Now a lazy young man named Fang somehow finds himself a key part of this war…
Now a lazy young man named Fang somehow finds himself a key part of this war he’d really rather not deal with, but fate beckons in this uncommon RPG!
Title: Fairy Fencer F
Genre: RPG
Developer: Idea Factory , Compile Heart
Publisher: Idea Factory International
Release Date: 4 Aug, 2015
Update.Incl.8.DLC.and.Crack { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download }
Fairy Fencer F-CODEX
Size: 2.4 GB
Wannabe kingdom hearts….
Thank you so so much !
Waitting… ! :3 ! Thank u so much !
Thank you so much~~!! ^^
thank u can’t wait
Waiting, Had no idea this game was so small O.o
thankz your the best ^^ i love this game :3333
This game looks terrible
Thank You, Guys!
Thanks a lot.
How do you enable all dlc’s (or aren’t they out yet)?
@ System
Its nothing like Kingdom Hearts…… Kingdom Hearts isn’t turnbase bro.
Anyway Im gald this game is finally out on PC. Very late tho Hyperdimension fans wanted this ever since ReBirth 1 was released to PC. I
Not sure how to play it…. I read the infos on how to play it, but its very confusing.
Once again, You’re amazing guys. Thanks soooooo much!
how to activate other dlc? the only active dlc seems to be beginner pack only
Rock n ROll to the world
Exe file crash upon starting.
Copy and pasted crack
it crashes at start , i use windows 10 professional , it only seems to crash when i use the patched fairyfencer.exe file, also the error : FairyFencer.exe stopped working …
nevermind damn lav filters made me redownload the game 2 times
Wishing there is a like button for your comment 😉
Black screen on startup for me. Any solutions?
How can you get all the DLC’s on? , even with the ini file only the basic one that are already enabled works
The 1st comment said it was kingdom hearts wannabe , im just grab and download , then the game is turn base -_-“, but still not bad game maybe …
Okay never mind, seems like the other DLCs aren’t released yet, would be nice if we could have them here when they do, Thanks for the fast release anyway, Great work.
Is there any way to have jap dub and eng sub or double jap?
I despise eng sound in such games
The game shouldn’t crash at all if your PC is stable in terms of driver compatibility. I played this game with 3 monitor resolution. No Frame Drop No crash. If you have Windows 10 don’t be suprised if you do get crashes. Just saying. Oh and the game is nothing like Kingdom Hearts ignore the Troll who wanted to be noticed as the 1st comment. If you did your research you would know this game is made by the same develop team who made Hyperdimension Neptunia so its like that game
Thank you again!!!
thank you so much guys for this…may you guys have a very long life wkwkkwk
YES! another one! I was craving for something like this after I completed Machina 😀 Thanks a lot skidrow and to someone who requested this 😀
does this come with all dlc package?
I just can to active some dlc but not all……….
is this game full dlc?….if full please teach me how to active it
Just open steam_api.ini then in dlc setting change number 0 to 1
is it english or japan dub? if it isn’t jap dub will there be any?
thanks for this game,, works perfectly well.. 😀
the setup is not responding…. PLEASE HELP
@Hyperdimension, already tried, the files containing the other DLC are missing so you can’t get the missing DLC.
Change 0 to 1 doesnt work help
Only the extra Tower dungeon(full) and beginner item DLC are included in this pack. The others are listed but their data isn’t in the DLC folders in the install directory.
@nighterror The DLCs haven’t been released yet.
### Automatically unlock all DLCs
changed it to
### Automatically unlock all DLCs
still doesnt seem to activate the rest of the DLCs
Mine says – video card.cpp (279) : dx fail : e_fail
Laptop Asus
OS Name:
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, 2201 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
Video Card Model / Memory:
AMD Radeon HD 6730M / 1 GB
4 GB
@hyperdimension i already do that but its not work
The steam_api.ini setting didn’t work….
any other ideas?
I have the same problem too, I use Win 7, but the game crashes after starting, and gives me the “Fairy Fencer F.exe stopped working”. Should I try to reinstall the game, or something else?
I have changed the dlc setting to 1 but nothing happen, it doesn’t unlock 😐
the DLC missing are out!!! can you upload them?????
the DLC’s were released today so hopefully codex can throw a patch in today
Found a solution for dlc’s…
Just download the update relase from 3DM and copy the dlc folder to game directoy….= ̄ω ̄=
The dlc 6 is still miasing though…
no DLC?
We need an update!
For anyone wondering most of the DLC is not released so do not worry about it
DLC Updet please?
also for people who download from 3dm, link it up please
@ichasanwin32 yeah i already check it it but i dont understan how to download it because it use china
Huba huba hubababaaa?
DLC are Out !!!!! Check on Steam we need them 🙂
here the dlc just download and copy the dlc file on your game directory,the dlc is not complete it still missing dlc 6 because i dont know chinese language and 3dm is china website,and sorry for my typo because english is not my native language.
DLC 1-5 by 3DM is here
Click that button with down arrow, then click the bottom-right button. The green button is to dl their download manager thing, do not click it. DLC 6 is missing. DLC 6 is probably the weapon change accessory set.
@Kuwariz: I encountered same problem with you. Share your solution here if you ever find one.
only 5 more dlc for now
Same as above, can you guys get the DLC for us?
Thanks for the great upload.
if you want the DLC update and can’t wait on skidrow to upload them here, use Google and type in 3DM Fairy Fencer DLC update. Sometimes we have to get things on our own when it comes to cracked tools. Never demand anything you haven’t paid for people. The only DLC we are missing now is the weapon pack. 3DM does all the updating not Skidrow so I suggest you Bookmark the source
Dlc on the web please upload it
still no update for the missing DLC :(. you guys think CODEX will make an update?
wow, feels like sad version from Hyper Dimension Neptune game …
nevertheless … another anime-RPG type … thanks …
i’ll never understand why some people have this assumption that every RPG is suppose to be like Final Fantasy…… And since when did anime RPG’s were suppose to have insane graphics? If you don’t like Anime RPG’s then your obviously in the wrong section
I want to know is it just me, but most of the images in the game are staggered to the right making it looked messed up. How can I fix this?
unarc.dll returned error code: -6
video card.ccp (279) :dx e_fail
Help pls :C
For those that already got the preview DLC pack from 3DM, they updated again with the last DLC (Weapon Change Accessory Set).
Someone has find a solution about the black screen problem ?
if your using windows 7 and having problems, kindly run the game as administrator then set compatibility to “Windows 7” and then your good to go!
I have a issue, the combo skill are bug?, don’t appear the second option of skills.
Pls help me,
P.s. sorry for my english, I’m bad
i have played this for a few minutes or hour and the game always freeze or not responding… has anyone having the same problem ?
did u actually unlock it with wp >.> chech it again
i was hyped until i saw that it was turn based
oh my god thank you very much for the game and for dlc.
Game works fine (win7 64), i dont try dlc.
For anyone wondering how to unlock all DLC
Download the update
Paste crack and DLC to the game folder
Start the game then go to DLC menu and enable all
For some reason my character seems to be invisible while exploring dungeons and in battle.
At the first battle against the guards everything was fine. I hope someone can help me.
If your going to list your errors please tell us How you installed the game and what Windows you are using. We have PC pros here to help, but we need more detailed information on whats going on. Not everyone including me have any errors popping up at all.
for some reason the swimwear/bath towel dlc & weapon change dlc are gone forever from my inventory after i’m change/unequip them. is this a bug or supposed to be this way?
when i open the game, it redirected to steam
It won’t start on windows 10,”Fairy fencer F have stopped working” after black screen.some help?
Sorry but anyone know how to fix this problem?
My installer freezed when I click install and then the whole computer got frozen. I have to restart the machine.
This problem happen to every Codex installer I download.
Thanks for helping
VideoCard.cpp (279) : DXFAIL : E_FAIL
Anyone got same problem ? please kindly share the solution
Mine won’t open, how many times I tried to open it, it won’t let me play the game
Say, can you upload the crack file from the CODEX?
for those having the black screen problem even after running the game as admin and setting the compatibility to windows 7 (problem which i had) it got fixed after installing the last version of the k lite codec pack
got video card.cpp (279) : dx fail : e_fail error to after some minute play
VideoCard.cpp (279) : DXFAIL : E_FAIL
It happens when i use window mode :< But wen i use full screen the game always froze :"<
Does anyone has a solution for dis? ;__;"
I found out how to the black screen error 😀
in your codex u should have a file called fairy fencer.exe
select it and copy it, then open the game directory and replace the other fiary fencer.exe with that one
as well as replacing the steam ini from the codex to the directory as well
then launch the game as administrator
enjoy 😀
for those who experience videocard.cpp (279) : dxfail: e_fail, try to browse some chinese forums for solution.
I have the steam ver and is running Windows 10.
DLC from here works perfectly for me.
thanks peeps
the game works fine and dlc you provided also all works!
its just the game a bit slow cuz i used computer with only 2gb ram
so far… i play it fine, no problem.
what download server is the fastest? .. since ftp link is still down i need the fastest server available?.. is it mediafree?.. usercloud?..
i need help. when i play the game and the game characters starts talking like in visual novels, the characters are all messed up like the 1st day bug of assasins creed unity. im using the codex version and my pc is windows 7 ultimate. please help
those who have ” videocard.cpp(279) :dxfail :e_fail” or freezing screen change the compatibility to windows service pack 3 it worked for me
i downloaded the Updated Crack and the Game always stops working before Showing the Intro 🙁
For all those wondering, the option to play the jap audio is in the actual options in the game, yeah, english dub kinda kills the game.
thanks for the update man, but DLC is not complete female swimsuit costumes are still missing. so sad!
female swimsuit costumes are unlockable in game
Prophet.cpp (159) : XAFAIL 0x80040154
anyone got same this problem ? please kindly share the solution
the game crashed on start up showing FairyFencer.exe – Appplication Error
please help i really want to play the game, thank you
using window 7 by the way
all dlc are working, just go 10h+ into the game you should know what i meant by then.
ı have same game problem
help me please
please please ı want to play game help me .( screen card amd radeon hd 6470m ı think so didnt work fairy fencer f
is game support amd radeon hd 6470m ?
@Zero thanks man i did’nt know that. ahahahah! im going back to play more. ^^
Damn pro guys, damn pro.
Y gracias por este tambien <3
Game is really nice but,My game freezes at some points in the game.I don’t know if it’s my specs or drivers but still,is this somewhat common?Also,when it freezes,it doesn’t crash.It’s just…..There………
I would like more weeb games.
done everything everyone has said to get the dlc working but it still does not work ive download it and change the steam thing as well help please
@System: Sit your biased, uneducated ass down. There’s nothing to compare the two because they’re completely different genres of games. Not to mention the artist who did this game is famous as hell and the style is done in many other games. So before you say something, shut the fuck up and realize you’re an idiot. Thanks.
Hello! I’ve had a problem, I can’t access to the second dungeon, the Lava… The map shows an arrow but I don’t have any option, is a bug or I forgot something to do?
The models(during dialog and/or during the start of the game) are all scrambled and messed up. Anyone got this or is it just me?
Help I have a problem
when I turn fairy fencer f show me fairyfencer f stoped woking on and off HELP
I have a problem when open the game it says after black scene “d:\projects\fairyfencer\prophelite\DirectXValidate.h (118) : DXFAIL : D3DERR_INVALIDCALL” that it how to fix this NEED HELP CA– USE WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME BADLY
sh’e look like Final Fantasy
This was a great game ! As expected from Idea Factory and Compile Heart I suppose 🙂
My opinion is that it was truly impressive playing this game. It’s one of those JRPGs where you’re always like “Okay, I’ll end this chapter then I’ll go to sleep” but it never happens ! Difficulty-wise, it’s challenging, yet fair, gameplay-wise, it’s not unlike other IF and Compa games, seems very similar to Hyperdimension Neptunia to be honest. Story-wise, it was stunning in a emotional way, you feel very attached to every character and you want just one thing when you start up New Game +, it’s to unlock them again as soon as you can !
The game has some replay-value, you can finish it twice or three times to unlock everything and complete everything, but after that, you’re going to run out of content. You get way too powerful with each level-up, so ultimately after level 60, nothing is going to resist you anymore.
I tried to add the DLC 1 to 6 and the game crashes and says “VideoCard.cpp (618) : DXFAIL : D3ERR_NOTAVIABLE”
And in wich folder is the game save data? D:
Okay first play the game in “run in administrator mode” if you haven’t,
# update your directX to a newest one
# have at least 4gb ram or more is better obviously it need more ram and good graphic cards for highest performance but this game doesn’t need that much
# i play it in windows 7 and 8/8.1 and it’s running smoothly
# if can’t be played reinstall it try to find the problem if you can but i never find any
# your files can be corrupted just download it again or antivirus is messing with you
# don’t forget to copy CODEX files containing the crack and stuff to where you install the game (recommended to do it manually)
that’s all i got hope it helps my fellow otaku!