2020, SRO discovered a material in an ancient sword which could recall….
2020, SRO discovered a material in an ancient sword which could recall dead creatures during an investigation of cultural relics crime. The third-party military organizations (SAI) infiltrated into SRO’s research institute and tried to grab the material.
Title: Bright Memory Episode 1
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Early Access
Release Date: 12 Jan, 2019
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://www.gog.com/game/bright_memory
Bright Memory-GOG
Size: 4.3 GB
thanks <3
Again with a woman hero. What a surprise. The game (and movie) devs fetish continues.
i have fear from early access games and GOG
Is this episode 2?
Did u know theres plenty of woman devs and wtf dont we have enough cliche tough guy heroes allready ?
> a female protagonist in a game
> some rando thinks game devs and mAiNsTreAM mEDia has an agenda against men.
> Skyrim has way more female mods than male.
> Still thinks its a conspiracy anyway,
Lol gay scrub.
If you aren’t aware of the gaming industry’s recent pivot towards ‘Social Justice’ narratives in their games, then you haven’t been paying attention. This female protagonist in this particular game isn’t happening in a vacuum…it’s part of a wider movement by adherents of ‘Intersectionalism’ to inject their propaganda into our entertainment. They’re putting pressure on Japan for Japanese liking for Loli. They had GTAV banned from some Australian stores because of the things you could do to female NPCs in-game (while saying zero about the infinitely more gruesome things that could be done to male NPCs in the same game), they claimed Hitman Absolution was sexist for rewarding the player for killing strippers and hiding the bodies successfully,(without disclosing that doing so incurred a deduction in the player’s accrued final score for that stage).
All these things taken alon in a vacuum amount to a single ripple on an insignificant pond, but taken all together, there’s a clear pattern of a cultural revolution happening in all media, but in games and other ‘nerd culture’ in particular. Now, if this cultural revolution was taking place as the grassroots level and coming from the population’s own collective mentality and it’s own will, it’s own voice telling the industry what it wants to see in games, that would be one thing, but it isn’t the gamers that want this stuff. It isn’t the gamers themselves telling the wider general public that games are sexist and breed sexism, it isn’t the gamers telling the public that they have barely any positive female role-models in the entertainment space and it certainly isn’t the gamers telling the public that they themselves are dominated by males and that these males are bullies who don’t want women anywhere near their online parties and game-sessions.
It isn’t gamers saying those things. This whole narrative isn’t coming from the grassroots level. This revolution is being pushed by ideologues. We don’t have to go very far back into human history to discover what happens when ideologues push revolutions onto people who do not wish for such changes.
look at this, buncha software thiefs getting philosophical and shit. Now shut up and steal
Nobody asked your sorry ass to go philosophical about piracy either kid, get the fuck back to sucking corporate dick some more
is this a betta or early acces game? is it the final version?
in installation says, early acess, so, its not complete, i go play another game
Voxel run into empty wall and hit yourself hard
Voxel, just like the graphical style he borrows his name from, is full of padding but lacks any actual meaning or worth.
“It isn’t gamers” indeed. The number one reason gaming is going to the gutter is because of gamers who blame companies, piracy or “media” because 99% of our kin wants more boobs, more random boxes of loot for $99.99, or more appallingly short games split into “episodes” or “DLCs” to inflate their price. Also, there’s always the gamers who are totally not going to buy the next game from Company X, but then two years later buy that game they weren’t buying anyways.
It’s not a conspiracy- it’s marketing. Your head is firmly lodged up the third point of contact for some ultra right/conspira-whack blog/podcast entertainer and the obvious evades you. There is no organized agenda by ultra-liberal whine-babies because they don’t have the wherewithal to do so on their own. You are being sold a bunch of fiction in order to satisfy your emotional need to explain why you feel victimized whenever you have to fight for your shot out there(like everyone else, snowflake). The people you are getting this drivel from aren’t “true believers”, but instead are just entertainers trying to make money on your traffic to them. I know, I sell their ad spaces and help them strategize(No, I can’t really live with myself for it but my family can).
Games and movies have more female leads because female consumers are a hot growing market segment. They make up 51% of the population, but in the wealthy countries they tend to outnumber working males. They are closing in on wage parity and therefore seek entertainment that fits their fantasies, just like you. So if it seems like there are more, it’s because your eyes are working. If you feel like you are in the minority for understanding the above conspiracy you laid out, it’s because you are. Frightened, frustrated, and angry people are the easiest to control. They buy anything that addresses the fear in their hearts and hatred in their mouths. So even though you have to suppress logic a half dozen times to arrive at your ideas, you still make it work because it explains why you feel the way you do without any sense of personal responsibility for your situation. I get it, we all want to live like that and I say go for it as long as you can do it without being an asshole.
Nice, I love pussies….
This game is honestly nice.
i m always in doubt about early access and china stuff. but this one is ambitious and already show some good stuff.
can be a really good game. as for now, its still pretty nice, i like it.
is the beta o the complete version?
sjws gonna suck corporate dick with that blind fold on like corporal hicks..