It’s the early ’90s. After a couple of cops frame him for….
It’s the early ’90s. After a couple of cops frame him for homicide, Carl ‘CJ’ Johnson is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas, to save his family and to take control of the streets.
Title: GTA San Andreas The Definitive Edition
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 11 Nov, 2021
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.rockstargames.com/en/game/buy-grand-theft-auto-the-trilogy-the-definitive-edition
GTA San Andreas The Definitive Edition-P2P
Size: 19 GB
How to install?
To @Jomar Triumfante
Select the Info tab and see.
theres no exe in these files, anyone know how to play this?
A: Exe Located => “\Gameface\Binaries\Win64\SanAndreas.exe
1.02 update?
the game doesn’t want to lunch
Nice, i’m so good now, thank you man….
It kept redirecting me to rockstar games launcher, how to bypass it?
1.02 update?
Good joob
where is SAVED GAMES this version ?
isnt in documents …
salut je lai telecharger mais ca me fait erreur 0x00007b qui pourrais maider merci
pakyu pano i dl mga animal
Direct download link (µTorrent)
I actually got a virus because of this im not kidding lol
what kind of virus
Can you add mods here? If yes, how to do it?
It keeps redirecting me to the rockstar games launcher any thoughts on how i can bypass it?
how can i enter the game it gives me error of rockstar games launcher