Bohemian Killing is a narrative-driven courtroom drama, offering players almost…
You are the last known human in the universe, and all that’s left of you is a disembodied head. Seeking clues to your fractured past, you must travel through a hostile world of machines using a special helmet that allows you to dock into and take control of any robotic host body.
Title: Headlander
Genre: Action
Developer: Double Fine Productions
Publisher: Adult Swim Games
Release Date: Jul 2016
Size: 3.05 GB
Thanks for the game!
Thanks!!! Pls upload INSIDE! 😀
Inside is protected by Denuvo.
Great!!! Please release INSIDE and CAROMBLE games 🙂
@Joserin : Oh my god!! If INSIDE is protected by Denuvo Anti-Tamper, maybe will be impossible to crack by reverse engineers (Denuvo is really hard to crack) (this is the reason that INSIDE is not available here yet). Thanks for the info. Well… So it is a good idea to think about buying INSIDE on Steam to play it. Regards!
No problem. Yea it will be either a lot of time before it’s cracked, or not at all. Let’s hope it’s the former.
You can check this reddit thread for games that are protected by Denuvo
Hi, I’ve been playing this game for a few hours, and made 2 new games to get stuck at the same place. Nothing seem to happen when I line the 5 satellites and the objective info looks like it’s stuck on the first objective (deactivate lasers in the tutorial mission).
Could it be a problem in the crack ?
Maybe others had the same issue ?
@Majindra You aren’t fooling anyone Inside developer. Denuvo was cracked already. We support good games we like regardless of if they are cracked or not.
thats true
Me again. I just watched a video walkthrough all the way and I’m almost sure of it : this crack has a problem. A bug occurs after more or less 1hour of gaming that kills the progression. I want to die…
it’s really cheap on steam , i think its the best way to go w/o any issues.