Welcome to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless….
Welcome to the Stone Age, a time of extreme danger and limitless adventure, when giant mammoths and sabretooth tigers ruled the Earth and humanity is at the bottom of the food chain.
Title: FC Primal
Genre: Action, Adventure
Release Date: 1 Mar, 2016
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FC Primal Apex Edition v1.3.3
Size: 12.1 GB
What different with far cry primal usual ??
Patch 1.3.0 notes
Link = https://steamcommunity.com/app/371660/discussions/0/365163686083236991/
A second PC-specific free update, the Ultra-HD Texture pack, can be downloaded separately. It adds high-quality textures to the PC version of the game.
HD Texture Pack download size:
PC only (3.5 GB)
Separate download available on Steam or Uplay
Patch Notes – Patch 3
1. NEW – Survivor Mode
Available in New Gameplay Options when starting a New Game
b. NEW – Stamina Bar added
Stamina depletes slowly during gameplay
Stamina depletes faster when walking/running/being in combat
Fast travel consumes stamina
Stamina can be regenerated by sleeping and eating food
Manual heal and fast travel costs stamina
Low stamina slows down movement and health regen. At 0 stamina, manual heal and fast travel are disabled.
c. Tamed Beasts
NEW – Permadeath for Tamed Beasts
If a Beast dies, the player must find and tame a new one
This also applies to Legendary Beasts, they can never be found again if they die
Skinning a Beast after they die gives you a skin
NEW – Beast riding fatigue introduced – After some time of continuous riding, mounted Beast will start taking damage
In order to activate the taming option for Sabretooth Tigers, Brown Bears and Cave Bears, you must first inflict them serious damage
Non-legendary tamed Beasts health has been reduced
Owl attacks and bomb drops have been disabled
d. World/Resources
Less natural resources are available in the world and less are looted when gathering
Less daily resources added to the Reward Stash from Wenja population level
Resources in the Reward Stash can only be withdrawn at the Village Stash
Night lasts longer and is darker
Campfire Fast Travel points are no longer unlocked by default when claiming a bonfire
e. Skills
XP Curve has been adjusted to be more progressive
Certain “over-powered” skills have been removed:
Player skills:
Extra Health II
Primitive Heal II
Extra Health IV
Gatherer skills:
Show Plants
Show Resources
Beast Reviving
Hunter skills:
Craft Arrows III
Shaman skills:
Owl – Weapon drop
Owl – Attack I
Owl – Attack II
Owl – Cooldown I
Owl – Cooldown II
Effects of other skills have been re-balanced
Skill points cost has been rebalanced
Player skills:
Primitive Heal I: 2 points instead of 1
Extra Health I: 3 points instead of 1
Gatherer skills:
Skinning II: 3 points instead of 2
Find Resources I: 3 points instead of 1
Skinning I: 3 points instead of 2
Find Rare Plants: 3 points instead of 2
Find Resources II: 4 points instead of 2
Find Rare Resources: 3 points instead of 2
Crafter Skills:
Double Clubs: 3 points instead of 2
Double Spears: 4 points instead of 3
Double Traps: 3 points instead of 2
Double Sting Bombs: 4 points instead of 2
Double Bait: 2 points instead of 1
Hunter skills:
Craft Arrows I: 3 points instead of 1
Craft Arrows II: 5 points instead of 2
Tag Enemies: 2 points instead of 1
Shaman skills:
Tame Wildcats: 2 points instead of 1
Tame Apex Predators: 3 points instead of 2
Tame Cunning Beasts: 4 points instead of 3
Warrior skills:
Heavy Takedown: 4 points instead of 3
Extra Health III: 6 points instead of 4
f. Gameplay
Bow tension added requiring players to pull back the arrow all the way to get maximum impact
Weapon durability has been tweaked to be more realistic when thrown weapons hit hard or soft surfaces
Weapons are consumed more quickly by fire
The slow-motion time effect doesn’t slow time as much anymore, when in the Weapon Wheel, Food Grid and Beast Grid
Crafting ammo in the Weapon Wheel now requires a hold to craft
Most bag capacity has been reduced
Player’s health regen speed has been reduced
Some healing recipes now require red leaves in addition to green leaves
Cold depletion rate has been increased
Fully upgraded Winter Clothes no longer offer total protection from the cold
Weapons on fire will extinguish when swapping between weapons (Expert difficulty only)
Fast Travel now costs Stamina and Meat, proportionally to distance
Mini-map has been removed
Shaders on tagged enemies have been removed, making them more difficult to spot
Several UI options have been set to off by default to increase immersion (but can be re-enabled)
Hunter Vision duration has been set to 20s by default (duration can now be modified in the settings)
Fog of war reveal radius has been reduced
Can only Save & Quit when not in Combat
Game difficulty cannot be changed once started in Survivor Mode with Permadeath
Requirements for rare animal skins have been reduced when upgrading huts
Reduced health for Legendary Beasts, Batari and Ull
g. AI/Wildlife
Enemies are more reactive and aggressive in combat
Wildlife detects you more easily
Blood trails from wounded animals are harder to track
Reduced overall animal density during the day, and increased density of predators at night
Reduced human density and frequency of Wenja events
Wenja fighters are less resilient
Predators no longer show up in Hunter Vision unless they are aggressive toward the player, dead or a Tamed Beast
2. NEW – Permadeath
Available in New Gameplay Options when starting a New Game with Survivor Mode turned On
Three Options Available – Off, On, Second Chance
Off – You respawn when you die
On – The game is over when you die
Second Chance – You only respawn if you completed enough of the game since your last death (every 3% as depicted in the player’s overall progress)
Failing during Tensay’s Vision missions does not count as dying (You’re dreaming after all)
3. Stability and Performance
a. Fixed an issue where player could lose their inventory when swapping weapons in specific conditions
b. Fixed some specific, low occurrence crashes
4. Gameplay
New Option in Gameplay Menu – Hunter Vision Duration – Can toggle the duration of Hunter Vision (Default/20s/30s/Infinite)
New Option in the Interface Menu – Hide the bow reticle unless you are aiming or holding the bow ready
Fixed melee damage resistance skill also affecting ranged damage
Increased critical health in hard/expert difficulty modes
5. Lighting and FX
Fixed a lighting issue on bodies of water that would cause color to briefly change when exiting caves
Minor fixes to clipping issues
6. Wildlife and AI
Various bug fixes
7. Missions/Activities/World
Fixed a grapple location north of Tushwarha Outpost that would cause the player to fall to his death when trying to climb down
Fixed an issue where players could exit the map in the mission – Vision of Ice
Fixed an issue where players could exit the map in Shayu’s Cave
Fixed a couple issues where players could get stuck in the Dangu Cave
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in an infinite death loop after completing the mission – Into Udam Land
Fixed some resources that would cause the player to become stuck in the map when gathering them
Fixed an issue where Bite Fish weren’t spawning in certain locations on the map
Fixed an issue where player could get stuck in the falling obelisk outside of the Batari’s Temple in the Izila Homeland
8. Menu/UI/Map
Fixed an issue that would cause one of the life bars to flicker in specific conditions
Fixed an issue where a “Location Discovered” prompt would remain on screen during cut-scenes in specific situations
Fixed an issue where some icons remained on screen when using the “Turn All Off” option in the Interface menu
9. NEW – 4x Achievements and Ubisoft Club badges
Achievement #1: TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN
Finish the game in the Survivor mode (Any difficulty).
Finish the game in the Survivor mode (Any difficulty) and the Second chance option activated.
Finish the game in the Survivor mode (Any difficulty) and the Permadeath option activated.
Finish the game in Survivor mode (Expert difficulty) and the Permadeath option activated… Forget it… No-one will ever achieve it.
10. NEW – PC fixes and support for Ultra-HD Texture Pack
NEW – Support for ultra-HD texture pack (Note: PC Patch 3 does not include the texture pack. It can be downloaded separately for free on Steam or Uplay.)
PC-specific fixes:
Add option to turn off mouse deadzones
Interface and input tweaks
Various minor bug fixes
Why didn’t you just give him a link instead of copying and pasting all this? There are patch 1.3.0 notes on steam and it is much easier to read.
Link = https://steamcommunity.com/app/371660/discussions/0/365163686083236991/
how to download it ?
Justin is this a serius question? because your own stupidety ewen hurts me!!
Can you add Mega.nz please? Or mediafire.
Serious question, what is a part 1,2 and 3 for when i can download entire game from part 1?
I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.
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