Create your own avatar to fight alongside the most powerful Manga heroes in an original….
Create your own avatar to fight alongside the most powerful Manga heroes in an original Story Mode, or head to the Online Lobby to challenge other players and discover lots of modes and activities.
Genre: Action
Release Date: 15 Feb, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
JUMP.FORCE.Update.v1.01-CODEX => Here
JUMP.FORCE.Update.v1.02-CODEX => Here
Size: 13.7 GB
OMG that was fast
thanks guys ! you’re the best
whats the difference beetwen 3dm and this version of codex i cannot understand ? the 3dm is working is cracked i tested it … hmm ?
OMG I thought the crack wont come till like march BUT IT CAME BEFORE THE GAME ITSELF!!!
You guys at CODEX really outdid urselfs
Just a bit sad that the download speed is 500kb max
but okay will wait
Join my discord if you want to play online:
The 3DM group has a habit of just putting up the whole game for download with every single new patch, whereas CODEX usually releases patches as stand-alone packages, making downloading large games (like ARK or Payday 2) much less of a hassle as you usually just need to download, let’s say, 1 GB of data instead of 30+ GB, whenever the devs decide to add one more vanity item to their game. Smaller file size also means that, if for some reason the update doesn’t work, you don’t have to regret wasting a long time downloading a huge file.
Let’s say CODEX is worlds more user-friendly than 3DM.
Thank you , now i understand 🙂
Is it working online?
spanish no?
Is the keyboard support or just controller 🙁
Is the keyboard support or just controller 🙁
the crash game shortly after finishing the tutorial with a message : You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.
does this version contains Jotaro, DIO, Kaguya, etc? (DLC Characther, more simply), because the 3DM version only contains base characther only
Game crash after win any character. UE4 error and crash to desktop. Any solutions? Thanks.
its opening steam.. help!!
Voici comment j’ai réglé mon erreur UE4 :
Commencez par parcourir le chemin de clé HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ GraphicsDrivers.
Faites un clic droit sur GraphicsDrivers et accédez à nouveau> Valeur DWORD (32 bits)
Vous verrez une nouvelle clé apparaître, assurez-vous de la nommer “TdrLevel”
et il doit être de valeur 0
maintenant redémaré 🙂
Voici comment j’ai réglé mon erreur UE4 :
Commencez par parcourir le chemin de clé HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ GraphicsDrivers.
Faites un clic droit sur GraphicsDrivers et accédez à nouveau> Valeur DWORD (32 bits)
Vous verrez une nouvelle clé apparaître, assurez-vous de la nommer “TdrLevel”
et il doit être de valeur 0
maintenant redémaré 🙂
Voici comment j’ai réglé mon erreur UE4 :
Commencez par parcourir le chemin de clé HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ GraphicsDrivers.
Faites un clic droit sur GraphicsDrivers et accédez à nouveau> Valeur DWORD (32 bits)
Vous verrez une nouvelle clé apparaître, assurez-vous de la nommer “TdrLevel”
et il doit être de valeur 0
maintenant redémaré 🙂
dont work TdrLevel 0 =/
@Miguel Great idea to change your registry for something that isnt work… Dont guide people to fail fixes.
It just opens up steam, what do i do? there was no crack with the torrent
Can i play online?
why i cannot make any save game data, it leads that i cant even start the game from the beginning panel.
So like, the game works fine for me but I’m not sure how to get it to play online. Does it have to do with Steam or smth? I’d like to know how or if I can go and play online with this one.
“Failes to create save data”, at the beginning. I’ve already uninstall and reinstall the game but can’t play because of that error. Anyone can help me pleace? thanks
i run the game but my controller doesnt working. Anybody knows how to detect my controller?
O jogo ta dando erro em uma missão muito la para frente q dar erro dentro do jogo vc dar ok e o jogo volta para menu start game
You guys are awesome.Will you post the updates too please and thank you.
You guys are great.Post the updates too please and thank you.
what we want to do after downloading the codex? please guide me guys
Version 1.03 pls. Need to skip the cutscene
No Audio in game. Someone HELP!
How to apply crack? after installation when i try to play the game it opens steam instead. in which folder is the crack included
Hey guys, i keep getting this UE4 Crash message and cannot run the application at all, how to fix this? can you guys tell me?
Thanks in advance
How do i unsintall the game? I cant find it in my programs theres no option anywhere
Pourquoi les jeux et entièrement sous titré en anglais et il y as t’il une option pour changer les sous titres? J’ai chercher mais rien trouve…
how connect a controller ?
very good game
no crack included in the zip
it opens steam
does it provide a crack? please replyyyyy
– Extract
– Burn or mount the .iso
– Run setup.exe and install
– Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
– Play
launch error
unrecognized game client.cannot continue
please help me
Game works fine but can’t play online. How to Play Online? I tried with Steam also but no use. Please Help
hello please i well insalle this game