A decade after the release of the original Crimson Room Flash game comes the sequel…
A decade after the release of the original Crimson Room Flash game comes the sequel, Crimson Room Decade. Inspector Jean-Jacques Gordot finds himself investigating the Crimson Room. A door that won’t open, a flickering light bulb, scattered wine bottles… has he been here before?
Title: Crimson Room Decade
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Developer: Dream Holdings ,TAKAGISM Inc.
Publisher: Degica, Dream Holdings
Release Date: 10 Jun, 2016
Crimson Room Decade-TiNYiSO
Size: 552 MB
This Game is F.. amazing, thanks alot, it work great
btw guys pls if u like it Support Devs by buying this game
Done. i will buy it for today
Amazing ?? buahahaha
It must be dev of this shit to comment that,
Its another generic shitty indie walking and doing shit game,
Lately almost everyone can do this with unity,
Hundreds of them was done just this year,
@JohnRambo at least he is game Dev, doing someting, working. and you? what are you doing with your life?. leeching parent money.. obviously
just judging on the screenshots and game play , yup , not worth for download .
The Sims 4 Dine Out P-L-E-A-S-E
@YusiOktaRama Not all criticism is sugar coated. If anything, as a game dev, I would take that as “Tough Love”. Anybody can be a critic, even those who seem to not have the right. Especially when you’re creating content for others to use and/or enjoy. So next time, instead of trying to be a “Keyboard Warrior”, just let things go how they go. Keep gaming~
“Indie” is NOT a genre, retards!! If the game is a lamearse survival horror or boring walk-around look look at crap investigation rubbish then SAY SO!! Sheesh, you wankers are so retarded sometimes.
i ate denuvo.denuvo socks
Need the code for the safe to make the safe a microwave…..cant find any ingame clues for it..??
Thank you for sharing this.
@YusiOktaRama at least he is commenting about game, and you? what are you doing with your life? posting immature unthoughtful comment.. obviously
Is the game creepy?
CODE FOR SAFE PLEASE cant find anywhere not even in walkthroughs……
@Toms well i’m commenting his comment. witch is shit. like you tomshit.. i’m doing very well with my life unlike you tomshit commenting other awesome man about his comment. very tomshitty obviously.