Act fast! – Rescue! Protect! Salvage!…
Finally, after 8 years, the true sequel to Emergency 4 has been released. In EMERGENCY 5 for PC, you will direct tense rescue missions on three massive and detailed maps.
Title: Emergency 5-CODEX
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Sixteen Tons Entertainment
Publisher: Deep Silver
Release Date: 27 Nov, 2014
Emergency 5-CODEX
SIZE: 6.39 GB
I downloaded and installed in the game but the graphics preset 1280×800 and I have a nvidia geforce GT540M 2 gb ram and 1366×768 px max (no 800px) in the options menu makes me adjust only the quality ‘me the resolution by the’ white without any written sorry my english use google translator help thanks
#Luken44: Go to C:\Users\Your computer name\AppData\Roaming\Promotion Software GmbH\EMERGENCY 5
Open the file Emergency 5 settings with notepad. Look for the “Resolution”: “1280 800”,
Change it to 1366 768.
But now the game it has many bugs and low fps. With your graphic card, i think it’s unplayable.
iyi günler emergency 5 ftp yükleyebilir misiniz.
Cant the game.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Could not load dynamic library RenderSystem_Direct3D9.dll. System Error: %1 não é uma aplicação de Win32 válida.
in DynLib::load at ..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreDynLib.cpp (line 109)
any help?
thanks in advance.
eistalla direct x included in the game, I still have the problem of the resolution some news ??? I updated the game to version 1.2.2 but the resolution 1366×768 px does not recognize it …. just the resolution 1280×800 ingiocabbile ’cause mouse goes off the screen and the map of the game in the bottom left is the goal’ aiutoooo thanks, sorry English use google translator ….. happy holidays to all of you …. good wishes …
the crack no work 🙁 some one can give me one please….
anyone has can you crack the 1.3.1 please?
Is this 64bit + 32bit or only 64bit?
Does not work on x86/32bit
It’s is steam version ?
first error of msvc110.ddl , after instalation some microsoft stuff game is saying not for x32 , check version of software and contact developer … wtf ? vista 32 on board
when i open the game, the screen goes black and skip the intro and i cant play.
when i close the game it says: OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Unable to disable texture ‘0’ in D3D9 in D3D9Device::clearDeviceStreams at ..\..\..\RenderSystems\Direct3D9\src\OgreD3D9Device.cpp (line 630)
Come on guys,seed it please.
I have the Game but I need the crack
can you upload it please??