Assume duties of a soldier involved in numerous battles….
Assume duties of a soldier involved in numerous battles and skirmishes with fast advancing German war machine. Go to battle on foot, driving armored vehicles, or flying an airplane. Use weapons not featured in any other game and feel a good, nostalgic climate of the production like MOHAA or COD.
Title: Land of War The Beginning
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 10 Jun, 2021
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• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1146300/Land_of_War__The_Beginning/
Land of War The Beginning-FLT
Size: 12.05 GB
First Polish shooter ww2 defend my country 🙂
Better than Call of Duty: WWII.
thank you SKIDROW 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉
can i play this game with a controler
Works great! ty alot FLT <3
Is this normal?
A: yes safe, FLT has false positive in their installer! otherwise you can wait for Repack (in few hours).
thx flt i love u! this devs deserve support! 2 years of work for this game
Totally bugged right now. The tutorial does not display you the keys wich you have to press and in the first mission where you need to get on the Anti tank gun it won’t let you. Im standing next to it pressing all keys possible and holding them and nothing happens i cant proceed the game.
Polish CoD, released 20 years to late.
@msk thats because you have a controller plugged in unplug it and it will work
@Dawid: Defend your country? Learn some history. But then you are playing propaganda games – so what do I expect?
stfu u nazi cunt!
“stfu u nazi cunt” isn’t argument/point and it only proves that Herrman guy is right if you only have to say stfu…
Everyone Cheers and FUCK Law And Justice !
An update? Plz 🥺👉👈
I have a bug where in one mission there’s dialogue which stops my character from mowing, but suddenly dialogiem stops too when normally it should continue. I can’t proceed ;w;
Herrman shut your fuckin mouth. Polish soldiers were a heroes, it’s a fuckin true ! We were protected pussy brits in a battle of England, only we were to reach a Monte Cassino. But our tragedy is honor… We were fight with honor, not with Pervitin like your bandit country. We don’t killed a woman and children like your and soviet army. And on the end of war Churchill and rest of Europe was sold us to Soviet Union… Thanks, so much. I know why the whole world don’t like the Poland – out of jealousy.
Shame that there’s no Reich’s campaign.
Herr Hermann. Enlighten us please, what sort or a version of a history you refer to? German soldiers dressed in polish uniforms attacking German radio-station? I’m half polish and quarter German. Don’t ask about the rest 😀 I love German volk 😀 (I know it’s a”forbidden word”. Dumb idea for me) I have a great respect for gen. von Manstein or Rommel. I love memoirs of maestro Galland or genius of Ernst Udet. I know the history kid and I also know it from old Germans who had the balls to tell the stories of how they were tricked by one freak from Austria and bunch of American eugenists. How about You kid? And yes. Poles were damn heroes who eventually took the dirtiest blow from their allies. Govts I mean. Thanks God field British soldiers were more than pissed and furious when this happened because they knew the truth. Grow up kid and God bless
I agree. There should be Reich’s campaign
@Dawid what do you mean first? CoD 3 for the PS2 already has a full polish campaing
Izaak, polish govt either was stupid or joo’d because they refused alliance with Third Reich and as all know Poland was bait for west to bomb Germany as (((Jacobson))) Churchill said-Germany’s sin wasn’t Hitler but that they depraved international bankers from profits, so they had to have cassus belli to kill Reich legally ie. not invade without motive. Now for what-if: If Poland allied itself with Germany then there would be no english and french declaration of war, remember that after 17th dec, those two western countries didn’t declare war on soviet russia that also attacked Poland. Maybe history would have been different, maybe communism would have been killed off.
Victors write history so even if Polish soldiers were heroes mainstream view doesn’t give a fuck, mainstream loves ‘merican gis storming muh omaha and utah.
So if Poland chose honor and heroism it does not matter because France and England didn’t give a fuck at first and also western allies sold Poland in Yalta to soviets and before practically pressured Poland to ally itself with ussr (that attacked Poles earlier) and same ussr commited war crimes/atrocities by 70% jewish nkvd on polish intelligentsia (despite that west knew about Katyn etc), so allies and soviets also did warcrimes but they won so no crimes ‘kay, communism killed more yet normies do not give a flying fuck about it and just praise victors because of constant msm propaganda that ze germans bad.
You’re not required to think why germans bad, they just bad and don’t you dare publicly state opinion like bad guys won etc, even criticizing so called holocaust is penalized in several European countries.
Lastly, think about what those allied soldiers would do back then if only they knew what’d happen to their countries later (yeah also polish soldiers, if they knew that modern polish is cleaning toilet in englandistan)
what a peace of garbage game this was. not even worth the bandwidth to download
This game lag and bug, impossible to play on a computer where Black Mesa and Co function perfectly…
This game lag and bug, impossible to play on a computer where Black Mesa and Co function perfectly…
Can anyone share the crack files of the game to me?
how the fuck do you invert the y axis?…………..that’s not a good sihn…..any self respecting fps, allows the player to switch the y axis……..because there’s loads of players who play this way……………dumb or just arrogant?
fuck your opinions, you’re not even a nazi, people defending nazis are just incel faggots who’d be beaten to death for being too obese to function in society, nazis and nazi apologists are retarded
@muman So fuck your opinion you cocksucker, if you can say what you said then I can too, you fucking retard, your beloved commies would put you into gulag.
Germans were the true liberators of Europe. All the evidence is there!.. You just gotta stop screaming “nazi” and feeding off that shit-box you call a tv!
Seig Heil you little lefty mongoloids! haha