24 Jun 2015, 13:07)

    the game wont start

  197. Toshiro (25 Jun 2015, 7:00)

    Downloaded, Unziped… but yeah… the crack isn’t working at all.

    Let’s wait another year.

  198. dariushhhhhhhhhhhhhh (29 Jun 2015, 20:26)

    when you crack this fucking game.i waited for almost 5 month

  199. mikeslemonade (30 Jun 2015, 8:25)

    Haha we get the last laugh anyway. A game beat piracy, but still sold next to nothing.

  200. Gcbro (30 Jun 2015, 14:47)

    Exactly my point some people know that the game was pretty baddly made to be even bothered to be cracked but ffs some of us would really like to play this game and try it out….So what the hell are we asking for too much? It’s Denuvo DRM same as Dragon Age Inquisition….

  201. djchris (30 Jun 2015, 15:56)

    when crack when

  202. anonymous (01 Jul 2015, 0:14)

    hey you want the crack !!! you are downloading with no prize (free!!!) so just wait the crack

  203. Dante (01 Jul 2015, 21:18)

    Não vale a pena pagar por este game, pelo que andam dizendo de como é ruim. Seria perfeito tê-lo de graça. Infelizmente o filho da mãe nunca vai ser crackeado. E eu nunca vou jogá-lo, por que nunca vou comprá-lo. 🙂 “Only for free I would play this shitting game”.

  204. anonymy (02 Jul 2015, 23:00)

    an uncrackable game? arent people worried if other games are uncrackable too?

  205. death9999 (04 Jul 2015, 23:17)


  206. dumdum (05 Jul 2015, 11:54)

    crack lord of the fallen is on the site 3dm for 8 months, the site is in chinese

  207. byZOX (06 Jul 2015, 20:52)

    @dumdum Link please.

  208. Yasir (07 Jul 2015, 6:33)

    share the link dum dum moron translate the language with google translate in english

  209. dumdum (07 Jul 2015, 8:57)

    @byZOX megagames.com/fixes/lords-fallen-v10-all-no-dvd-3dm good games

  210. dumdum (07 Jul 2015, 13:31)

    i wanted to put the link but my comment was not approved, will see on megagames or gamecopyworld i did not test the crack because i have to buy the game

  211. Bobber (07 Jul 2015, 17:40)

    aa megagames is for sale so this post is useless

  212. Bobber (07 Jul 2015, 17:41)

    and the crack for 3dm doesnt work

  213. Bobber (07 Jul 2015, 17:42)

    ok nvm stupid me found the magegames site

  214. Bobber (07 Jul 2015, 17:44)

    ok crack doesnt work

  215. dumdum (07 Jul 2015, 20:26)

    sorry for my bad english i am belgian lol this the only crack that i found. will see on 3dmgame.com but the site is in chinese

  216. SexiPlexi (07 Jul 2015, 20:42)


    that crack doesn’t work….please test before giving false advise.

  217. ThisGuy (08 Jul 2015, 8:35)

    Yeah, to this day, Lords of the Fallen still hasn’t been cracked. 3dm’s crack doesn’t work..

  218. jcas (10 Jul 2015, 11:19)

    Its been over a year or so but this game has not been cracked yet, should we people give up on this game for crack or should we still hope for it because there has not been any news about this game until now. Ill be very thankful if anyone can give me an answer.

  219. FUCkofFallens (11 Jul 2015, 19:54)

    wher is thiz fucking crak

  220. JRB (12 Jul 2015, 13:21)

    Why is this game and Batman Arkham Knight still up available for download? THEY DON’T WORK!!
    Some people have monthly limits on internet usage. This game should have been removed months ago and Arkham Knight was a colossal waste of time and internet usage. DO THE RIGHT THING, ADMIT THEY ARE WORTHLESS AND TAKE THEM DOWN!! QUIT WASTING YOUR FOLLOWERS TIME

  221. death9999 (14 Jul 2015, 14:38)

    fuck this useless game

  222. djchris (14 Jul 2015, 19:09)

    when when when crack

  223. Sylar (21 Jul 2015, 12:10)

    How do I install the game , it just crashes when I click on install file

  224. Dun (22 Jul 2015, 12:41)

    Holyyy $hit so you cracked all Assasin’s Creed games and they were making it a point to block you guys and others that do this thing, yet the one game I haven’t seen crack after all these years, is this, wow I’m amazed. Lords of the fallen won ? you’ re gonna let it?!

  225. Kastiel (24 Jul 2015, 11:46)

    Please we are waiting for a crack

  226. cracked (25 Jul 2015, 15:06)

    the crack will take forever 😀

  227. Skidrow (26 Jul 2015, 13:41)

    There won’t be any crack of this game soon sorry for long await.

  228. truch (26 Jul 2015, 16:47)

    just benn cracked by groupe CPY

  229. starlord (27 Jul 2015, 14:24)

    hey guys please upload cpy crack and patch 1.6 only so that we could use them with this…skidrow is best

  230. Cazzone (30 Sep 2015, 11:30)

    I downloaded the game but I can’t find out how to install it, please help me guys!

  231. HELP GUYS (11 May 2016, 11:15)

    Guys please SEEDS the Torrent i need it please !!!!!

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