The new fantasy action RPG. Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.
Genre: Action, RPG
Release Date: 24 Feb, 2022
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1245620/ELDEN_RING/
• The full game of at least v1.02.2, is required for this patch.
• The patching process might seem frozen at some points, this is NOT the case,
just wait patiently until it finishes - it definitely will.
• Copy ALL files from the "Update" folder to your BASE game directory and run
the "ELDEN_RING_Update_v1.03.bat" file to patch your game.
PS: The game files are supposed to reside in "%ELDENRINGDIRECTORY%\Game", and the files
from "Update" folder have to be in "%ELDENRINGDIRECTORY%", NEXT to the "Game" folder.
ELDEN RING Update v1.03-CS
Size: 1.5 GB
no crashing game this time ;D ?
It bricked my game lol.
Works great, remember to copy files from UPDATE folder to game folder not INSIDE “Game” folder.
For exemple “ELDEN RING\” but not inside “ELDEN RING\Game”
do you get 4 file error?
Works my ass, it bricked my game completely.
thank you
fiiiiirsssst. I requested earlier and now here it is. Thankssss more power
i cant apply update it doesnt work for me
Would this work with “ER Deluxe Edition v1.02.3-P2P”?
Thanks. Greetings.
Thank you.
Please can upload The Sims 4 update too? Thank you. 🙂
got white login screen after patch :/ help
Same… we should probably redownload the whole game at the current patch 🙁
This is a list of the files that got some kind of Error during the xdelta patching process –
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data2.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data3.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\sd\sd.bdt” has Failed !!
Does this update have trojan as well? Like the 1.02.3 one?
Of course genius, it’s a cracked game kinda obvious windows will accuse a virus don’t you think?
@Gusth Who the hell told you that a crack indeed needs to contain a virus? Are you somewhat stuck in the past?
Cracking doesn’t include inserting a virus/trojan or whatever inside the necessarily hacked files.
It is all about cavecoding in ASM with some of them requiring rerouting licence check addresses to localhost (external .dll files), you genius.
I scanned with VirusTotal, and there was no danger warning in the last patch
Would you care to explain what’s -P2P and -CS versions and are they interchangable? Thanks
At least ‘3’ files caused an Error… Choose WISELY !! !
! Check the Game Folder and read the log file FileWithERROR.txt
Does this work with the plaza version
Followed the instructions but had an error on one of the files:
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\sd\sd.bdt” has Failed !!
Anyone has any idea of what could have caused this?
I’m on version 1.02.3 and even tried running it in Admin mode.
File data0 has an error, not sure why
installation tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP8sAL1duOE
Would this work with “ER Deluxe Edition v1.02.3-P2P”?
Solved my problem with errors above. Patch just needs enough disk space to extract files. 50Gb should be enough I think.
I’m also getting errors while trying to patch, i’m on version 1.02.3 as well
installation tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP8sAL1duOE
thanks dude.
Data Folder Files NOT FOUND !!! – ( “Game\eldenring.exe” )
Please Install the Patch in the proper Folder !!
…press any key to EXIT
“Data0.bdt” has failed !
This is a list of the files that got some kind of Error during the xdelta patching process –
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\sd\sd.bdt” has Failed !!
I got this issue after update but I can’t still play the game I dont know what happend how can ı fix this ? pls help guys
So i own the steam version (for online play) of the game but wanted to download the cracked version for mods. My question is whether both versions would share the same save folder.
I can confirm this DOES work with the PLAZA version.
Make sure you have at least 50GB of space on the drive you are patching, as someone else said above.
Put the files in the directory ABOVE/BEFORE where eldenring.exe is.
Run the update.
Copy over the new crack.
It may take a few tries and you have to wait a while for the patch to apply, but it DOES work.
fails patching Data0 through Data3
Sizin yayınlayacağınız güncellenin taaaaaaaaa
This is CS answer regarding your problems:
The patch is 100% valid, confirmed not only by me, but also by my fellow colleague ASDF, who invested his time and effort in reinstalling the game from the scratch and successively applying my updates on it, without running into any problems (many thanks my friend!!!), and quite a lot of other people by now. Means – you fucked up, actually, not me.
In case only “Data0.bdt” failed the patching, you most probably installed my Update v1.02.2 in a wrong way, and in case multiple files failed for you, you simply had insufficient free space on the partition you applied the update on (at least 47 GB are required).
I gave 4 TERABYTES of free space and had the error. What now?
3 file errors suring update (from 1.02.2)
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data2.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data3.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\sd\sd.bdt” has Failed !!
too bad 🙁
You’re need 40GB to finish update
Those having the patching error problems, it’s because your disk space is full before the patching process is complete. Damn thing takes lots of space. Takes almost 60 GB of free space on my C drive where the game is installed.
Guys remember you need between 45gb-60gb to install update in C, because this is Xdelta update, first it make a backup of your game file then it update your game, if update is finished without problem, xdelta update remove the backup and you keep new updated game, if it fail, it will restore the backup (in C:) to your game folder and ofc it will remove backup from your C, so you need free space in order to finish this process
That was indeed a hard disk space poblem, now it works fine
data 0 error. 🙁
Follow up on my patching error: You need lots of disk space
After patching game opens to a white screen that doesn’t change. When edited to open on windowed it only starts on task manager without opening any sort of window and doesn’t run at all.
Not sure what the problem was, did everything according to instructions, except the only weird thing being that while finalizing the patch batch file, it showed 5 “access denied”
Have more than enough space, as the game is installed on a 2TB disk.
White screen problem after update… i must redownload the whole game… i wont update anymore
Is the issue with DS4 controller fixed?
does anyone know what folder contains my game progress
C:\Users\”your_user_name”\AppData\Roaming\EldenRing\”random number”\ER0000.sl2
It should be in C:\Users\NAME OF USER\AppData\Roaming
Good luck
Patiently waiting for the torrent link 🙁
How to fix white screen problem ? :/
the issue is disk space need 50+ gb free space even if updat is lets say 2gb plz upload the copy past update then crack plz i can not instal this 110gb drive 🙁
but I have 300gb+ free
I tried the patch again with 90GB of free space, it fixed most of the errors but i still get an error on Data0 right at the start not sure why, i guess it doesn’t work with the version i have.
Yeap, same as well.
Does not work in deluxe version v1.02.3-P2P.
Marche parfaitement. La premiere partie met grave longtemps avant de se faire donc ne vous inquiétez pas… Le tout a pris environ 15mn à s’installer
Thank you so much skidrow, bless you guys!!
The last time I had to use this patching method, 1.2.02, it worked for me. Hoping this will too.
Thank you skid, you’re the best guys
Maade 100gb free space and it is still failing. This update is broken.
same here
1.03 update and white scrren
me too :/
it broke my game
Works like charm!!!
Can you explain to me step by step how to install the update?
if u get data 0 error just patch ur 1.02.3 game to 1.02.2 and then patch it again from 1.02.2 to 1.03
worked for me
Couldn’t have made the installer more barebone… seriously. What a mess to get along with.
Upload the raw files instead, the next time.
작동안함 여유공간도 충분하지만 여전히 ‘데이타0’ 에서 에러가 나고 또한 일단 게임을 실행하면 하얀색화면만 나옴
Same problem with the 0 file, same error. Have 120 gb of free-space, shouldnt be the problem.
260gb available still getting the error data zero.bdt failed. Don’t think it’s working or I’m doing something wrong please help someone
I have 210Gigs of space and Data0.bdt keeps failing to patch. I wish these would come with in depth tutorial because it says to look at the log file like as if that would fix my issue, which i did and doesn’t tell me how to go about actually tackling the problem, just points the problem without telling you a damn thing how to fix it.
Broken update indeed. Please fix this or upload full updated game.
yup, this fucked up my game. i have to reinstall now
Everyone having the Data0 error with the enough Space:
Install 1.02.3 patch before installind this one!!!, it’s a really small patch, but it helped me
Update working fine guys, just let it do its thing. This is similar to the patching process from 1.2.02 that came before. Just let it finish, it will take a while but it will work.
Game shows version 1.3 now, awesome job skidrow thanks for uploading so quickly
@zone- it doesn’t work with deluxe version 1.2.03-p2p for some reason. Which version you have?
This is a list of the files that got some kind of Error during the xdelta patching process –
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data0.bdt” has Failed !!
It installed fine for me but the majority of the sites of grace on my map disappeared. Anyone else have this problem? They’re not in the list either. I even have some arrows pointing to where to go for the next boss but no site of grace to fast travel.
thanks dude
why did u guys do the update like this? It is horrible and corrupts your game files and makes u redownload
To everyone asking where is your data progress is in %appdata%, there you will find the EldenRing folder, copy all of that.
The patch give me data0 error, i dunno because i’ve like 87GB free so :/
When you have to choose “wisely” i press “Y” and then it go back, but when i try to open the game i just stare at a white screen, so, what i’m gonna do is to restart my pc, try again, and pray it works.
does this work with the plaza release ? thx
does not work with deluxe edition, just ruins your game files and makes u re-install
fixed it. go reinstall and then this.
is this work with fithgirl
Here is the solution to everyones problem. After i couldn’t install the patch -correctly- i couldn’t pass the white screen, what i did was.
1. Save the progress -which is in “AppData\Roaming\EldenRing”
2. Unninstal.
3. Install -the PLAZA version-, check the game does open, and my progres was saved.
4. Download and Install the next patch to the PLAZA version which is the “ELDEN RING UPDATE V1.02.2-CS”. To install it is like every other update. Extract the files, go to the folder “ELDEN RING” not “ELDEN RING\Game”, and open the bat. After the update concludes, remember to paste the CRACK. And check the game does open and your save game it’s ok.
5. Download and Install this patch like you did last time. It’s silly to say it but remember to paste the CRACK before open the game.
Your welcome!
Hope it works!
P.S: After unninstaling the game i clean the reg with ccleaner, but it’s up to you…
Here is the solution to everyones problem. After i couldn’t install the patch -correctly- i couldn’t pass the white screen, what i did was.
1. Save the progress -which is in “AppData\Roaming\EldenRing”
2. Unninstal.
3. Install -the PLAZA version-, check the game does open, and my progres was saved.
4. Download and Install the next patch to the PLAZA version which is the “ELDEN RING UPDATE V1.02.2-CS”. To install it is like every other update. Extract the files, go to the folder “ELDEN RING” not “ELDEN RING\Game”, and open the bat. After the update concludes, remember to paste the CRACK. And check the game does open and your save game it’s ok.
5. Download and Install this patch like you did before. its silly but remember to paste the CRACK and ready.
Your welcome!
idk why i cant comment 😐
Updatde works like a charm, no problems here. I updated using the batch file from 1.2.02 , i didnt even have to apply the .03 update first.
just bricked my game. error on data0. tried rerunning it multiple times with enough diskspace. always the same white screen. hope my 120h save isnt gone aswell
works with codex ?
White screen too, why patching a game is so hard nowadays, nothing like the old patching format, just an .exe and done, this is fuckin boring
You guys just dont know how to read notes/instruction lmao. Though for this update you need to have atleast 50-60gb free of storage to avoid any errors during extraction and patch.
When i start up the game i just see a white screen and it doesn’t load
Can somebody tell me why does that happen
Thank you in advance
Very annoying update process last time it worked but just by luck I think bad guiding
No meu o jogo ficou sem som , alguem com esse problema ?
Working perfectly thanks guys
Why in the bat file, the patches are fine, everything was “Patch is ok!” but then it said extracting remaining 8 files, and it shows 4 lines of “Access is denied”. can any1 help with this?
Not gonna uninstall and download everything again. Hopefully someone upload the whole update package like before. Too many errors.
hi can you make 1.03 Standalone?
i follow instruction above still make the game cant start…
Sure, in Few min.
Data file 0 is constantly giving an error.
Have more then 90 GB free space.
My version is updated to 2 3 3 and it worked great
I have deluxe version, is that an issue why can’t I update?
Pra quem ta com erro no (Game\Data0.bdt)
gavrei um video bem simples pra ajudar
Quem está com erro, é só excluir os arquivo que estão dando erro e baixar eles novamente , copiar e colar de volta na pasta… pronto, só atualizar que dessa forma vai.
Thanks update works great. Just be sure to put the contents of the update files inside the elden ring folder before running the bat file. Then replace the inside of the game folder with the contents of the crack folder.
You just explode all that shit file.
SO, what now, Skid Row?
We’ll need to suffer these kind of shit since when?
you fucking poor faggot just buy the game dude lmao
1. You’ll have to download all the uploads again. (UPDATES 1, 1.02.2, 1.02.3, AND THIS SHITTY 1.03
2. Just copy the Update 1, Update folder files to your ELDEN RING/GAME folder.
3. Just copy the Update 1, Crack folder files to your ELDEN RING/GAME folder.
4. Now extract the files from UPDATE 1.02.2 to your ELDEN RING folder.
5. Execute the .bat and wait for patch.
6. Now copy the CRACK folder files to your ELDEN RING/GAME folder.
7. Do the same you did in Step 2 and Step 3 with UPDATE 1.02.3
8. Do the same you did in Step 4, Step 5, and Step 6 with UPDATE 1.03.
Bunch of fking ungrateful ‘tards in here. Be like that Jack guy from above. He asked kindly, and sure enough, Skidrow responded. FKing whiny little kids getting angry because they can’t read instructions properly on how to update and now they can’t play the “FREE” game they got from “HERE”.
Patches for ELDEN RING:
You will find all the updates with all the instructions you need here. Hopefully, it will help and won’t mess up your game.
Follow This Instructions:
-> Make a backup of your game files before applying any of the provided patches!
-> Make sure you have at least 47 GB of free space on the partition you are going to execute the update on.
-> “ELDEN.RING-PLAZA” (or FitGirl’s Repack of the same), along with the following patches pre-applied, are required for this patch to work!
“ELDEN RING_Update_1_b8278469-RUI” or ” any v1.02.1 patch” (Already provided the RUI patch)
“Elden.Ring.v1.02.1-v1.02.2.Update-ElAmigos” or “ELDEN_RING_Update_v1.02.2-CS” (Already provided both the patches)
“Elden.Ring.v1.02.2-v1.02.3.Update-ElAmigos” or “ELDEN_RING_Update_v1.02.3-CS” (Already provided both the patches) (Optional requirement!)
-> Copy ALL files from the “Update” folder to your BASE game directory.(eg. D:/ELDEN RING. Yes, the location where the uninstaller of the repack is present). Run the “ELDEN_RING_Update_v1.03.bat” as admin to start the patch process.
(Provided a screenshot for the above step, refer to it if you are still confused.)
-> Be patient after launching the bat file, it will take time to install the patch. When it is done, automatically you will get a message about its completion. (Do not close the bat file during the patch process otherwise, you will damage your game files.)
-> To check if your game got properly updated or not, launch the game and check the app version of the game located at the bottom right of the title screen/main menu. (app version will always be equal to patch version!)
Optional -> If the game is not launching after the patch process, then apply the crack provided in the “Crack” folder.
Greart ! white screen again
Thanks perfect works !<3
Anyone having the “4 file errored” error, free the drive for more space. it requires a lot of disk space during installation
this patches always brick the copy of game, and ends with you need to install the whole game again so never trust this, just stick with your working version as of now and wait for legit tutorial if you dont want to waste your time.
did all the thing this comment section said, none work, always end with patch is OK but there “access is denied” at the end so ending, still always brick copy, 3rd time reinstall the game to try and fix, none work, dont try
Update not working. Did everything as instructions told me.
Copy from “Update” Folder to Main Base Game Folder \ELDEN RING\
gor 1 error, game is bricked.
it works, get better scrap
Hello, seems like the update does not work for the Deluxe P2P version , is their a work around to this please (my internet is really bad and a redownload would take me 2 days)?
Worked fine for me from 1.02.3, no errors, didn´t need the files from crack folder.
Someone knows what does the other patch updated in this page? the one called 1.03.1-CS, the game already says is 1.03.1 app version.
Installation Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDOAqMYJdEg
worst update methods,
takes a lot of space
long extract time
Fixed it, works like a charm.
I was missing one update from before.
If it does not work, do it like this.
Install updates in this order again, and after every update apply it’s crack.
That will fix all problems. (have more then 70gb on partition as well)
Make sure to run files as admin.
This works for the white screen crash?
does this update work on fitgirl repacks?
Does it work for deluxe edition v1.02.3?? Please I do not want to mess up my game files
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data2.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\Data3.bdt” has Failed !!
— ERROR — Patching of the file “Game\sd\sd.bdt” has Failed !!
Any solution please ? :/
If you have a problem with updating download deluxe edition v1.03.1, the whole game. It will automatically detect your save file when you start the game
Here works fine,
I put the file from Update folden in “Elden Ring” e just run the .bat my game version was 1.02.2 I up to 1.03 and then to 1.03.1
This garbage needs to get nuked, found files that had at least 25+ detections on Virustotal and that’s not “false positive” behavior. Who released this trash ? all you who installed this got your PC’s compromised now
Any real solution for the white screen crash problem? Ive got it since the v1.03 update and i still cant play
If you received error messages like this:
— ERROR — Patching of the file “xxxxxx” has Failed !!
Please make sure you have enough space before applying patch.
If you don’t have enough disk space ,you can open ELDEN_RING_Update_v1.03.bat line 92:
call %XD3% %ARG2% “%%~fP” “%DIF%\%%~P.%DX%” “%DIRNEW%\%%~P”
and replace it with this:
call %XD3% %ARG2% -f “%%~fP” “%DIF%\%%~P.%DX%” “%%~fP”