1C Company and Digitalmindsoft present Assault Squad 2: Men of War Origins…
1C Company and Digitalmindsoft present Assault Squad 2: Men of War Origins, the modern remake of the original bestselling Men of War RTS. Weโve been continuously improving the Men of War series for over 10 years. In this edition, you get the latest graphics and gameplay improvements combined with the original and unforgettable Men of War campaign.
Title: Assault Squad 2: Men of War Origins
Genre: Action, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Digitalmindsoft
Publisher: 1C Company
Release Date: August 25th 2016
This is made standalone, updated and featuring all previously released DLC!
ย ย ย โข Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Deluxe Edition
ย ย ย โข Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Airborne
ย ย ย โข Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Iron Fist
ย ย ย โข Assault Squad 2 Men of War Origins
Assault Squad 2 Men of War Origins-SKIDROW
Size: 4.18 GB
Thank you, hope this gonna work ๐
Wow so fast
Anyone know what version it is exactly? Like is it the most updated version?
Never mind, Didn’t notice the version number was at the bottom left of the menu..
thanks for the effort, apreciate it
am i able to use mods like star wars and planet side ?
thank you
you are the best skidrow
Thx for the update ๐
Please have fernbus coach simulator thank u
far cry primal please
Thank you for this game!!!
Love so much their games
Thanks fot the game and that you uploaded it so fast. But I have a problem it crashes when I start it
thnxs ๐
– I mounted the iso (Power ISO)
– I extracted files(to same folder)
– I installed(Successful..or so I thought)
– Launch game
– Normal launch screen, followed by normal main menu
– Except this main menu has a block over layered random symbols of many colors in the bottom right
– Skirmish option was missing, until i scrolled over it.
– Click Skirmish
– Graphics start getting real scrambled, when i scroll it permanently writes the text to screen, smudging it repeatedly.
– Close game, repair all redists, restart comp.
– Run as admin, no response, then get an error: APP ERROR:Steam API Initialization error(eSteam.cpp, 119)
EIP=7798dae8 [main loop]
EAX =031ffb78 EBX=00f8c268 ECX=00000004
ESI=6aeb70c0 EDI=00f8c240 ESP=031ffb78
> core:init
product_name -v.3.252.0 – standard unknown
– Uninstall, reinstall, restart comp.
– Launch game, this time immediately getting same error(no game start).
— I have never had issues with any of this sites products. And am experienced in obtaining them. Any help would be appreciated. Wtf am I doing incorrectly?
1- antivirus, take off
2- copy all skidrow folder in to the game (error in api)
thats all
I got an error called “missing vcomp140.dll” when I try to start the game, can somebody help me?
Same missing file as Kraut appointed!
this program cant start cuz icuuc55.dll is missing……… plz ๐
download it
Disnamble your antivirus!
same problem as kraut please help asap . ty
I am unable to load saves, the game crashes when I click “load saved game”
i got an error missing vcruntime140.dll and i try fix download C++ 2015 and still error ..Sorry For My Bad English
Its men of war assault squad 2? Why the menu is assault squad2 not origis
Guys i need your help, i only have 2 .dll files in the SKIDROW folder, and even with a clean install without antivirus enabled i stil get files missing. Maybe i am doing something wrong, to disable avast i rigjt click on the little process icon and disable the services for 10 minutes, the time for the install. Help me please i want to play ๐
@kraut i have the same problem =/
missing vcomp140.dll is fixed with downloading Visual C++ redistributable for visual studio 2015 (both x64 and x86) then restart – worked for me
Ai galera para quem ta tendo o erro do vcom140.dll sรณ i na pasta do jogo ”_CommonRedist” depois de te instalado e instalar os vcredits de 2012 e 2015. feito.
Spanish Please
Hi Skidrow
Oh man this is F**** up ,What a great game but I have graphics problem which scrambled and words overlapping mismatching problem,How do I fix this?
@Kraut i have same problem as you – did you find a fix?
change your resolution to solve your graphic problem
i press the game icon and nothing happens even when i try another verisons of the game i disabled AVG and yet nothing happens plz help
@luiz Eu fiz isso cara sรณ que da outro erro ‘-‘
@Pdbendix I tried installing the files in the _CommonRedist folder but it just showed another error
@Pdbendix I tried installing the files in the _CommonRedist folder but it just showed another error
I have the same error as GravyPacket but I am confused how to disable my antivirus as I have disabled avg and windows defender but it still wont open.
Merci biloute. ^_^
Now another error called “api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll” ocurred
i got some corrupt during installiation it corrupt in langue.pak sound.pak and some background
downloaded vcruntime and vcomp and extracted them and it says the application cannot start corretly. help?
If you have the vcomp140.dll error, download and run the Visual C++ Redistributable for visual Studio 2015. Make sure you use the x86 even if you have 64bit. Worked for me.
anyone with vcruntime and vcomp issue..
please download and install VC Redist 2015 from Microsoft..
Here is the link:
If you are x64 bit.. please install both vc redist x86 and x64.. You need both installed to get the game running..
How to reset profile?
thks ppl, works fine after installing vc redist 2015 x86 & x64. thks Skidrow
Problem with missing dll in Windows 7 solved download SP1 in Windows update and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 (x68) and( x64). My ESET antivirus has found that two files (steam_api.dll, steam_api.ini) as threat and deleted them, i had to protection temporarily turn off, again copy crack and start the game, thats it. Works fine.
Anyone missing steam_api.dll make sure your antivirus isnt deleting it. Add the Men of War folder to exception and you should be fine.
how do i play a skirmish with bots
Same as David, game works fine, but in Skirmish, I can’t find a way to play with AI.
does this work??? rlly want to make sure that this will work and is rlly is the origins game
Good work. thanks
Good Work And Thank you so much.
Guys if you have any .DLL problems all u have to do is google aioruntimes
how to reset profile?
i installed,i launched the game then started a mission and then it stops at ”init cover” and then i have an error poping up plz help
to all missing dll… download directx june 2010… hope it works….
update to 3.260? Please?
could not play because VCRUNTIME140
The crack doesnt belong to skidrow.
it does not work for me, everytime you guys put a game on here you make it a .ISO file which never works for me. Please stop using that .ISO stuff and make it just a tiny bit simpler,thx
the game crash after auto save or manual save.any help!!!