Elite vs. Freedom is an action-packed Indie third-person shooter game. In the near future…
Elite vs. Freedom is an action-packed Indie third-person shooter game. In the near future, the Earth is controlled by a global government. Few dare to resist this neo-feudalistic, corporatist, police state. Leading the insurgence, a group known as Freedom takes up the fight
Title: Elite vs. Freedom
Genre: Action, Indie
Developer: AVE
Publisher: AVE
Release Date: 31 May, 2016
Elite vs Freedom-HI2U
Size: 6.7 GB
first 🙂
thans alot
is this multiplayer? 😀
Seems like you haven’t watched the gameplay trailer… they even have 16 motion comics! Sniper rifle with maze-club!!! The 90s called and they want their game back…
That’s what we’re left with when Denuvo keeps all the good games from being pirated!
Yeah, you’re absolutely right, guy above me in the comments. Apart from the Denuvo-protected games there’s NOTHING of any worth to choose from on this entire site. Why bother even logging on?
The concept of “We always want what we don’t have” rules with an iron fist among certain sections of the ‘clientel’ on this site. Grow up. Buy the games you want or wait. Enjoy the dozens of great games this site does offer in the mean time. Use emulators for previous games machines. There are literally THOUSANDS of great, free games available to you, hours and hours of extra content for those games, unreleased ROMs, mods, fan-made games. This is the greatest time to be a gamer in history yet you pine for the dozen or Denuvo-protected games that aren’t yet available to you for free right now. It’s not even that they aren’t available to you, they just aren’t free right NOW.
“I don’t want all those ones there in a box completely unguarded in your loft, those million or so games there, I want THAT one on the Moon and THAT one at the centre of the SUN”
Skidrow: “Well, it’ll take some time to get them, why not play some of those in my loft while I go to the Andromeda Galaxy to get that new one for you…?”
“God damn it, Skidrow. This site sucks. There’s nothing to play except shit. This site is going to the dogs. The world is ending cos you can’t bring me the handful of Denuvo games hidden beyond the boundaries of the known universe RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Who cares about the 5 or 6 new titles you bring out every day, they aren’t games that I can’t have for free so I don’t wan’ ’em! You suck!”
The absolute manifestation of entitlement culture. Makes me wanna puke.
@TheGreatHakoden: ok then go learn reverse engineering and try to CRACK DENUVO & share with us!!!!
bro denuvo is new protection, so it will take time,
if u still new, remember splinter cell chaos theory get cracked after 470 DAYS by RELOADED cuz of Starforce protection!!! now RELOADED crack staforces games EASYYYY! cuz they know how it work!!
samething for DENUVO need just time
and u said this website SUCKS!! atleast SAY thanks cuz u play lot of games withoyt paying anything! next time go to steam page and buy games!!
idk how someone offer u FREE GAMES and u still insulting them! that funny bro
, THANKS SKIDROWRELOADED for sharing everygames with us, & we hope scene will be able to CRACK denuvo in futur
Yo Alex, he was making a sarcastic response to the guy above him. That’s why all the shitty things he said are in quotes.
This looks pretty good-ish in its own fucked up way!
Thanks for sharing guys,
That trailer was like some tarantino film lol
Talk about see what you wanna see, my lord…
Thanks YouGotItAllBackwards. You actually took the time to read the parts in BETWEEN the controversial looking parts.