Build a brighter future underground with the all-new Vault-Tec Workshop…
Build a brighter future underground with the all-new Vault-Tec Workshop. Create a massive Vault and attract new Dwellers using pre-war industrial kits complete with retro-nostalgic furniture, lighting, and art. And like every good Overseer, run Vault-Tec approved experiments on your Dwellers to learn what makes an ideal citizen.
Title: Fallout 4 Vault-Tec Workshop
Genre: RPG
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Version: Beta Release
Fallout 4 Vault Tec Workshop Beta DLC
Size: 350 MB
Update 1.6.3?????
YES! YES! but wait… will this run with out update 1.6?
Beta … better wait the finished one instead …
Ho men Thank you so much i’m waiting for this since a long time 😀
and here i was dying to test this one out, thanks pals!
I played this, and yes it seem that we need update 1.6 since it add the new “vault” category to the menus, with out it we wont be able to build the vault. 🙁
Does this require the 1.6 update, because if so it hasn’t been uploaded yet.
Thanks for the early upload :3
Update 1.6.3 needed.Just a simple question.Does anyone know why isnt update uploaded yet on Site? Thanks
1.6 patch has a lot of new bugs for the settlers..
Please,someone do he update 1.6.3 !! ^^
Well maybe…but i mean, all future mods will need the last vezrsion pretty soon… That’t why it’s so much needed ^^ (plus I will not buy a game that CANNOT simply run on a gtx 670… I know… I’m planning to buy a 1070 but still
You are cracking, fallout, and another games, but not the sims 4!! WHATS HAPPENING!
Does anybody have the updated?
okay, not only we need full version, we need patch 1.6 with a new patch to fix bug at patch 1.6 …
that’s a lot of waiting … better NOT applied this DLC yet … and wait a few weeks or so …
Guys, for building stuff you need to install MOD “ALL DLC Building independent patch – Vault Tec Workshop”
just so let ppl know, this works perfectly fine despite of being beta, also doesnt need update, im playing on 1.5. thingy version and 0 crashes, playing with F4SE and a shitlot of mods, 0 crashes so far.
So if anyone wanan try it out go ahead, it works good
Thank you not bad your idea, but we didn’t have all again
Boss, the Mod allows you to get some vault items, but not all of them. trust me ive seen the full list of items that the patch 1.6 makes availble a lot more. hope fully skid will release the patches along side with the official DLC.
@Ryo201 You don’t need version 1.6 to get the full list of items. You just have to learn how to use the Creation Kit and/or FO4Edit and then you can add the list yourself to the build menu. (The list of items itself is in the DLC, the setlement menu is handled in the vanilla esm file and that’s coming with the update. It’s an easy one-entry patch.) All the things you need is already there…
So, no 1.6.3 update yet ?
@AnonymousGuyFromH3ll There is a full list of items but I don’t know how to add it to the build menu….
please we need language in spanish if possible
thanks for all
Need Update v1.6.3, for work 100%
You have your game and this DLC before this update v1.6.3 your game work but not 100% more ….
Please guys send for us this new Update v1.6.3
date release this update: July 5, 2016
Fallout 4 1.6.3 Update
ExitSave – Exiting to the Main Menu will create an ExitSave. During next play session, the ExitSave will delete itself after you load it. The Existsave works in all difficulty levels including Survival.
New Add On specific icons in Workshop mode
More than 300 new player names added to Codsworth’s vocabulary
Support for upcoming Add Ons
General stability and performance improvements
Fixed a crash related to targeting an enemy weapon while in VATS
Fixed an issue where a Companion would become stuck walking and unable to run
Fixed issue in “Mankind Redefined” to prevent the player from getting stuck in elevators while in Mass Fusion Building
In “Boston After Dark” quest now completes properly when waiting for Old Man Stockton
Fixed occasional issue where player would become permanently invisible
Dead settlers can no longer be commanded or assigned to supply lines
Fixed issue where deleting saved games would cause other saves to disappear
Fixed occasional issues with activating mods that did not come from Bethesda.net
Minor bug fixes and optimizations to Mods load order and browsing
Where’s the last updates ? There are 2 new updates already, 1.6.3 and 1.6.9, when will they be released ?
I found an update version (skipping 1.6.3) on a russian site, but I wouldn’t recommend it. BUT if you’re curious like me then go ahead and try it, because it’s working for me, and the game also tell me it’s version and yes it’ does save the game when I exiting the menu, but if you’re really a cautious person and REALLY concern about it, I suggest don’t download it.
here’s the site : http://gamer-mods.ru/load/fallout_4/patchi/fallout_4_patch_1_6_9_0_1/137-1-0-3575
just don’t forget not to copy files from String folder, or else your game is in russian language. So far no crash or error or anything like that happening to my game. But once again I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND IT. Any bad things happen is not my responsibility
Pls update 1.6.3
Update 1.6.9 is available for download, check your favorite torrent tracker, i dont know why this isnt here already, does not bring an .exe crack use your previous one like 1.5.4 patch.
here this DLC is working w v1.5.4 without error
the only 1.6.9 i found on my favorite torrent tracker was some low seed fresh crap that hasn’t worked for anyone that downloaded it.
Here this DCL its working without error just patch v1.5.4
Here is the 1.6 update if anyone needs.
2 updates out, no codex release. is out on trackers but crack is broken, just gives an error. This DLC went live @ midnight last night and here we are… still no release or updates.. Codex, your slacking bad. Last 3 dlc’s were online a few days up to the night before… and still no release after official…
No the beta dlc is NOT working correctly with 1.5.4. You can do the quest and do things in the vault but there is NO vault category in the build menu and only certain items are shown in other categories. Try storing one of the vault pieces from the other room, you’ll find you can NOT remove them from inventory and place them somewhere nor build new things. Id rather not use a mod to patch a game for something that should have already been released (updates). The mega link above is already removed from host.
Someone’s saying using the codex crack after updating to 1.6.9 in that one with the broken crack works.
Only shit men ! You’re aweresome ! thank you so much maybe skidrowreloaded can post this tested and approuved !
I Am using One from there and its working well, i have already built my vault 2 days ago, i dont know if i can say the tracker name here but its easy, its the most know tracker, its working pretty well for me, update has 2gb
YES crack is broken, i said that you need to use the fallout.exe from the previous update, how cant you understand that? just use the files from the crack that comes whit the update and the fallout.exe from 1.5.4 and it will work……
Is is hard to understand?
It works perfectly for me, i’m playing with 1.5.4 update, so update 1.6.3 is not necessary. Remember to download patch “ALL DLC Building independent patch – Vault Tec Workshop” from Nexus if you are using building mods.
Can anyone reupload the 1.6 update?
Whit 1.5.4 only there is no vault building menu
you wanted update but some legal sites wanted downgrade patching. ROFL!
news about the official dlc?
@Bob are you serious? First yes the outdates are out, but correct me if i am wrong here…but you are not paying a dime for this, these games usually come with a 60 price tag, but you coming here and trow BS at the uploader its just shows how fucking stupid you are. the codex or skidrow team is in no obligation to upload or post something if they dont feel like it, after all we are getting games for free, so show a little bit more respect.
Can confirm 1.6.9 patch works, copy all from update to install folder EXCEPT fallout4.exe, leave it alone from your last patch, run game, have fun. Vault Category is now present in list. Still waiting for a non-beta DLC though..
..and I didn’t even touch the crack folder in the 1.6.9 update, only update files. all crack files from 1.5.4 work fine.
It’s starting to cause a bit missing items without the 1.6 update.
When is the full release with its official patch from Codex??
Most of the links to this file seem to be dead. Are all these uploaders considered “trusted” by Skidrow? (Don’t jump on me if that seems a dumb question. I’m used to TPB’s system.)
So, no sign of the last 2 Updates or the Full Vault-Tec DLC yet. C’mon guys, what’s going on ? Why it’s taking so long ? Give us the Updates and the full DLC !
What I would like to know is when will the full version be available, it’s already been out for a few days now on Steam. CODEX is usually very quick in releasing Fallout 4 updates & DLC, has something happened.
The modding community is starting to update to the current version (1.6.9) and it’s causing mods to stop working. This isn’t the case for many mods but it might be prudent to release a 1.6.9 update anyways, as well as the full release of the workshop instead of the beta.
Is there any sign of the 1.6 update?
And what is with all these trolls asking for sims 4… the sims died after the second installment… 3 and 4 are awful
Hello guys i found this page today have all updates fallout 4 , http://www.playground.ru/files/fallout_4/patch/
have a good game for all
see y
Come on guys!! The official DLC please!
^^ It’s in Russian and it is throttled to <100kb … does anyone have a torrent?
buggered if you dont read russian… anyone wanna translate???
A@merc3n4ri0 is this a real ?.. cause it looks really shady
Scrap that ^ It eventually downloaded but it doesn’t work…. messes up icons and lists etc… Please guys where to get 1.6.. update?
if you have problems with icons and exe error
Download the torrent by IGG w 2.05GB with acumulaive paths include – search in piratebay or another
Dont use the crack files this torrent (CODEX)
Download the torrent here w 365MB and use this crack files
Note: in interface ptbr just one menu objts is showed FAILED LOOKUP but none error in game
For me its allright
Thanks for all
You think they are waiting for the final DLC to release them all???
No answer from someone.Is there gonna be DLC and update 1.6.9 uploaded.Even a little boy could answer a simple NO or YES?Just let us know. THANK YOU
Hola, alguien tiene el archivo “DLCworkshop03 – Voices_es.ba2” para el audio en español???
o si es tan amable de subirlo a un MEGA, para descargarlo….=???
O que lo saque de la carpeta DATA de su pc para compartirlo????
Gracias de antemano
It seems like nosTEAM currently have the version and Vault Tec version on their website.
1.6.x update please
It’s almost as if the game has suddenly converted to Denuvo or something…
^^ nosTEAM one works perfectly… Looks like i will be getting my stuff from there in future.
Can’t download.
all the links offline
So i went with the NosTeam Update. worked fine with the Skidrow Updates and Codex game. Works like a charm.
why this patch is taking so long?
Hey , i need some help , i got fallout 4 codex (with everything i put the crack after i installed it)
then update 1.4 , then automatron dlc then wasteland then update 1.5 then far harbour then contraption and then this
after i installed one bit , i put the crack in the fallout folder
Now when i start the game, i get the main menu for like 3 sec and then it crashes
plzzz help me!!
Everyone is on holiday in August! What do you expect? We have to wait until they return.
For KL500 and others with same problem!
1 – backup your files in MY_DOCUMENTS\MY_GAMES\FALLOUT
here you have all definitions and your saves ok
2 – uninstall the game (all)
3 – re-install all games with patches (only the need)
4 – restore your backup files in MY_DOCUMENTS\MY_GAMES\FALLOUT
5 – Its ready! Dont forget install DIRECTX need, etc…
you saves (before) wil be read in new updates without problem
newly made video tut of me explaining and showing how to properly install 1.6.9 patch as well as dlc
to get the fallout 4 game working without errors. please click link for detailed help. just someone trying to help out i take no credit for links or others work just helped put together links to better help the gaming community. https://youtu.be/AOnSNmwJw04
You sir, are my savior. Thanks
Хвала мој Руски брате!
update 1.6.9 is available and can be used with the crack for v1.5.4. Skidrow hasn’t packaged it yet but you can view the youtube vid showing the instructions along with the torrent links here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOnSNmwJw04
still no official DLC… I will try this youtube link tnx..
My f#cking Jesus!!!
Where is the 1.6 patch????
Far Harbor took little time to beta out to 100% functional.
When they will release the new patch?
Thank you!!!
Hi !
Thanks a lot for your work guys !
Just asking, do you know when dlc vault tec workshop will be release ?
I really enjoy creating and i can’t wait to build my own vault !
Thanks a lot 🙂
May the force be with you all !
To everyone who want’s 1.6.9
Go to CS RIN RU website and find the Fallout 4 thread, there look for 1.7.12 cumulative patch. Install it on top of your game and it should work. Also they have latest Vault-Tec files uploaded on 2nd of August.
Thanks a lot litosns for your link, they do have more updated vault tec dlc files there, just tested those and work fine. Also Nuka World dlc and update there.
How to Install Fallout 4 Vault Tec Workshop Beta DLC + Game Test: https://youtu.be/MocWCPlDOWA
hi any one can help me in 2021 and i can fin vault tec