Using groundbreaking new animation technology, MotionScan, that captures every nuance of…
Using groundbreaking new animation technology, MotionScan, that captures every nuance of an actor’s facial performance in astonishing detail, L.A. Noire is a violent crime thriller that blends breathtaking action with true detective work to deliver an unprecedented interactive experience.
Title: L.A. Noire Complete Edition
Genre: Adventure, Strategy
Developer: Team Bondi, Rockstar Leeds
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Release Date: 10 Nov, 2011
Note: Updated to version 1.3.2617 (15.11.2012)
Included DLC:
• The Broderick Detective Suit
• The Sharpshooter Detective Suit
• The Badge Pursuit Challenge & Button Man Suit
• The Chicago Piano
• “The Naked City” Vice Case
• “A Slip Of The Tongue” Traffic Case
• “Nicholson Electroplating” Arson Case
• “Reefer Madness” Vice Case
• “The Consul’s Car” Traffic Case
L.A.Noire The Complete Edition MULTi9-ElAmigos
Size: 14.6 GB
Cool as phuq. Time to don my trilby and adopt hilariously cliched 1940’s mannerisms in the name of fighting crime, Rock Hudson-style.
thank u ELAMIGOS
anyone tried this on windows 10? mine doesnt work.
working just you need the old version of social club that given in the installation folder
Did you try installing Social Club? Do so, then refuse to create online account, it will ask you to create a profile for the game only, happy days. If this isn’t your issue, sorry not sure. Using windows 10 here, works just fine.
1. install game,
2. install Social Club,
3. disable Internet or block .exe with Firewall,
4. Play.
Fail login in social club
Don’t trust spanish people
I have an original copy of the game but somehow it wont run with my windows 10. If this version works then im gonna download this
Hello Skidrow, i downloaded the game then i installed it by auto-setup, i installed Social Club which is in the folder “Redist/RGSC/SocialClub1.1.0.6.exe. after this setup i Launch the game but there is a message pop-up which is said:
“The dynamic library “gsrld.dll” failed to load. Please confirm that:
1) The file was copied over the same folder as the crack executable
2) The antivirus spftware is not false-detecting the file (in which case white-list the folder/file)”
I didn’t see any folder with any crack, and i wanted to white-list the folder/file but i don’t see it anywhere.. can you please help me to fix it?
By the way you’re doing some great works guys. keep making our geek life happier ^^
Same problem^ :/
Normal here, directX and framework lestest version required. Just run in administrator mode e follow the instructions.
when i turn renderer to direct x 11 my monitor says input not supported, im using r9 380. is that the games problem? should i just play with direct x 9?
Game fail to start because side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Anyone know how to fix this?
Works fine, but need to turn off the internet to start the game every time..
i cant even install, getting a isdone.dll error code -12, did i just get a broken archive? All the usual fixes for isdone.dll errors wont help
Do not listen to the noobs here ^^
The game works and runs perfectly on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit., DX9 and DX11.
When you run the game, just disable the internet acces to lanoire.exe and lalauncher.exe via Windows Firewall, google it if you dont know how to do it.
Thanks for the upload.
It wants the password for the sign in. :/
Install the game including all redist included in the install which includes the correct version of Rockstar to be able to run the game..After everything has installed DON’T RUN THE GAME! otherwise the patch will update the game to a different version so your game won’t run… Go into your firewall and add new rules (BLOCK) for—-LANLauncher.exe—-LANoire.exe—LANPatcher.exe…..Then run the game as admin and away you go….If you have installed already just uninstall both game and Rockstar and reinstall following what i’ve stated above and you’ll be playing within no time…You’re welcome…..Peace
CONTINUED—Select Offline Mode and select your game settings and then launch game and you will be signed in automatically
its want me to upgrade my directx but i got the 11.2 version
plz help
asking rockstar activation code?????
what to do..plz help
im downloading from up07 but after some time it dosen’t download anymore
IMPORTANT, If it’s not working (like mine) use this : https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/7037362/L.A.Noire.v1.2.2610.Update-SKIDROW
It doesnt sign me in auotmatically. Instead it says “Email not found or Password is Invalid” ?? I followed all the steps
Actually NVM I had to uninstall my already installed Social club and install the one provided in the folder.
Does it works on windows 8.1 pro?
the files are deleted on all the servers, plzz update them
Dosen’t work, I do the things like SerialKillerJTR.
1. install the game
2. copy the crack files
3. add to windows 7 firewall incoming roles the 4 .exe file
4. run as administrator the LANoire.exe
5. game writes internetconnection not available
PLS help me it almost work!
1. Install the game (Install the redist, directx AND the socialclub)
2. Don’t RUN it -> Go to your advanced firewall settings and click “new rule” outgoing traffic and select lanoire.exe + lanlauncher.exe and BLOCK THEM.
3. Go to your LANoire location folder and click on the folder named Redist -> RGSC -> INSTALL social club AGAIN.
4. Run the Lanoire.exe and a box will appear -> Click offline -> Launch game
5. Have fun!!!
game crashes with a ‘failed to create d3d resource’ error’
Los pasos de @Kerrigan no me han funcionado (si… sé hacerlos), puede que a otros les funcione, pero no a mí. Puede ser debido, a que tengo instalados, más juegos originales de rockstar y no me permite instalar, el SocialClub que viene en este.
De hecho sólo me deja instalar el juego. Los archivos que aparecen al final de la instalación (DierctX, Networkframe…, socialclub, etc) no me deja instalarlos.
De la única manera que he conseguido jugar, ha sido desactivando por completo, la conexión de internet, para poder usar el modo fuera de línea.
PD: si sólo es por probarlo haz como yo y desactiva internet. Pero si te gusta, compralo en alguna rebaja es un juegazo, muchas horas de diversión y muchas decisiones o caminos a seguir.
I’ll never download any cracks from elamigos of fitgirl again, none of them work
please help seed this game