Dead Matter is a true sandbox survival horror. Players will fight to survive….
Dead Matter is a true sandbox survival horror. Players will fight to survive in a zombie-packed, post-apocalyptic world that fosters whichever play-style fits you best.
Title: Dead Matter
Genre: Survival
Release Date: Coming Soon
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Dead Matter-SSE
Size: 60 GB
Not Found!
60gb Alpha??
20 times the size of 7 Days to Die, for a half-baked ripoff. Wow.
its not even in alpha yet, that’s coming soon according to the website. man if you have to link to a fund me website instead of a game page, there’s obviously not even a game to upload so why upload this?
El paston que me voy a ahorrar en tarjetas graficas vaya kk of game
Yo!!!! this is fast!! hahaha but i bet the performance are wack but thx for the upload 👍
Shit Matter.
Looks boring. Multi cloning characters too.
Didn’t I see this on kickstarter ?
Thx. I test.
I haven’t found out how to change the language
HOLY shiiiet ! I certainly did not expect this :D. Thx you guys
All on same platform, all unfinished. 3D management game, why?! Total crap.
Single Player?
@tyler Nope, 30 GB “only”…
Online play available ?
Nothing is better to present such a shit than a video that roasts it !!! ^^
working in multiplayer ?
“Dead Matter is a true sandbox survival horror.” LMFAOOOO Dead Shit failed badly already.
WTF. I funded this and still dont have access and its here for free… WTFFFFFFFFF
2 Warwitch
7daysTD quaility is still like alfa, with ugly graphics, that so badly optimized, with lame gameplay, retarded gunplay, and even more retarded rpg elements.
So this game can not be rip off, because dead matter isn`t shitty enough to be as 7dtd
any reason for these fuckos to upload to slow? stupid annoying bitches
Fecal Matter
Atttention: Starts only with SSE Launcher
For all of you who are talking shit about this, get it through your shallow minds that this game is still in the EARLY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT! Of course, the current version will be shit. It’s still incomplete.
guys, how can i run the game ?
guys , some info for install the game pls ?
indiegogo? Press x to doubt
Knightmare it’s 60GB not 30GB.
no puede ser que durante años vendieron este HUMO TREMENDO SEÑORES! en los foros todos se quejan de que es una estafa y lo es realmente increible BOSTA!
ouverture steam au demarage NO CRACK ?
you people are saying the game is shit but you’ll be surprised when you play the game and find out how addictive and different than other games it is. just sit tight
@Tiago Marques. Lol it’s the same for me! So funny!
How to remove “not for public ditribution”?
Anyway thanks
This game should stay as it title say, a “Dead matter”
60 GB of garbage assist shit, you can find those exact models of AK 47, the shotgun and the pistol
free for download on for CS GO.
And you can tell the zombie movements and hits are from Left 4 Dead.
Of course it would 60GB when you know nothing but gluing some free assists and calling it your game.
shit matter
SHIFT+W Simulator
I think it’s designed for multiplayer
W T F ! I S T H I S S H I T !!!
6 0 G B O F P U R E S H I T
Tiago what a retard youdeserved that hahhah!
@Tiago: thanks for funding our project, the zombie cause! Now you will see the result !
Only Singleplayer i guess
This is probably a leak and fuck all the people talking shit. If you can make a better game do it but you can’t you’ll just end up being internet trolls, that’s the best you will ever be. Sad actually.
Ok, how. How the hell did they manage to crack it so fast. Nvm cracking it, more like even getting it. Who could have leaked it. Truly splendid. I love you so much.
7 Days to Die was started years ago, so yes, this can be a ripoff. It’s not about quality (which was quite good in A14 and 15, but then the devs went full stupid, but hey, A15 is still around,) or graphics, it’s about being a dumb carbon copy like the dozens you see posted in this place every month.
Sorry if you’re butthurt that the one clone you whiteknight for got badmouthed. Oh wait no, not sorry, go suck a landmine and die, shitbuyer.
60GB? Might just be horribly unoptomized with no compression of assets.
anyone else has a crash problem with this game after characterisation screen ?
This has not even been released to its backers yet. THIS IS PRE ALPHA and not meant to be released, so shut the fuck up about things you do not know.
unable to launch games
Any Fix ?
1 game is big 60gb
2 game can play alone and alway lonely
3 game is good build and update and find resoure
4 the new is the NPC is been work not complete yet just wait more time
5 next update is NPC quest and NPC sell tiem.
6 i wait for next update
Guys thanks for your hard work to bring games like these but it’s not working….
I run the sse app and iit shows me error that it cannot run smartsteam etc .ln file….
What gives??
Is there any way to run it in offline mode single player such as satisfactory?
My pc is not connected to the internet …
I have a ryzen 9 3900X Paired with an RX 5700 XT along with 32gb of ram running at 3200mhz. The performance of this game (even at low settings) is far worse than saints row 2 + pubg on it’s initial state
change the directory in Dead Matter \ SmartSteamEmu launcher.ini by default is configured to run on disk C: if you downloaded it on another disk for example D: you have to change it on laucher.ini
lol the amount of drama surrounding this game in its community is incredible
This is to save people a download:
There is a logo while playing the game with your computer name time and message that you can not remove and is constantly moving around the screen.
Get past that?? First time loading you could not use a weapon had to quit and start again.
Next constant lag while running making…..
I played for 30 minutes and found 1 hut with nothing in it.
I assume there is crafting but must not be in the game so thats pointless.
You spawn in a forest with no idea where to go and like i said after 30 minutes i found 1 hut.
Graphic poping in and out.
A few zeds roaming about you can loot…Oh wait you cant because your inv is so small you can not fit anything and if you find a bigger coat you cant take it off the zed.
So dont bother with this pile of shit till maybe there is some content.
Size matter! Morons!
First of all thanks bill for the advice!
It worked like a charm!!!!
John doe has some point on the contents part..
In my opinion is still on the early stages that you mostly find food money and the vehicles as frozen and you can’t drive them (some exercise will not harm you to walk the kilometres)
and you go through them like a ghost….
So we can wait for the next update…
But the organisation of inventory that the developers were saying(wallets boxes etc) they are there except the first aid box..
And if you want space in the inventory find a schoolbag….
One advice is to first go to shooting range with your character to take any equipment and weapon you want and on the single player you spawn with that character and equipment…
But the lagging that everybody says I’m not finding it…
The only time that my game lags is when is loading the new areas that I’m going into….
One other advice I’ll give you is when you spawn do not(I repeat)DO NOT SHOOT…..
All the zzz’s will hear you and come on you like sharks that smell blood….
the present version is not representative of the current build and remains very buggy, unoptimized and empty, lag, loss of fps, in short this version is played solo and you can test the weapons in game through the arsenal, this version is a leack d a dev version and does not work in multi.
its a closed alpha release to backers like myself right now. Dont even waste time downloading just watch what has been posted on the game and follow it. It will be something worth playing and buying but today isnt the day. People that shit talk shouldnt own a computer since they know nothing about anything and really need to stfu
Guys, its a closed alpha, what do you expect on that stage. lets support the community and do some feedback on them. im sure this game will be worth it soon.
Not expected this one to find here 😀 any info or update of this game makes me happy lol Thanks!
Guys one question…
When you claim a place as your base in solo did you respawn there or not.
If not do you know how to fix it..
how to do you install this lol