A thrilling story-driven action RPG, with a rich open world, set in 15th century Medieval Europe. Experience the ultimate medieval adventure – through the eyes of young Henry – as you embark on a journey of epic proportions.
Title: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Release Date: 4 Feb, 2025
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1771300/Kingdom_Come_Deliverance_II/
• Start the game through in "Bin\Win64MasterMasterSteamPGO\KingdomCome.exe"
• The Czech voiceover is located in the _language pack folder.
• Copy the contents of the folder with the desired language pack to main game folder and
select it in the game settings.
• The Lion's Crest
• Gallant Huntsman's Kit
• Shields of Seasons Passing
• Expansion Pass
Languages.Pack-P2P { Torrent | Torrent | Torrent | Torrent }
1- Download the folder with the desired voiceover
2- Place its contents into the game folder.
3- In the game settings, select the desired voiceover.
Kingdom Come Deliverance II Gold Edition-P2P
Size: 89.4 GB
Thanks guys
Here we go!!!
Thank you.
Can someone explain to me the difference between the two versions that come out every time p2p etc?
gold edition I guess
if i understand correctly. When you pirate a game, you usually can download one of two versions either a installer version, that will basically work as you use a CD on your PC and will install a game for you or a portable version, ready to use immediately no need for installation. this one is a portable version.
If i understand it correctly, GOLD means Henry’s boyfriend comes with a BIG GOLDEN MAMBA. Extra exxcite!
If i understand it correctly, you like it in your a$$….is niiiice??
Correct. GOLD is the full Globo homo version
Gold edition full woke, vavra is one of goldsteins, goldsteins love gold so that’s why gold edition and henry is now lpg.
This thread is hilarious if not true. Keep it up boys! Preach the WORD!
I am a man who has had to work since I was young. I started helping my father in his workshop when I was a child. I only managed to finish elementary school, then I had to drop out of high school.
And as I grew up, I saw that my time to study was getting shorter. I had to focus on work, and that’s why I’m a mechanic. What I earn is enough to feed and pay the bills at home. I live with my wife and daughters, and I’m very happy, but I can’t buy games and other souvenirs.
I’m grateful for upgrading this game.
Can you get this hard work hands in my hard working balls?
you want to be trashy my friend,why do you want that for yourself…
Writing this as a person who bought the game, you have my blessing good sir. Hope you enjoy your time playing. Best wishes to you and your family.
and you play games? YAIKS HELL NO! BIG WASTE OF TIIIIME!
Rafael, I salute you because you are the best example why its so important sharing games. and its NOT Piracy unless you sell it and make profits of it. Hugs from Spain
HA! “Sharing” Get off my dick you retard. You can try to spin that sharing shit all you want. You are a fucking thief like everyone else here. You are downloading the game for free because you don’t want to spend money on it. The exact definition of Game piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, and USE of video games without the permission of the copyright holder. You did not buy a license to play the game, which means you do not have permission from the copyright holder to play it. That makes you a filthy fucking pirate just like everyone else here. Aww this dude couldn’t hold his nut and has kids. He is still a fucking pirate. Get out of here with that sharing crap.
genius nobody asked you nothin you retarded piece of shit you just came here and replied uncalled for you misserable fuck.If you take game pirating that seriosly that you feel your doing something important in this universe you need to get a life.TOUCH SOME GRASS.
“What I earn is enough to feed and pay the bills at home.” Yeah still but it will be worse sadly, new ecoshit taxes, western nations supporting fantasykraine for eternity etc.
About education…in my cuntry whaamen would just ignore you because muh educayshun-not worth to start family with not educated etc all that bs (stupid bitches).
lots of faggers here, the game now features a GAY main character, so they swarm the comment section like flies 😀
Did i say only a GAY will play? 🙂
cause thats why you are here
Who the fuck cares?! You made your own fucking choices in life, and you preferred to get a bitch to fuck whenever you want! In fact by hardly fucking your whore, you also got yourself two daughters. Now what? Do you want some congratulations?!
If you wanted to create an “excuse” to pirate, you definitely shouldn’t have told your life story, since no one gives a danm shit!!
Everyone has their own life and makes their own choices. If you choose to pirate, then you will pirate! If you want to buy, then you will do it anyway, without making any fucking excuses!
You have such “incel virgin school shooter” vibes. Fuckin Elliot Rodger wannabe
You also play pirate games so you dont have money AND sure dont have a wife to fuck!
2/2 loser hahahaha
You sound like a school shooter who likes didlos up the a$$…is niiiice?
Of course I do pirate games! Even if I have the money, I will ALWAYS pirate fucking games!!
The difference is that t I will never write a fucking story about my shit life on any fucking site! Because, again “WHO THE FUCK CARES?!”
Also, for those who call out the big word (aka “incel”), does this word make you hard?! Are your balls growing bigger just by writing this word?!
What? Did the story of the “poor mechanic man” make you cry, so you now feel sorry for him?!
Just GTFO! I hate people who try to make others feel “pity” by writing their “sad” shit stories on random sites on the internet…
At least he HAS a story to tell unlike you insulting random people on a pirate site. What you lack is brain and empathy and people do care. Just because you have lost all touch with people and obviously reality doesn’t mean everyone is a numb fuck like you. Maybe leave your hole once a week to at least speak some words to the dude that sells you your main Mc Donalds dish and be a little less miserable. You reak of pathetic. Now hush hush go get some help while you are outside, you desperately need it as it seems you have nobody close to feel human connection that would actually tell you that.
Everyone HAS a story, you dumb ass! But that doesn’t mean you “HAVE TO” share it!
You talk about “empathy”? What empathy?! Losers and faggots have “empathy”!
The world is cruel and harsh, and you should NEVER expect empathy from ANYONE! Especially on the internet!! Or do you think that the world is like in these shit cartoons from Disney & Co.?!
The pathetic one here is people like you that are trying to make strangers on the internet more “empathetic”, here is my answer for you: FUCK YOU and your EMPATHY!
You talking about using the brain?! Let me enlight you, fucker: Any kind of “human connection” is due the fact that this shit species HAS to reproduce = FUCKING and make other fuckers, like any other kind of parassites!!
You “dear” girlfriend/wife, is only a bitch in heat that thrives on YOU and your “sacrifices for the family”. (Enjoy your next 30 – 40 years of “sacrifices”)..
So GTFO and spare me the “empathy” and “human connection”, all bullshit!
No fucking one should share “cute” shit stories on a fucking random site, especially on a pirated-games site, where the Mr. Mechanic story has NOTHING to do with the content of this site!
But since you are so “empathetic” and you know more about “human connection”, go and meet with the Mr. Mechanic’s wife, I bet he would love some cuckolding shit! Maybe your weak “empathetic” faggot seed will give him a son this time….
You what I do when I don’t want to read someone’s life story? I just don’t read it. I don’t go on a lengthy butt-hurt tirade about how much I don’t want to read it. Now remove your head from your ass and go take some blood pressure medication and know that I also appreciated reading his story, which further invalidates the irrational anger you feel. I am sorry that you feel hostage to some words on a screen, I hope your life gets better. Maybe a woman would help but you don’t seem like a good catch. Whatever….you do you!
So uncalled for you attention seeking piece of shit.This incel is so chronically online that if he said anytinh remotely close to this he would drop like a sack of shit
guys why so upset?
Just play the game and eat Klaus dick, that will calm you down, or at least shut you up.
HA! 😀
and who the fuck cares you fucking normie
Noone really care thought here
yeah gold edition
All audio languages?
yeah they are in the files
even gay czech ?
gay czech for gay game, ofc.
no, just engilish audio and czech.
Gay czech yes, of course, since the character is gay and czech. Play if you a gay czech.
@Burjak: no difference i think. FLT you must download & mount “ISO” install & Play, while P2P, download & play. anyway both will works fine. btw FLT can be English only (not sure about it), but P2P has all languages.
Thx alot P2P & FLT <3
Thank you so much! well done guys!!!
Why download is so slow?
because the ppl’s dont know how is the torrenting works xd they are just downloading and no uploading so everyone of us is sucks with the slow download speed 🙁
coz gay
Only Czech language
no tchek in czech file
audio only czech and engilish.
its the same game right? Is there a differences past gold edition?
P2P vs FLT
Which version do you recommend between FLT and P2P ?
Imagine playing this soulless first person game. who moves with their arm like that? pathetic
It looks so flat slow and boring
Characters very robotic
l would never understand either , guess some people are just mentally deficient. Lots of single fatherless spoiled childs and I-pad babies risen by whore single mothers.
Now we’re talking…where can I get me some whore single mothers??
Oy vey why u incel not want single mother with several niglets and 500+ body count?!
well you can start with your own mother, shes the biggest whore of them all
Only Czech language……
Thx guys
gracias chicos son unos grandes
Main protagonist now GAY.
Enjoy playing a fagget 😀
PS: not me.
Dev tried earlier to look based not adding nigz to first game, then he did coming out as a jew, boom now Henry is fag then turd part maybe will have nigz. “BASED” af, western gaming is shindeiru!
>coming out as a jew (?)
>turd part (?)
>western gaming is shindeiru (?)
>Yeah, that’s a retard
Check his x/twitter u retard, he said he knows about jews because he’s one when confronted with sjw crying that there’s no niggers/jews in 1st part.
Thirt part of game you nigger.
Western gaming is dead basically, shindeiru-dead in Japanese, gaming culture is mostly japanese, were you living under a rock?
>You’re retard, let that sink in.
still way to go addin chickz w dickz and neon pink rubber hoses to fuck people up with.. CMON Warhorse, speed up your shit already!
no he isnt, its your Henry, he is Blank slate, its upto you if he is straight or gay.
tbh l wouldnt play this piece of shit game either way
Only Czech language……NOPE its included and you can install it if you want czech language
i want more gay and trans and tetris. any mods?
Mmmm yes…more trannies amd homos and your dad…is niiice?
nope english + czech, fagget
i think P2P has faster internet 😅
Guys please also upload while downloading the torrent, lets make it faster together 😀
How can I upload? Don t know how torrent works
Don’t download this incels it’s woke!
than don’t download… 😀
No you don’t understand incel, I want attention, my pussy is neglected, my catchildren ignore me!
incel is a word used for people like you who have not received any attention from their families. Go cry somewhere else you ignorant bigoted fool idiot…
you should download and eat some dick as Henry, that will shut you up
And since you have pussy, pretend its your pussy you’re eating it with, not Henry’s pie hole, problem solved
incel is a word used for people like you who have not received any attention from their families. Go cry somewhere else you ignorant bigoted fool idiot.
incel is a word used for people like you who have not received any attention from their families. Go cry somewhere else you ignorant bigoted fool idiot..
You smella lika my cocki
I can only download a .exe file. Where is torrent?
Guys in case you ask what language (text & audio), here is answer:
Interface language: Russian, English, MULTi15
Voice language: English, Czech
In case you want ALL Languages, game size will be 105GB, and RUNE just release, give me sometime, skidrowreloaded will upload it
Will RUNE be P2P so we can download a single language for this FLT version? Or de we have to wait for RUNE for all languages nevertheless?
Thanks fr the work.
Thx for your commitment hope u will also help with future updates
Will language only packs be released?
salut steven 🙂
je prend cette version mais tu pourrais nous mettre le pack de voix fr si tu trouve stp?
I am also waiting for the RUNE version for languages, when will it be released?
Sorry for asking, I just saw it was posted. Thanks.
skidrow et codex pour le travaille que vous faite un grand merci a toute vos equipe. Peace
Obrigo Skidrow
não sei o que faria sem você
Wow, I thought this was supposed to have Denuvo ?
It’s amazing, was planning on waiting a bit because while I loved the first one, it was riddled with issues at launch and even today the performance is wack.
Thanks ! Now maybe I’ll just straight up wait for the eventual Royal Edition to buy like the first one.
how fast are you all’s torrent speed atm?
Mine topped at 5 MB/s, but is on average 3 or 3.5 MB/s
(bittorent) 9-10 MB/S
How are you managing that speed?
I set all the files on high priority and only get around 3, 3.5..
My normal connection speed btw is optic fiber 1000, meaning 125 MB/s
16 here, begginng is super low after it gets better. Take all tracker bro
What do you mean by taking all tracker?
Do i need to do something extra on top of setting all files to high to “take all tracker?”
If yes, can you then explain what i should do?
share this list 🙂
I go from around 100Kb/s to 5MB/s then almost immediately go back to 100Kb/s. I pay for Gigabit ( I know im not going to get that speed ). I have 60 plus trackers on the torrent. I am connected to the closest VPN server to me which is 30 miles away. I have restarted my computer and Ethernet adapter. I am using Deluge. Guess ill just have to wait the estimated 33 weeks to play.
speed faster if you eat dick during
Fuck everyone who says this game is woke. Gay masculine men existed thousands of years ago. Crawl back to the hole you re hiding in. Spreading hate toward people who work really hard to deliver a great quality game. You re horrible people
Turning a straight character gay/bi is woke nonsense.
If you care so much about WokeHorse, you wouldn’t even be here
@Darth Q: let me correct you my man: “he wouldn’t even bi here”.
You crawl back to the butt hole you’re hiding it, get it? 😀
You crawl back to the butt hole you’re hiding in, get it? 😀
So they existed we know that but there is no need to turn whole gaming into gayming you retarded fag.
Thanks guys please 1flicher link ye are the best
Hej tož sosněte to než na to skočí Vávra
Vavra was paid to give it our for free to all the fags 😛
Supposedly (((vavra))) made Henry part of lpg ‘community’.
no he didnt, its your Henry, he is Blank slate, its upto you if he is straight or gay.
But that option makes gaem party woke whether we like it or not…
I can’t wait to get Henry’s ass rammed by Straight White Males 🤤
Good on you.
Confirmed that all banderfags are…well fags.
@Steven will we be able to add language like spanish from rune to this version adding only that file?
Thanks for your work man
fischer please
ding ding ding
When you finaly upload to some site? Torrent is so slow.
35gb of 96 gb dwnloaded how bout yall lol
40 gb
19.2gb here, 21.2%
uh 0gb actually cause l dont like retarded games for faggots…
🤣🤣🤣🤣 how funny not
aight found the faggot everybody!
im trying to block speed by just downloading 10 instances and not uploading, but these faggets get through.. cant save em all
Dumb guys, noone complained about “woke” when Game of Thrones had gays and incest characters. It’s the dork people of USA who are doing a great damage to the world by their intolerance.
lmao you fucking dumbass, when GoT came in “woke” was even a thing… are you watching the show just now?
GRRM was a woke cuck before it was fashionable. The issue with this game is less the content, and more the changing stance of the devs since the first game.
Vavra likes to ride the hershey highway and wants your butt hole too, DEFLECT THE JEW!
Cant save them all man, they go like sheep to slaughter, fuckin goy all right 😀
Dumb guys, noone complained about “woke” when Game of Thrones had gays and incest characters. It’s the dork people of USA who are doing a great damage to the world by their intolerance. Let Henry be hungry for more
@Steven will we be able to add language like spanish from rune to this version adding only that file?
Thanks for your work man
this game has a gay sex thanks so much sharing is caring
médiéval WOKE game no think
I don’t got this 1.2 mb/s download – 36 mb/s upload
same lol
It going to take forever to download it on torrent…
Upload speed is 15x times bigger than download 🙁
Languages.Pack-P2P Added!
ja si hru koupil, stáhnout to bylo možné 24 hodin předem, takže jsem v 17h ihned začal hrát, mam gold edici a mam hned 4 datadisky stažené, v budoucnu mam zdarma nove datadisky. 80 euro není tak moc, pro mne to je jeden den v práci
Okay Daniel, you didn’t have to include niggers and faggotry in your game even if jews from your publisher forced you to, but I guess the game wouldn’t be this good without their funding.
80 not bad for Klaus dick in your mouth, i heard its a chummy coco <3
I downloaded this is 19 minutes, I’ll leave it up for you guys.
you managed to download in full in just 19 minutes?
How? I mean, i have a 1000mbs connection meaning potentially 125 MB/s but for me the max it gets is around 10MB/s, most of the time around 5 even…
How do you have 1gb download speed and only get 10mb?!
I have 2gb down/2gb up and constant 1800+ on both. I use utorrent (you have to learn how to modify it, not just default) and I can download any 100gb game in 20 minutes or less. Fastest that I’ve done so far was Diablo 4 (133gb) in 19 minutes, but that wasn’t a torrent.
Whatever program you’re using to download torrents, google it and they have millions of tutorials on how to properly set it up to get the most out of it.
gofile please thkx
just finished seeding for few hours boys 😉
no one is seeding this shit unfortunately
Lies, stop with the lies when you cannot see anyone.
I downloaded this in 19 minutes shortly after they posted it, so someone is seeding and I left my seeding ever since. I’ve been seeding this damn near all day, so stop spreading lies!
You must have a crappy internet connection or setup if you aren’t getting good seeds. Do some googling and tutorials on torrents to get it faster, cause I promise you that people with great (best) internet is seeding.
dont worry my name is Klaus and you can have my seed in your piehole, you download is almost ready, bro
dont worry my name is Klaus and you can have my seed in your piehole, you download is almost ready, bro
anyone got a problem with WHgame.dll not loading any fixes ?
Why don’t you seed? Why do you turn off the torrent immediately after downloading?
After all, this is not an MP game, thanks to us you downloaded this game and now you are making it difficult for others…
stop crying. Buy the game and sh*t up if dont like this.
you faggots i send to you 10mb/s and I receive 1mb/s you fucking leeching niggers, seed!
Ok guys thanks for not seeding, impossible to download.
Fuck you
Doesn’t work for me, i got a message Failed to load game DLL “WHGame.dll”.
Any advice ? :’)
C’est le pack voix française. Copier le dossier Language à la racine du jeu. Ensuite paramètre ingame et changez la langue audio.
Bon jeu
Cant u post it in spanish if u have access to it please?
failed to load the Game DLL “WHgame.dll” can anyone help ?
It is a pleasure for us to even publish the games with Turkish subtitles.
Why wont you stupid fucks seed the torrent?
Guess when you say it’s a FAGGIT game, you literally mean it ._.
How do I download?
Open other site and download an file ziped
How to change the TEXT language? it say undefined and dosnt let me change it. The voice cover yes.
same here, did u solved?
WHGame.dll ISSUE
Copy all files from
To the folder
I’ve been downloading all day and only 64GB downloaded, can everyone seed already it will help everyone out. I have 1gb broadband this shit is snail pace its crazy
An error occurred while launching this game: No licenses!
What should i do?!
“Hello boss, I seem to have come down with something. It’s nasty *cough*, I reckon I’ll need to take a good week, maybe two off to be safe…*cough*…”
was that your mom after she got her new boyfriend Jamal?
how old are you?
after reading the comments im thinking 12 and retardedly childish
nah bro, all you need is Klaus dick in your throat, cumming shortly. Enjoy gayo goyo
I might just stop seeding being that everyone claims no one is… I downloaded this game in 19 minutes shortly after they put it up. People are seeding, you just have horrible ISP or programs to download torrents. Google FFS and learn how to properly manage programs to get the highest speeds instead of whining like bitches blaming it on others not seeding.
I’ve been seeding this game all damn day on 2gb up / 2gb down Fiber ISP.
No matter how many games or what games they add to Skidrow all the comments are of 12 year old ungrateful kids whining about it. So dumb when you’re too poor to buy the game to begin with, stfu and buy a proper setup and ISP!!
Get off your high horse little bro, your in the comment section of a pirating website trying to call people poor for pirating the game you just pirated. Like people call each other faggot niggers here, do you think anyone is going to read that and be like “Damn he right”.
Most people torrenting are not on gigabit connection, lmao.
For me, personally, direct downloads are way faster than torrenting. Problem is, those cannot be paused and resumed however I want, unlike torrents.
no one cares about your opinion dumbass
6 hours in and only at 30 percent…….
works all fine here
How to fix text issues? Showing ui@ on every text. Thanks
I have this same also problem
What is this complete 1 offer and download bullshit i did install opera GX still doesnt work
Please upload Languages.Pack-P2P also to other hosting and not just Torrent…THANK YOU !!
Je n’arrive pas à mettre en français les voix, comment faire svp ?
Tu as trouver la solution ? Je ne trouve pas non plus comment faire avec le “tuto” commentaire fait par Kaporal un peu plus bas que ton commentaire.
How to bypass windows protection? When I want to turn on the game it appears: these files cannot be opened, the Internet security settings are blocking the files.
Can it be turned off somehow?
Thanks for the response
Is this the cr4cked version of the GOG one?
How to install this game?
Seed the torrent you POOR BASTARDS!
Also, thanks skidrow for helping the poor have some fun.
Pour changer les voix :
– Ouvrez le dossier du language pack désiré (préalablement téléchargé)
– Dans ce dossier se trouve le dossier “Localization”, ce qui donne par exemple : “french/Localization”
– Copiez ce dossier “Localization” dans le dossier principal du jeu :”Kingdom.Come.Deliverance.II.Gold.Edition-InsaneRamZes”
– Changez les voix dans les paramètres du jeu
To change voices :
– Open the folder of the language you have want and have already downloaded.
– In this folder there is another folder named “Localization”, for exemple “french/Localization”
– Copy that “localization” folder into the main folder game : “Kingdom.Come.Deliverance.II.Gold.Edition-InsaneRamZes”
– Change the voices in the game settings
Thank you.
anyone else not getting any sound?
Mr Genius Even if you buy games now you don’t own them so pirating is not stealing 😛 sucks to suck womp womp.
Getting a @UI bug with the text. Think it had to do with first time load. Seen a couple of people in the comments also have this. Anyone know a fix?
I got this too. Then i go back and download everything that i hadn’t the first time (_language pack & Localization) and start again and it works.
Hi I have a problem when I launch the game it tells me failed to load the game DLL ‘WHGame.DLL’ what does that come from?
after changing quality to medium and FPS to 55, i’ve just a black screen with only the mouse cursor and sound. Restarting the game and PC didn’t fix it. Please help
Please add polish language
Hello, i get a smartscreen warning by windows when trying to run the exe. Is it ok? anybody ran the game?
seems like I cannot make mods work for this, i created the folder in the root one but no luck, anyone managed to make that work?
Thanks guys for this awesome game, i was bullied at school cause i have 2 moms and i couldnt buy videogames, also my health isnt very well since im growing a hunchback, this game is free im no pirate i guess i deserve it cause i dont finger my asshole so that makes me worthy or playing for free this time, however if i see fucking gay shit in the game i may delete it, therefore its a test i wont be breaking the law, thanks all for understanding, you all mean a lot to me
The game just keeps crashing. I have an RTX 4070 with latest drivers.
I just get into the game, get to the part where you can feed the dog and then the game just crashes.
I reload, am 5 seconds in game and it just crashes again..
Anyone have any idea?
I’m also having crashes, played the opening and got a big further than you did, but I’m having constent crashes when I load in, played other games just fine too…
yeah i tried everything.
Everything low still crashes….
just played for like 40 minutes, everything went fine, then boom crash… played other games just fine, even tried a bunch of benchmark, hope it’s just bad luck with this specific game or even crack, time will tell
Miss me with that gay shit.
Seeding all day for you lot!
Hi guys, i copy the crack and do all the things good i think
But when i do a new game, i have error message black screen and the game closed…
What happened
Hello guys, is someone know where the game put the saves files in my PC please ?
I don’t find them even if I search with “.sav”