James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game is the official video game based on the highly anticipated…
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game is the official video game based on the highly anticipated film James Cameron’s Avatar. The video game will take you deep into the heart of Pandora, an alien planet that is beyond imagination. Gamers will encounter the Na’vi, Pandora’s indigenous people and discover other life forms the likes of which have never been seen in the world of video games before.
Title: James Camerons Avatar The Game
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 1 Dec, 2009
James Camerons Avatar The Game-RELOADED
Size: 3.66 GB
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU:3.2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4, 2.66 Ghz Intel Pentium D, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ or better
RAM:1 GB (2 GB minimum for Windows Vista and Windows 7)
VGA:256 MB DirectX 10.0-compliant video card or DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher, See supported List*
DX:DirectX 9.0 (included), DirectX 10
OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (only)
Sound:DirectX 9.0-compliant sound card
Network:128 kbps Broadband connection
Recommended System Requirements:
CPU:Intel Core 2 Duo Family, AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+, AMD Phenom or better
VGA:512 MB DirectX 10.0-compliant video card or DirectX 9.0-compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher, See supported List*
DX:DirectX 9.0 (included), DirectX 10
OS:Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (only)
Sound:DirectX 9.0-compliant 5.1 sound card
Network:256 kbps Broadband connection
Good Old Game
Seriously ?
Anyone having problems with the sound? I am getting audio only during some of the cutscreens.
Qual E o avatar
okay i got it thx
need seeds please!!!
wanted seeds please!!!
I have downloaded it but there is no Keygen how to copy the hardware id to keygen.
Where do I find the Hardware id?
Downloaded the game but I dont have rights to open the Keygen… The fuck u guys?
I have download game but what is rar password pease help me
**For those who cannot get this game to work:**
#1: After installation, launch “avatar_1.01_americas_europe” from the “Crack” folder
#2: After updating, launch “autorun” from the main .iso file and copy the “Hardware ID” that is displayed
#3: Close “autorun” and then launch “Keygen” from the “Crack” folder [If using Win10, you will have to disable real-time protection to run the keygen]
#4: Paste your Hardware ID in the keygen and click “Generate” — copy the Serial that is generated
#5: Launch “autorun” again and paste the serial in the available “serial” box and activate
#6: To create a Desktop icon in order to play the game, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\James Cameron’s AVATAR – THE GAME\bin — right click “Avatar” and then “Send to Desktop”
I have download the game but what is rar password please help me
i have download the game but what is rar password please help me
I have download the game avatar rar reloaded please what is the password rar help me
posta o jogo pra download e a merda da senha não e um lixo mesmo , ai vc vai baixar a senha e o site n funciona posta as coisas direito se é pra fazer merda nao posta nada.
I dont get eny hardware id how do i solve this?
Yeah I guess the Keygen doesn’t work anymore, they’ve prolly updated it. I’ll try reinstalling the game and not apply the patch cause after I’ve runned 1st patch at the end of it, it asks me do I want to apply a newer one. Gonna try running it without any patches, offline etc… but I’m guess it’s not gonna work
keygen doesn’t work anymore it says my serial key is invalid
A la sélection de l’avatar, message”ERREUR Echec de sauvegarde”
Comment faire pour pouvoir jouer au jeu ou pour corrigé ce problème ?
Merci pour votre aide.
Its the game properly working?
To get this to work, I had to:
#1: After installation, launch “avatar_1.01_americas_europe” from the “Crack” folder
#2: After updating, launch “autorun” from the main .iso file, quit the ubisoft updating thingy hit next on the box till you get choice automatic or manual, hit manual and see HARDWARE ID (copy this)
#3: Close “autorun” and then launch “Keygen” from the “Crack” folder [If using Win10, you will have to disable real-time protection to run the keygen]
#4: Paste your Hardware ID in the keygen and click “Generate” — copy the Serial that is generated
#5: Launch “autorun” again and quit the ubisoft thingy again and go back to manual and paste the serial there then hit ok, now the game started for me