Forza Horizon 3 is a racing video game set in an open world environment based in…
Forza Horizon 3 is a racing video game set in an open world environment based in Australia, with the map said to be twice the size of the map in Forza Horizon 2, ranging from Surfers Paradise to Byron Bay.
Title: Forza Horizon 3
Genre: Race
Developer: Microsoft Studios
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: 21 Sep, 2016
Patch Files { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Forza Horizon 3-FULL UNLOCKED
Size: 49 GB
CPU: i7 3820 @ 3.6GHz
AMD: R9 290X or AMD RX 480
Hard Drive Type: HDD
Available Space: 55GB
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
lol tks first
is it an only windows10 game?
its not playable if we have windows7? (no compatible)
does it have denuvo?
looooooool thank skindrow gods for giving me this!!!!!!
Early leak? I thought it launches on the 27.09.
can’t wait for crack this game ;3
no crack………………fuck
not working at all.. 49 gb waste. same like nfs2016
what is this system req
look at the system requirements like “WTF WTF WTF… My PC is GEFORCE 840 OMG”
awesome !!! thnx
You guys are so dang fast on releasing games wheres the donation button at? lmao
I can’t wait to buy the game or play it
I am sure that it doesn’t have denuvo
I think it is denuvo … And yes, only Windows10 cuz mainly the game is for xbox1 and windows10 is supporting xbox1 games
Windows7_user, no. it isn’t compatible with win7, you’ll have to be on 10 and with aniversary update to run.
NOOOOOOO Fuck you denuvo….. First Forza on PC and wow… Can’t even test before buying.. Can’t even try the damn demo out either….
Thanks Skidrow, Hope it doesn’t have denuvo, But i guess we’ll find out on release.
Forza Horizon 3 does not have Denuvo. Check this list soon: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackStatus/comments/4805du/crack_status_denuvo_games/
I cant run this game… poor me
I never liked racing games(except first NFS editions) but i must say this one is very nice, the scenery is lovely, good one.
Will I be able to install the game via DISM ?
I pre-ordered the Ultimate-Edition, but as I’m a Windows-Insider, I have to re-download the bloody game again, because they released Build 14931 today and the download via the windows app store is really slow.
Waiting for the crack!!!
Guys chill out microsoft did the same requirements for all the games on pc but its not them requirements it is actually much lower like GOW ultimate edition said i needed a 980ti but could run it on highest settings stable 60fps on a 970 the specs arent true for any of there games.
What is the expected time to the game be cracked?
Also thank you Skidrow for all your work.
This is a game of “Xbox PlayAnywhere” program, all these games work only on Windows 10
1. 50kbps xDD
2. GTX 1060 6GB can’t run it on highest settings, so…
3. This is the preload, you can’t play it yet.
When crack will be?
Is it harder to crack than denuvo games?
Nothing is harder to crack than Denuvo protected games, Denuvo protection games can take a few months to a year and few months to crack. And this game will be no problem because it’s not listed on the Denuvo protected games list, But it can always change before release so pray to our pirate gods it doesn’t.
If its not protected by denuvo how long will it take to unlock the game if its basic pirate protection? @Vince
Why call it full unlocked if we have to wait for a crack?
it is not going to be denuvo but something that crackers might be taking a long time. Microsoft is using their own encryption. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackStatus/comments/53zwx9/forza_horizon_3_will_take_a_while_to_be_cracked/
ITS not cracked its only the files! Stop crying if you have downloaded it and cant play.
amazing speed guys! cannot wait for the crack to be release shortly! thankssss!!!
Is this an .appx file?
thank you skidrow and reloaded team 🙂
im waiting crack 3>
its same as quantum break drm i guess
Seriously, what’s unlocked while it’s just an uncracked vanilla game?
I can’t wait for this game
Will Win10 be needed? or is it possible to play it somehow cracked on Win7?
Some crack novelty?
When will the crack come?
Im wondering can i buy and play the game from the Windows store if im running a bootleg version of Windows?
Don’t mind paying for the game but i refuse to shell out monies for such an overly intrusive OS.
Zolou, windows 10 is required because this game uses is made on Directx 12 and the Directx is only avaiable on windows 8.1 and 10.
Hi guys, as I understand now, after download we have to waid for a crack, yes?
Or we can install the game and play now?
Thanks for answers.
Need more seeders :c
Lol.. You guys saying it’s a waste like NFS2016 is a laugh… Just be patient and wait for Skidrow’s Crack release xD
como instala ? o meu veio em 51 parts
-not cracked
-game files only
-only win10
-demo will be released after the game release
-will be cracked somewhen
-stop crying ffs
where is the crack 🙁
i thought this forza 3 is online games not offline game right? 😀 if online game so GG guys no need to wait for crack go buy it 🙂 one more thing this game is exlusive for DX12 you need windows10 to play it..
Is it possible that somehow in the future the crackers can make it compatible with Win7? I’m not upgrading to Win10 just to play this
Will it work on a windows 10pro lapto with the Geforce GTX 950, 32GB of RAM?
Well J. dogg, maybe a few days to a week or just after a week, It just really depends on the experience of the person or group cracking it, So it kinda hard to say the exact time frame.
What the hell i just downloaded i just extract that and get a “.eappx”
I really hope the crack is soon, I have an Xbone and dont like it. With all the horror stories of graphics issues, I finally have a reason to try before I get tired of the game and put it down for good 😉
i highly doubt we will see a Win10 game crack anytime soon.
Quantum Break is the only exception(with the lucky bypass we had)
a cracked Forza Horizon 3 is in the pipeline.
this game only a Windows 10 game since it run DirectX 12.
News about the game?
I ve downloaded it from the torrent link . It’s an appx file , will we get instuctions on how to install the game with the crack release?? that would be nice …. keep up the good work…cheers !!!
The multyplayer is working ?
6h just to extract .rar file =p
Where’s the crack
Ta funcionando blz mesmo ? precisa de crack ?
I don’t think we will see any crack soon….
will this work without crack if i have windows 10. or is the crack just to play not to let windows 7/8 to play
So.. with that i can play the game in Window 10 or i need wait for the crack ?
Have fun with this. Microsoft’s new security encrypt’s on the go xD
pls gimme crack
Y el crack? Podran crackearlo? o sera como el The Division?
Jonathan, só está disponível os arquivos do jogo, mas o CRAK ainda não, sem o crack o game não funciona.
This is a verified working crack link, link in description 🙂
I found a website with CPY crack is that credible or just virus?
Windows 10 only. The crack will allow you to play the game, just like every other crack. This game is NOT compatible with Windows 7/8. The game is not currently cracked. DO NOT expect multiplayer, wont happen.
Dr4gonkiller69: Windows 10 only. The crack will allow you to play the game, just like every other crack. This game is NOT compatible with Windows 7/8. The game is not currently cracked. DO NOT expect multiplayer, wont happen.
Hi , possible to up the link to 1fichier , uplea , uptobox… torrent to slow for me , i have the game but this fucking windows store crash and stop the download !
Urgh, NO crack yet. The game has a kind of encryption that happens on the fly.
And of corse NO online, only carreer.
Anybody know if this game will work (crack released) in the next month?
i am not able to instal it
can anybody tell me hot to instal it correct because it is an eappx file
game not use denuvo, read below
Guys WTF. Are you really relying on a 245kb file that’s mentioning to be Forza 3?
Dafuq m8s…
WTF wait for crack putain de merde bougé votre cul d’ivrogne.
How to download this game iso no torrent
WTF,Where the crack!
Can t wait the crack
Hey guys! I have good and bad news for you! the good one: It’s not denuvo protected! the bad one: It’s only combatitable with win 10!
100 kb/s
if not working use run powershell in admin , type the command Add-appxpackage then hit enter it’ll prompt you for the path, copy paste the path including the file name ending in .eappx . you’ll know it worked if the yellow text comes up. once done it’ll show up in the winapps folder no matter which drive u put it in. that said , many of the folders are locked out i have a crack but cannot mod. might have to wait for official cracked versions or a kind soul will upload there personal cracked version
@guyswtf download uTorrent, use this program to download the 49GB game via the 245kb file… (u still need to wait for the crack to play it though)
Buy the game bitches.
We have some good news around the crack for Forza Horizon 3.
Halo 5: Forge’s and Forza Horizon 3’s encrypted protection system has been cracked.
Check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/55d845/halo_5_forges_and_forza_horizon_3s_encrypted/
Minimal requirements: 2x Gforce 980Ti sli / 2x radeon r9 fury X O/C crossfire
Jesus fucking christ people it’s been a week, be patient, cracks take time
not work plz uploud a .iso not work this in my windows 10 enterprise
How to install eppxx file??
How i can install this game??
thanks man! can’t wait for the crack!
how to rar this ?
How do I extract forza?
How to install this?
It doesnt have denuvo, it has appx and efs encryption.
it will be cracked u just need to wait since this method of drm is still recent
hurry your fucking ass for the crack we dont have all day
Thanks man 😉 Waiting for crack ^^
New for the crack, which is not that fake that has steam file?
how do u install the game ?
CPY released one crack, someone test and tell if work
i see lot of rar files , how to exactly install this game ??? sorry m new to this stuff . 🙂 thanks.
and when the crack is coming exactly ??
Anyone has any news about the crack. Couple of days ago I read that the game had been cracked already. Are they in testing it it still?
When the crack will be released ?
Where to buy this game (cheapest)?
Do I need the crack to run this game? Or is this dowload playable because its ”unlocked”?
Thanks in advance.
I don’t have windows 10. So I masturbate instead.
I don’t have windows 10. So I will masturbate instead.
Can’t get permissions for WindowsApp folder and folder the game is in…
Any help?
U have to wait for crack, Without is it not playable
Has anyone tested out the CPY crack? Is it working?
Guys, It’s a new encryption method. They just started scratching the surface of DFS recently. Give them time! This system was meant to be unhackable by Microsoft. IF they can crack it in a week, you should be over the moon!
honestly you wont get the full experience of the game even when the crack comes out cuz the multiplayer won’t be there. this should just hold you over until you buy the actual game 🙂
want come crack??? i can get u some crack
want some crack??? i can get u some crack
when crack?
1 fichier ?
Understanding Forza Horizon 3’s Encryption with Atari1337.
Check the latest status and all about DRM nowdays.
Tell some info about Crack plz.
EAPPX? How can I open it?
donde pongo para descargar 😀
“Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx” what is this file?? how to install?
Voces querem o crack ? Na Crackolandia tá cheio de crack !!!
Vão lá seus Crackudos do Karái !!! HUASHUASHUASHUAS !!!!!
For many years Waiting and waiting and waiting for crack !!! LOL !!!
after extracting all files i get a eappx file!! how to open that eappx file?
eappx just a game file
which we need it to install the game
wait for crack
Il n’y a de crack sur ce jeux , c’est du microsoft avec un fichier EAPPX qui s’ouvre a l’aide de POWERSHELL qui ce trouve dans la barre de recherche windows 10 en mode admi ,avec la commande: 2
1: POWERSHELL (mode admi)
2: ( add-appxpackage “C:\Gam\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx
3: Attendre le dèploiment operation progress:
I think releasers shouldnt release a game if there isnt a crack to go with it…no-point d.loading it if u cant play it, it could take years to crack it
need more seeders,, eta 2 weeks
If i trie to install the .eappx file with windows powershell it doesnt work.
where is the caröööööööööckkkkk????????????
people keep complaining that i doesnt work but hey dont have eyes to see that it says that “WAIT FOR CRACK”
When will the crack be coming?
Is the crack from 3DM (3dmgame.com) working?
can somebody help how to install it this thing, no idea just all are 51 rar files and txt are in chinese
Can we play the game with this ?
Je suis allé dans le PowerShell j’ai rentrer la commande : add-appxpackage
Ensuite le chemin d’acces : C:\Users\computer\Desktop\3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3DM
add-appxpackage : Échec du déploiement avec HRESULT : 0x80070005, Accès refusé.
erreur 0x80070005 : l’ouverture du package de l’emplacement 3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3DM a échoué.
REMARQUE: pour obtenir des informations supplémentaires, recherchez [ActivityId] f4ee694a-1ca2-0000-068c-f7f4a21cd201
dans le journal des événements ou utilisez la ligne de commande Get-AppxLog -ActivityID
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 1
+ add-appxpackage
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : Erreur de sécurité: (C:\Users\computer…a.Horizon.3-3DM:String) [Add-AppxPackage], PSSec
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
For everyone who tries to install the .eappx file UPDATE YOUR WINDOWS TO NEWEST WINDOWS 10 ANNIVRSARY UPDATE.
After installing game should be visible in windows store ( it wants to update, but u cant open it because you need to wait for crack)
Crack realease date??? plz upload crack only i dont whant to redownload 50gb again
Tutorial to install the game.
Tutorial to install EAPPX games.
(Portuguese, but is easy to understand.)
any approximate date for the crack ?
aucune date approximative pour le crack ?
STILL waiting ont he crack
Can someone please tell me when the crack will release, i know it sounds retarded just because i ask for it, I know people have to work hard for the crack. But still everyone is waiting for the crack…
same like nfs…still waiting
the crack will be out before i can even finish downloading this,, SEEED my niggas
ByPass Added 🙂
Enjoy 😀
Ty alot For Bypass
This method will only work on version 14936 of Windows 10.
1) Download the 14.2 game files and the certification file. (Can’t link them here 😉
2) Open Powershell with Admin and type in these two commands, by changing the paths to the correct ones:
Certutil -addStore TrustedPeople “c:\PATH_TO_KEY\MyKey.cer”
Add-AppxPackage “C:\path_to_app\forza_14.2.appx”
3) Install Visual Studio Community 2015 with the C++ packages.
4) Download and extract Auto Cracker 7z and run the RUNME.bat
5) Copy immersivehost.tlb to your Windows\System32 folder.
6) Now Run the RUNME2.bat as Administrator
7) Open the Xbox Live app, create a dummy account, and set it to login only for the XBL app.
You can now play the game by starting the shortcut on the Desktop.
Known Errors:
* Error => Unhandled exception at 0x00000000417E7260 in ImmersiveHost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x00000000417E7260.
Description: Forza crashes straight after signing into Xbox Live
* Fix => Remove cpprest140_uwp_2_6.dll from your ImmersiveHost folder
* Error => ImmersiveHost.exe closes immediately after opening
* Fix => Take ownership and make sure you have full control over the Forza Horizon 3 folder (By default located in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.14.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe,
which is a hidden directory owned by SYSTEM:
* Error => Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFD, A Prerequisite for an install could not be satisfied.
Description: Powershell throws this error when you try to install the appx
* Fix => Open search box -> Search for ‘Use Developer Features’ -> Check ‘Developer mode’ -> Restart PC
HaveFun 😀
W10 version 14946 is working?
skidrow pls crack for this like quantum break before ty
i have win10 home edition v1607-14393.187 will that bypass work for me ?
Cetutil is not recognized…
The problem is I did everything to take ownership over forza folder and still I can’t do shit. I tried to paste IH folder there but it says I need permissions. Runme. bat does not work. It can’t find some files and paths. Therefore runme 2 does not work as well saying that immersivehost is not recognized as internal or extarnal… bla bla.
bypass not work for me 🙁
im having troubel with point
2.2) path to the app\forza_14.2.appx.
I cant find it anywhere
Certutil access denied
I m getting The program can’t start because ucrtbased.dll is missing from your computer. When trying to launch the game.
now that i have fixed ucrtbased.dll error… i m getting “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)… help pls.
Figured out the Access denies. Now I dont have Forza 14.2.appx.. After I extracted I got an eappx file
Getting error when trying to add appxpackage Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x800B0109, i set windows to developer mode can anyone help me?
This game is working or not ?
I have a problem with the first point in the powershell. Where is the Path key?
ucrtbased.dll dont fond.
this is fucking crap
ill wait a copy and paste crack
ARKEDB if you have an anti-virus try to deactivate it for a while and try to paste files. it works for me
when I opens the runme.bat all I get is failed and stuff like that and the cmd window closing it self.
hi can i run this game ??? i7 4790 3.60ghz ,gf 960 2 gb, 16 gb ram , win 10
acces denied , i google it basicly i change it i can delete but cant copy or add files in folder
C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
so i need help how to take full control of folder
becouse this happends if i run.bat
tryed in safe mode didnt work too
ucrtbased.dll 🙁
there is no forza_14.2.appx
http://imgur.com/a/a3kXb problem..HELP
Download Win10 SDK… That will install ucrtbased.dll and remove the error.
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF9, Install failed. Please contact your software vendor.
(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CF9)
Writing to file gq6$l\l=6$h\vgh6hu=~\]j(\’hy67y[(yq8.`l8s at offset 0x680000 of size 0x1A900010000 failed.
i get this in PowerShell, pls help
Is there going to be a crack ?
Error 0x80073CFD
“‘A specified install prerequisite couldn’t be satisfied”
Does any one know how to Fix ?
How can i fix the crtbased.dll error
Can u explain step 2.2 I cant understand where or what is forza_14.2.appx?
Please Help!
This is Working ???
I guess your OS build should be 14936 because i can’t get it to work on my build (14393)Get this error “a specified install prerequisite couldn’t be satisfied.”
Can someone who made it to make a tutorial on youtube, I stuck on powershell, the second one.
how do I upgrade to 14936 from 10586? Do I need to pirate them because my win 10 is original.
I ve done all the steps and i m stuck at the last one that says to run the runme2 as admin but it pops up an error somethin like 0xb000007 not sure and i cant run it…so any help???
Who got this way working properly can leave skype contact? I need deeper instructions because I’m lost here.
So after waiting like 3 weeks for a crack we need to have a insider version of windows to play it? (14936), this is bullshit, i give up.
how do you uninstall?
Ehm, I cant find the Forza_14 file…
I have been able to get the the game running. I am able to get to the start screen however I have no input. The menu says press Enter to continue and pressing Enter on keyboard does nothing. When connecting ps4 controller and pressing any button on it I can see that input is recognised as when I am in that menu the ‘Press Enter to Continue’ button changes to ‘Press A to Continue’ as if it was an X box controller, and when I use the keyboard again it switches back immediately.. doesn’t get me through though.. The graphics in the menu look insane and i can’t even play the game I am about to cry lol… I have checked permissions and played around with admin prompts etc but no luck :'(
Here is the steps i ‘ve followed and it ‘ s all good until the last step :
1)Download the extra files for the bypass (link is in the new tab , patch files)
2)Open Powershell and type in these two commands, by changing the paths to the correct ones :
2.1) Certutil -addStore TrustedPeople “c:\PATH_TO_KEY\MyKey.cer”
*That’s the step that many have a problem,use this it worked for me (not the 14.2 one)
2.2 Add-AppxPackage “C:\path_to_app\Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx”
3) Install Visual Studio Community 2015 with the C++ packages.
4) Open \IH folder and run the RUNME.bat
5) Copy immersivehost.tlb file to your Windows\System32 folder.
* And the next step is where i get the error and i cant run this .bat file.If anyone else got it working please leave a comment here with my name.thx
6) Now Run the RUNME2.bat as Administartor.
7) Open the Xbox Live app, create a dummy account, and set it to login only for the XBL app.
Hope it helps,cheers…
Has anyone managed to play the game? I mean I can’t get it to work,first of all,the application you’re supposed to install is not even called forza_14.2,it is called MicrosoftOpus and some random numbers,and it is .eappx not .appx.Then there’s the problem with RUNME which doesn’t work,probably because the program is supposed to transfer things from the folder called forza_14.2 to your desktop and what not,but the folder doesn’t exist because it is called MicrosoftOpus,and it wont work even if you change the name,it might be my fault cause i downloaded the game a week ago but i tryied downloading it again,waited 3 hours and the folders are the same…I know how to install the game but i can’t. Oh and i also have windows version 14393,but i can’t update it in any way,i know that there might not be a easier way of doing this but at least tell me why is the application called MicrosoftOpusPG(random numbers and letters).eappx and not forza_14.2.appx like you said in your tutorial? At least update the torrents or the tutorial please.
How to install appx file to diffrent location? I have SSD with 25 Gb free. In settings i change option to install new apps to drive E….
I got the game running on the old build but when the intro finishes and it says press enter to start i can’t press anything i can’t pass that 🙂 i tried with a controller also
how do i fix this ?
How the 7 step is made? Can someone explain?
i want basic crack
I have game on drive E but folder ImmersiveHost in drive C. Game don’t start.. How fix it?
Did you even put the right files in? because this is just not working for me, I dont have forza apx, I have soemthing completely different eapxx and that doesnt work if you try to install it or whatever with powershell
ALl done … Please some one explain how to set up login for XBL app … cant find this
Can Anyone over the Age of 13, Who has Some Clue what they Are Doing confirm the Patch/Bypass is Working? Thanks
I tried, but when i exec the laucher .. the game opens my real account and i say that i don`t have the game….
Anyone get the same problem?
RUNME.bat and RUNME2.bat give me errors..
Do I need an xbox for this to work?
how do i find my key path???
thanks for the crack upload. No one has gotten this to work. Please do something! thanks
I would tell you but I’m 12. Sorry!
the first part is the easy part, the path to the key, is where ever you have downloaded the security key to IE E:\downloads
it is in the patch folder you would of downloaded
now the second part is the part that confuses me as even before i try and get the developer mode going i tested it and it come up as “‘Add-AppxPackage’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.”
now im not sure if its because i hvent done developer mode or what. Can someone shed light on this??
I get no error, go to windows folder, add the folder named AUInstallAgent “Aui” but as i written it. Also make sure you have the folder AppReadiness.
I would tell you but I’m 12. Sorry clowndose!
add me on skype, herbfit (chris urbanowicz) I have gotten everything to work no errors with Forza game start on desktop
can someone tell me how to fix error 0xc000007b, thx
Negative, no errors. Click on game app from desktop doesnt even load?
@steven your last fix didint help
We need video tutorial cuz I CANT INSTALL THE CRACK!
Where I get 14396 update? My system is 14393. Thnx.
I did everything correctly without getting errors. I used the Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx file instead of that 14.2 thats mentioned in instructions.
When i launch the game from desktop shortcut, all i get is command prompt for second and then nothing happens.
Tried to run as admin too, AV isnt blockin any files tho
All working 🙂 I can solemnly confirm lol
GUYS! I have managed to run the game! For some reason i can’t click Enter on the main menu when you start the game up. Can PLEASE someone help me fix this problem, btw im using the 19393.321 Windows 10 OS. Guys I really mean it, thanks a lot for the bypass-crack. Haha don’t forget to tell me how to fix the problem 😉
After a lot of problems with this game I finally got to open up the game succesfully. Sad thing is you can’t play the game, because there is a new version which you have to download from the Windows Appstore… Any updates out yet on torrents?
I am missing dll files like appcrt140d.dll and others.
Work! Game start, but crashed… crash after “Turn 10 Studios/ Microsoft Studios” 🙁 how i can fix it??
Helllo REP UP+ can someone with normal brain tell bypass work on windows 7 64 ?
For everyone having problems with the commands and paths. DO NOT FORGET to add (“) in the path like it is on the read me file!
Forget this bypass guys, after some hours spent trying to do it right i managed to complete all the steps, and it didn’t worked out. If you really want the game buy it, or wait for a simple crack…
After running, the cmd prompt just closes
Did everything as said in the guide and installed the Microsoft.eappx file and when i run the desktop shortcut Nothing happens ,just the cmd open and closes…i thinnk its bcz the guide is based on the other version of the game(14.2),plz someone…i dont wanna download 50gb again ):
plz crack for all windows versions.TY
Where I can find that microsoft…. I just change it from forzta to microsoft but nithking happend, and I cant change extenzion
@IsThisWorking ? it says that you need Windows10 14936 I try with Windows10 older version and it didint work so yeah u need W10 14936
@IsThisWorking dude, dont you get it already? This game is for Windows 10 latest version and Xbox ONLY! why you even ask about windows 7 if thats completely different operating system.
Also for those who get errors and cant install game and bypass:
1) Make sure you are running latest windows 10 with anniversary update.
2) Your antivirus might be deleting/blocking files so better disable it when starting this process.
3) Make sure you are on Administrator account and try to run everything as administratot as example (Powershell, RUNME and RUNME2)
4) Also commands need to be exactly the same as shown in instructions – where it says PATH_TO_KEY and PATH_TO_APP you need to replace these words with the precise location of key and .eappx file you have on your computer.
I followed these steps and installed game succesfully, but i have one problem – Game popups for 2 seconds and then closes. This might be anything. It didnt show me any errors so i dont know whats the problem,
if someone knows fix for this or has same issue, please reply.
Hope this helps fellow pirates.
how make-believe game updates
Followed all steps.
Even updated windows to 14936.
Nothing happens when I open the shortcut in the desktop, just a cmd window opens which closes after 2 seconds.
Tried launching the app, opens the app window which shows a video and closes after a few time
Can someone provide the link to update the windows? Im sure many people are having problem with those.
Power Chill. I have de exact same problem, don´t know what to do now. No errors and when i start it it just opens that black window and nothing happens. If someone has a fix pls share it.
Btw, for the ones having the crtbased error, just download the file from the internet and copy it to windows 32 folder.
Quand je rentre la commande suivante : Add-AppxPackage il me dit commande non reconnu…..Pourtant aucun soucis vis à vis de la première etape MyKey. Pas encore très au point comme système de crack
I have problem with RUNME.bat
That file cant find path :/
Okay, pure and simple – this won’t work for 99% of people.
Why? Because build 14936 is a preview/beta build available only for WINDOWS INSIDERS and which also has an expiration date. 14393 is the latest stable release for everyone.
When will we get the full version that supports all Windows 10 builds? The current version you have released is useless to 99% of us as we don’t have developer preview versions of Windows 10, so it won’t work. Reinstalling our entire OS to get that particular temporary build (that will expire and Microsoft will force you to update) is just too much work. I hope you guys can understand and will release a better version soon.
and with the latest version of Windows 10 it does not work?
The game WORK!!!!!!!
just follow this tutorial
than this one
THE TORRENT: mega:#!78o33bQJ!i7_Kwmojmm689YVdBNXzgVSkcWelk051gGlIH6fguJQ
So basicaly we need to wait for the next windows 10 update 14936 to launch FH3?
That sucks tbh.
By the way, how we are going to update forza? I downloaded game when it just got released in skidrow site, and i dont want to download those 49Gb again when new update comes…
That would be great if coders could just create soft that updates game and installs latest patch on it.
to działa czy nie
@ Rob (17 Oct 2016, 0:05)
I would tell you but I’m 12. Sorry!
Rob (17 Oct 2016, 4:04)
I would tell you but I’m 12. Sorry clowndose!
…So you DO know but you won’t tell a community who are clearly struggling… how do you spell ‘wanker’ in kid speak??
Either that or you came back 4 hours later to make the same unfunny joke… lame
how do I get build 14936? I’m currently on 14939
Can someone answer if I need an xbox for this to work???
i cant open the game.. i do everything and its like starts but after 1 second it closes… Pls Help skype: nemanja.bakaj
When i try to launch the game it starts a cmd and closes after 1 second
so.. i’m stuck with the appcrt140d.dll and desktopcrt140d.dll which makes me crazy.. but yeah somehow this is what i think trying to use it thru 14393.321 … unless anyone has a link to this 2 DLL maybe we have a chance running it on previous version of w10
Everyone needs to download the “Forza.Horizon.3.BYPASSED, not the one above. Then follow the steps, it runs, only issue says press start, but nothing happens.
the game works perfect as the follow to @Avan7garde post,,, i played for 2 days now,
fresh install win 10 insider 14936 , block upgrades to newest version checking `defer feature updates` 🙂
only works by open from imersivehost, because the game has updated from xbox live
it work on 14951 ?
its not work for me addpackage in powersell…..
This game dont run. When to launch the game start with cmd but he’s closed 1 second after and the game not run. Plz help-me! And the Xbox app shows 3 forza horizon in games, but when I open the game a message appears saying forza horizon 3 is not available to you. I spent 20 hours downloading this game I really want to play T_T
This game dont run. When to launch the game start with cmd but he’s closed 1 second after and the game not run. Plz help-me! And the Xbox app shows 3 forza horizon in games, but when I open the game a message appears saying forza horizon 3 is not available to you. I spent 20 hours downloading this game I really want to play T_T
doesnt work..instructions are annoying. thanks for the hard work though
when i try to lauch, it said ucrtbased.dll is missing, what i do bros?
you buy win10 to play a game of a shit driving that s wonderful
Guys, The above files don’t work. I know why. The game which you are downloading here, which is around 49 GB is the wrong one. You need to download it elsewhere because the patch is designed for game version, and the one you are downloading here is Try downloading files precisely from somewhere else.
How to install this game?? I don’t understand the instructions…please help!!
whats wrong with the runme2.bat ??? it says immersivehost is missing some dll files
Patch is available as well and does work with Immersive-Host.
You just need Windows 10 ver 14936 for it to play.
It launches the game on 14393 but has the no input problem, even though the game detects an Xbox controller connected, nothing works, no mouse, no keyboard.
To PLAY the game you need the 14936 which can only be installed via ISO.
Just wait for Immersive-Host to support the Win10 Anniversary update properly.. the game already works, just needs a fix for input and controllers.
Use this torrent for 17.2 unencrypted game files.
Jeu installé sans accros mais il ne se lance pas, rien ne se passe.
Quelqu’un à une idée ?
It’s not work.
i clicked short cut.
1. black?window open
2. 2’s later -> closed blackwindow
3. not thing to work. anything…
please help me, im korean
i was used (powershell, runme.bat..all)
is this game working for win 10 eneterprise??plelase some one tell me
how to install this game?I was waste my time to download.
@Goeffrey tu est sous quel version de windows 10 ? car il fonctionne uniquement sous le build 14936, je suis sous la 14955 j’ai un problème je dois donc essayer la 14936.
someone can tell me the password to extract iso?
I confirm the game working on windows 14936. The .bat is configured to copy from C: if you have copy the game in another directory you need to modify it.
I read the posts, i will try the game, but i think it woll not work cause i don’t use insider program, so i’m not on the build 14936, can he work with “ooficial” build or only with insider build ? Thanks for your answer
My Game is installed on D: not c: how do i edit THE RUNME PLS HELP
if you need to edit runme.bat or runme2.bat to change to your installation path then right click the .bat and choose open with, then notepad. save it as a .txt in the same place and then just rename it in file explorer to have .bat as the file extension
hey can someone help me i have the files
anyone got skype
guys i downloaded the game but i dont have the installer
plz help
@SlaYzZ, désolé pour le temps de réponse, je suis sur la version 14393, je galère un peu pour mettre mon PC à jour, t’aurais un lien pour l’iso de la version 14936 en français (je l’ai que trouver en russe ^^)
appcrt140d.dll not found.
desktopcrt140d.dll not found.
how can i fix it? thx for your work and your support!!!
ERROR:- APPCRT140D.dll and DESKTOPCRT140D.dll are missing
Do not lose time with this, the latest version is the 18 and dosn´t work
i fix dll problems. now i have another problem.
when i lunch the exe i got this error:
debug error!
Program: C:\immersiveHost\immersivehost.exe
abort() as been called
can someone help me?
Please add me to help me install it . IGN skype : r3mbominator
oronzo how did you fix the dll errors? im missing the appcrt140d.dll
how do u install the game? i dont get the instructions
I can confirm it’s working on Windows 10 Ver 14936, I’ve been playing FH3 all week. These are the files for the old version, if you want it to work you have to update to 17.2 and do the Powershell commands, make sure you go into Visual Studio 2015 and download every update too
@mario That’s a Visual Studio 2015 error, need to update
can anyone confirm if this is working and worth downloading?
@nvnovo yes it is working and really really worth downloading… trust me you’ll never regret it.. but make sure you meet the system requirements 😉
appcrt140d.dll and desktropcrt140d.dll not found, cannot find these files anyway, i think Windows team have made this unplayable we need someone to work this way around cuz i want to play this fking game
thanks for the upload!
Where do i find the Key ?
thank you !
Plis seed my download speed is 222kb/s and at start was about 10mb/s i donwloaded 14 gb and uploaded 32 gb plis
psai you have to instal visula studio c++ 2015.
RUNME BAT cant find the path file -_-
In title is wrote (FULL UNLOCKED), but when I look to “INFO” I saw full instructions how to launch a game, and here is my question: This is cracked or not? or maybe I can play in this or not?
while running run me it moves the files but when creating shortcut ERROR the syntax of the command is incorrect plz help
Someone smart, when can we expect this to work on other Windows 10 regular (non-insider) versions ? This game is great, but I dont want to install another windows just for one game, not even dual boot…
Followed instructions exactly but game will not launch. No errors, UAC comes up when trying to launch via shortcut but then nothing happens. Any ideas??
Can you please make a video how it goes
@Geoffrey je suis actuellement sous la 14955. Mais le seule moyen d’avoir la 14936 apparement est de télécharger l’iso, et en général sur des sites russe. Je suis actuellement en déplacement donc je n’ai pas mon PC a porté de main mais dès que je trouve une solution je te tiens au jus si jamais tu n’aurais pas trouvé de solution 🙂
Bad Files games ….. bypass v 14.2 …. old files! =(
HELP! I dont know how to install the game 🙁
Everything is good, but when I click shortcut, nothing happened. 🙁 🙁
What is problem?
Quelqu’un a le tuto en français svp ?
Game works a treat. Key step is to take full control of forza folder within windowsapp folder using command line.
One problem, does anyone know about wheel support? It works fine with the keyboard and xbox controller but immersive host crashes as soon as i plug in my logitech momo wheel.
Please can u upload the riddik iso in uptobox 1 fichier thanks
when can we expect a download link other than the torrent ones which nobody is seeding?
I dont know where the forza_14.2.appx file is, and i cant fins the directory, so i cant install.
Can someone help?
When I extracted the RAR’s from the torrent i got this file “Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.eappx”
[Note the “.eappx”]
I tried renaming it to the “forza_14.2.appx”
But no matter what I do i get an error message like the following:
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF0, Package could not be opened.
error 0xD0000022: Opening the package from location forza_14.2.appx failed.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 23e4d013-3f1b-0003-44db-e4231b3fd201 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 23e4d013-3f1b-0003-44db-e4231b3fd201
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AppxPackage “D:\Downloads\3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3DM\forza_14.2. …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (D:\Downloads\3D…forza_14.2.appx:String) [Add-AppxPackage], FileNotFoundExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
Where is the option for set login only for xbl app??
where do I find the forza_14.2.appx? It’s not there in my download folder.
i just got version×64 loaded by the torrent link above.
got this instructions:
“1) Download the 14.2 game files and the certification file.
2) Open Powershell and type in these two commands, by changing the paths to the correct ones:
2.1) Certutil -addStore TrustedPeople “c:\PATH_TO_KEY\MyKey.cer”
2.2) Add-AppxPackage “C:\path_to_app\forza_14.2.appx”
3) Install Visual Studio Community 2015 with the C++ packages.
4) Open \IH folder and run the RUNME.bat
5) Copy immersivehost.tlb file to your Windows\System32 folder.
6) Now Run the RUNME2.bat as Administartor
7) Open the Xbox Live app, create a dummy account, and set it to login only for the XBL app.
You can play the game by starting the shortcut on the Desktop.”
i just followed the steps and when the game should start nothing happens?!
whats my misstake?
Does it works?
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFD, A Prerequisite for an install could not be satisfied.
Deployment Add operation with target volume C: on Package Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe from:
(Forza3.eappx) failed with error 0x80073CFD. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235160 for help diagnosing
app deployment issues.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] 963388eb-4029-0002-b694-33962940d201 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID 963388eb-4029-0002-b694-33962940d201
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AppxPackage “H:\Users\User-Pc\Downloads\3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3 …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (H:\Users\User-P…DM\Forza3.eappx:String) [Add-AppxPackage], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
I did checked the developer mode but this shit still appears.. HELP!
I have the same question as 2 guys higher than my post
Work only on 14936 or higher to?
can anyone seed the torrent ….. took 2 weeks downloading havnt finish yet ….. TT
Its been a long time since this game is added to site. And still game files and bypass have not been updated. If in instruction it says other file than in actual torrent, how the hell we are supposed to install the game correctly!
Maybe someone has torrent link for latest game files and crack?
Comon skidrow, update this game.
GUYS.Please come with the FTP —— 1FICHIER —– Uptobox links for god sake…Im standing here like an asshole after i updated my windows to win10 14936 just to play Forza Horizon 3 and im downloading it with 60kB/s. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
can i run this game on build 14971?
I can’t install. What should I do?
PS C:\Windows\system32> Add-AppxPackage “D:\Download\3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3DM\forza_14.2.appx”
Add-AppxPackage : Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CF0, Package could not be opened.
error 0xD0000022: Opening the package from location forza_14.2.appx failed.
NOTE: For additional information, look for [ActivityId] e98d6713-4794-0000-e03a-97e99447d201 in the Event Log or use
the command line Get-AppxLog -ActivityID e98d6713-4794-0000-e03a-97e99447d201
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-AppxPackage “D:\Download\3DMGAME-Forza.Horizon.3-3DM\forza_14.2.a …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (D:\Download\3DM…forza_14.2.appx:String) [Add-AppxPackage], FileNotFoundExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : DeploymentError,Microsoft.Windows.Appx.PackageManager.Commands.AddAppxPackageCommand
Online ? does it work ??
Has anyone got multiplayer to work?
Can someone please make a vid of how they installed the game if they got it to work please i have followed all the steps and it doesnt work for me PLZZZZZZZZ
How do I set Xbox to login only for the XBL app?
“Open the Xbox Live app, create a dummy account, and set it to login only for the XBL app.”
What kind of instruction is “… set it to login only for the XBL app.” I installed so many things that I missed my sleep, almost 5am. When I wake up, I’ll have so much to delete. Thank you.
how can i update my windows version to 14936?
For fuck’s sake. So many people giving shit because “instructions are complex”. If you’re so desperate to play the game, BUY IT!!!!!
What happen with this game? the crack not work?
there are a new crack from cpy
No crack??
juanra the cpy game works?
it has to be build 14936 or can it be any superior to this one?
I guess a lot of people get error during installing the app ( 2nd powershell conmmand ) because you try to install on a different drive ( as ssd are too small for the game ).
So you have to modifiy the target in the powershell command ( replace C:\ with D:\ for exemple if your .eappx is on that drive ) but you NEED ALSO to change your default app folder in windows system parameters ( win > system > storage )
Worked for me, hope it will help !
everything is asian… lol can we get some english files?
My Build is 14393. How do I change/update it?
legal o jogo
Spent a few days downloading the 49GB BYPASSED Torrent and turns out the .eappx file is no there…..great work.
je n est pas pu poursuivre l’installation a l étape 4
RUNME.bat ma retourné une erreur comme quoi le fichier était introuvable
Pouvez vous m aider svp?
apache pro
visual studio installé
To Update Windows 10 1460 U must Download Anniversary Edition from Windows Store… the game is working Fine….
Got it almost working, only when I try to start the game I get the following error:
There are problems with: ntdll.dll in combination with immersivehost.exe.
Who can help me?
i can t understand these instructions …
APPCRT140D.dll and DESKTOPCRT140D.dll got missing when I run “RUNME2” and try to run the game.
Did someone have the same problem as mine?
followed all the instructions above No error popping up but whenever im trying to open the forza 3 cmd will pop up and “waiting for 0 seconds press any key to continue” then nothing happens I wanna play this game. I have xbox one and forza 3 disc but i wanna play this in pc. hope someone can help me
Hi !
Do you know when the game will be uploaded in direct download ? MEGA, UPLOADED, 1FICHIER….
thanks !
hey bloody dumbfuck retarted mvh, who gives a fuck if you have forza horizon and xbox one? will saying that make forza horizon 3 work on you pc?? i doubt so you brainless bloody retarted noob shit
well i just can’t play this game. its not working and the only thing i have in my mind right now is HOW TO UNINSTALL THIS ?? I just wasted my disk space like 55 GB i guess Could anyone tell me how to get this to work or how to get rid of those files i just cant find them anywhere in my pc
also tryed the bypass edition and got it working so far. But directly after the loading screen i get a crash to desktop without any errormessage. So its not playable …
Do I really need the Insider Preview for this one? I have 14393, which is the Anniversary Update, 14396 is the Preview version…
Power Shell is Giving a fuckin error and it’s not installing…What to do mine is latest win 10 pro anvesrry edition…..What to do plz give a guide of video
skidrow please update now that the game is cracked and its for 14393 windows 10. i am already playing and its such a simple crack. anybody need help let me know
Does this fully work?
Am guys did anyone see that big leak from FH3 they actualy releashed the developer build of FH3 on pc so i think some of the people on cracking comunity got their hands on it and so i think we can think that we will get a crack now faster? maybe yes or no we need to wait but it would be a great help if any of skidrow people who crack can confirm that is now a better posibility. thanks if you answer 🙂
Hello sisin please help me to lunch the game 🙁
sisin pls tell me how did you u install the game and crack?
Thank you so much for this game!
I do have a problem tho. When i go in to (Adminstrator) Windows PowerShell i get an error after i type in: CertUtil -addstore TrustedPeople “C:\Users\Aleksa\Desktop\FHH3-BY78” . Can someone please help me with this?
Hi sisin.please give me crack link.and also came repack.
Immersivehost Error in 74-75% loading .please help…….
sisin help me plz
hi the dummy account doesnt change anything and i did everything beside instruction number 3 because i didnt know where to find the install stuff please help
What’s the crack status anyone knows?
PowerShell PowerShellis giveing error fucl you
..You wasted my 51gb net…motherfucker….Games is not working
please update that this game is now cracked for windows 10 14393 version. i am playing it already
follow every step in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNeM_zyqfCw
if you still face problem contact me at [email protected]
i can help through teamviewer
Do I have to schange someting when i want to install it on my D drive?
guys i downloaded all files but their is no file to add named “forza_14.2.appx”
What a bunch of morons here,cant believe. If you want game buy it and play since you all are to stupid to even crack the game.
Hello, i have windows 10 15007 version, is it possible for me to install forza on this version it’s must to have 14936?
Soo, i have the game downloaded, but i get an ucrtbased dll error, even though the file is there, and says that it is missing, what do i do?
Ez a világ leges legjobb játéka! imádom
Where can i get the 14936 Windows Update?
It does not work.. I have windows 10. All you are giving is tons of files that weights a ton. such as eappx and part … please update I read in comment about powershell and visual studio and I’m lost.. I will wait.
Is it works on multiplayer?
i try to install this game, all ok, but when execute nothing ocurred… So for unnistall the game only you need to execute in powershel is:
remove-AppxPackage “Microsoft.OpusPG_1.0.10.2_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe”
If no found the package, see all packages installed whit this command:
Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName
This installation instructions… Wait for another Unlocked game…
how to fix it ? http://imgur.com/a/pKKg2
Hi, when I run the shortcut nothing happens. I can see the service Forza running but that’s all. Anyone has the same issue?
Also I see that C:\ImmersiveHost\GameData only has an empty directory is that normal?
I can´t install it, it asks for Microsoft Studios Where I can get that?
I have the same as you oronzo:
Debug error!
abort() has been called
DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!! The rar doesn’t contain the files, which are in the description!! It has the unmodified windows store files!!! This is only for those who already bought and own the game!! The bypass title is bullshit! It can’t be done with this torrent! I wasted 2 days downloading and wasting drive space, don’t do the same mistake!
Sadly can’t afford the high specs computer requirements
WTF is this i have 1 mounth downloading this game …. when i open forza_x64_profile say to me is not valid Win32
can any one help ?
Does any product key go to the game
Do I need an xbox account or not for the bypass ? I can not login into the xbox app on my pc
New patch with performance fix ?;/
I cant do the powershell part it says
Package: A positional parameter cannot be found and so on
what do I do
hey i have downloaded and installed correctly. as you suggested. but when i opens fh3 it says that you ill need a new app to open the file. i dont want to downlaod again bcoz i have very slow speed net 125kb only i lives in little place please help meee help me….
i have windows 10 pro above version of anniversary update.
2 gb DDR5 Graphics
So all these guys saying this is bs is not bc it’s working fine in my pc, but my only issue is when I restart my pc. My computer automatically turns on & the stupid (Real-Time Protection) enables automatically & everytime I open up my .exe file forgetting the (R-TP) Is turned on so there for I have to REDOWNLOAD my damn files … so my question is is there anyway to COMPLETELY/PERMAMENTLY turn off that stupid bs malware protection windows 10 came up with!?? Some one please reply!
Also skydro is there anyway we can play online with the crack? I would ask fitgirl but she doesn’t even have a crack for this game yet ): y’all are the BEST at cracking & repacking & getting the DLC’s mad PROPS!!
Voce podia pelo menos que agente pudesse copiar/colar , para pegar os codigos !!!
Thanks! works perfectly 🙂
Essa desgraça não baixa não, está com problema, site lixo disponibiliza essa porra e não entrega, VAI TOMA NO CU DESSES ADMS SITE LIXO, TOMA NO CU TAMBEM DE QUEM NAO GOSTOU DO COMENTARIO
actually nvm that dont work either… fuck me
Can i install this on windows 7? ;/
NO WORK, NO DOWNLOAD, indirmeyin çalısmıyor.
Someone could install it?
Wherai can find this KEY wtf
iI dont know about what KEY I need