Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival….
Dynamic seasons change everything at the world’s greatest automotive festival. Go it alone or team up with others to explore beautiful and historic Britain in a shared open world. Collect, modify and drive over 450 cars. Race, stunt, create and explore – choose your own path to become a Horizon Superstar.
Title: Forza Horizon 4
Genre: Racing
Release Date: 09 Mar, 2021
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• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza_Horizon_4/
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition v.1.467.171.0-P2P
Size: 91.2 GB
nice game
Can we get an update only version?
A: Re Check/Hash your old version with this new torrent, it will download only updated/new files.
Let’s hope this run properly
I was going to start downloading the other one,thank god i didn’t hahah
will this work on the previous save game?
how’s this different than the empress version
All DLCs ?
Why posting such a huge file while you could only upload a less than 2gb update file ? I’ll never fucking get it ! Downloading is not a game, it is borring as hell !!!
What’s so different between this one and the one Empress uploaded?
A: new version.
Can it run on windows 10 newest version
can anyone confirm if stuttering problems still persist ?
Is this a version of Steam?
I have saved many hours of play in Windows version and I really hope there will be a way to play it.
A: yes steam version.
Thanks for updating the game guys 🙂
Just extract and play like its written in the info ?
You just had to update -_-
Any installation instructions?
Thank you for this boys!! i’m glad this version is an extract/play version, i don’t know why the other repacks required so much time to install.
Is it compatible with the G29?
Because in the Empress version, the wheel was not detected.
because the torrent is ”open” can we download only the new update and if yes anyone know which files is?
thank you
The game still sttutering as other version launched recently. It only happens when you drive within open world but not when you drive a race. It seems to be a optimizacion issue which cause fps drops and permanent sttutering. I have W10 20h2, and my specs are enought to run properly this game (I7 7700hq, 32 Gb ddr4 abd gtx 1070. I played this game a couple os years ago and it worked very smooth with out issues and all preset Ultra. Hope this helps abd hope to solve soon.
92 gb haha
Lol j’ai passé 3 jours à dl la version précédente pourquoi pas donner juste la maj
can i play online?
@Linktoheaven you should be wary of your pc maybe something wrong like drivers/programs and some cleaning because i have a i7 7500u, 8gb ddr4 ram. 940mx 2gb gddr5 gpu, and when i had 1tb wd hd it ran at almost 60fps and drops to 45-50 sometimes with no stuters… on a laptop and now i do have updated from 1tb hd sata3 to m.2 kingston 500gb a2000 storage drive.
@Notreadyforvallhala I run it on i9 9900K , 32Gb ram , RTX 2080 and stuttering is very annoying also in 1080p. Maybe it depends on some particular hw configurations or bad optimization but previous release (W10 1909 only) runs like a charm on the same pc…
@Notreadyforvalhala thanks for your reply. It’s strange because I’m playing with others games with no issues. I saw other people here having same issues related with sttutering. I think that is an optimization issue because, in my case, sttutering appears only when I driving randomly whithin open world, it never happens when I driving in a race. My laptop is enough to run this game @60fps. I really think that is not a problem related with Laptop.
I have download the game i open the game and crash thx 92Gb in the ass
if anyone has problem with crash things just create one local account and every time you want to plaY this game just switch to local,it is work for me
Still stuttering
Yep, game random crashes here and there.
I have the microsoft hacked version and it works fine. These steam ones do not work for me. It crashes when it feels like it.
Oh well.
@Mike You can’t
I found the update only file from a You tube video description in a channel called GAMEPC. For some reason I can’t copy paste the link in this comment. The video title is “Forza horizon UPDATE v4.1.467.171.” The file size is around 2.3GB
Btw it is the skidrow update. You just have to copy paste the update file in to the main game directory. I have the HOODLUM version updated to 1.466. This update is working for it and now it’s version 1.467. The online fix came with the HOODLUM version is also working.
@Charuka K98 Thank you very much for the tip. I have the Empress version btw and it worked very well. Sometimes i have stutters in freeroam only.
downloaded but i don’t know what to do to make it work, i copied the crack files in the game directory but it won’t open.
Hi, where is the savegame?
The game isn’t working for me, it just keeps on loading. Any help?
Does this version solve the problem with the wheels are not being recognized ? FAnatec here
Thanks for reply anyone 🙂
While startup loading the game crashes after few seconds? Anyone has solution for it?
i copy the dlls from crack and i paste to forza folder and he is starting but is automatically crash after the startup i need some help please answer!!
@Charuka K98 Thanks for the info
Here’s the link to the update
is this the steam version ?
Wasted 92GB…. Damn it
Rubbish version, same as the others does not work the fucking g29.
Just dropping by to let you guys know this works on the latest windows 20H2.
My xbox one controller also works.
Game is easy to run just copy all crack contents into ForzaHorizon4 root directory.
when i try to mount it in Iso says the file size is too large (>64 Bytes). please assist what to do .