Anima Gate of Memories-CODEX

Posted June 3, 2016 in PC GAMES, REQUEST ACCEPTED

Anima Gate of Memories-CODEX


Anima: Gate of Memories is a third person action RPG that tells the story of two beings bound…



Anima: Gate of Memories is a third person action RPG that tells the story of two beings bound by an unwilling pact, an ancient monster and a girl who lost her past… Forced to stay together, their lives will take a unexpected turn when both discover that something darker than they could imagine is about to start, a war in the shadows in which they will have a leading role.

Title: Anima Gate of Memories
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Developer: Anima Project
Publisher: Badland Games
Release Date: 3 Jun, 2016

Anima Gate of Memories-CODEX
Size: 5.71 GB























    • OS: Windows XP
    • Processor: Dual Core processor
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: Compatible with DirectX9 with 512 MB RAM or better (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 5850 )
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 6 GB available space


    • OS: Windows 7 or newer
    • Processor: Quad core processor
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • DirectX: Version 9.0c
    • Storage: 6 GB available space

Anima Gate of Memories-CODEX
- Extract
- Burn or mount the .iso
- Run setup.exe and install
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play
Posted by


  1. Miro (03 Jun 2016, 7:23)

    Thanks alot

  2. NguyenHiep (03 Jun 2016, 9:54)

    Dowloading :v

  3. Carlos (03 Jun 2016, 10:58)

    Hiya! I am Carlos, the developer of Anima Gate of Memories

    Wow! This one was really fast. I wish you to have fun with it!

    Just a small petition. If you really really enjoy the game, please buy it after playing it ^^
    We are a small indie studio of just 3 persons and we really want to do a new one.

  4. Skidrow (03 Jun 2016, 12:48)

    Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!

  5. Pano****** (03 Jun 2016, 13:23)

    Thanks, this game is really cool, and reminds me Shadow of the Colossus !! I’ve already bought it >.>

  6. Yariel (03 Jun 2016, 13:23)

    Hmm, I love RPG … but not this type …
    (have bad Hand-Eye coordination) , pass …
    But this seems a good game, buy it if you like it …

  7. Sonicfanx1 (03 Jun 2016, 13:26)

    One question: Is it as hard as Dark Souls?


    I am so sorry I have to pirate your game. I don’t exactly trust videos as much as demos and hands-on experience and I’m pretty much broke right now. If I like your game and I have money in the future, I promise I WILL buy the game as soon as I can and remember.

  8. jebul (03 Jun 2016, 13:46)

    wow, only 3 person? really?

  9. Hey Carlos (03 Jun 2016, 15:06)

    That was a very, very classy post, Carlos. I wish you the very best for your future.

  10. Ignoto (03 Jun 2016, 16:49)

    Hey, Carlos!

    Whe the backers are a little sad seeing the game everywhere except in our hands.

    Please, release it 🙁

  11. Carlos (03 Jun 2016, 18:43)

    To Pano******
    Glad to know! I hope that you had a lot of fun playing it!

    To SonicFanx1
    No. It is not near to Dark Souls difficulty, but the bosses can be quite challenging. And thanks for your intention. I hope that you had fun with the game.

    To Jebul
    Yes. 3 people (Sergio, Miguel and myself) worked on it full time for 3 years. We are quite happy with the outcome.

    To Ignoto
    We are still sending them all… If the survey is sent, you should receive the game in less than 2 hours. Sorry.

  12. luffy04 (03 Jun 2016, 20:20)

    Thank you for the game 🙂

  13. hardmode (03 Jun 2016, 21:03)

    wow only 3 people made this game and even 3 latinamerican? really hard to blieve knowing how many people worked on many games that dont even look as gorgueos, and they suck from the very concept itself… if this its true you deserve more than just only money thats for sure. l wish l could buy games really, but here in my country the blood painted dollar its sky high tahnks to the corupted goverments so l really dont see me paying for games, lm being honest, l coukld pay you the price in pesos though lol

  14. Redbible (04 Jun 2016, 1:03)

    Thanks, I’ll buy the damn thing. Not cause I think its that good but at least the devs came in and acted decent.

  15. argentinian (04 Jun 2016, 2:37)

    “…..even 3 latinamerican?” O.o WTF??

  16. argentinian (04 Jun 2016, 2:51)

    And by the way, their headquarters are in Madrid, now is more credible 3 guys made game, right?

    Sorry to disturb the line, it is all cool 😉

  17. Sonicfanx1 (04 Jun 2016, 3:24)


    Thank you.

    I’m looking forward to it when the game finishes downloading. I’ve been playing a lot of Dark Souls 3 recently (I beat it) and I’m looking forward to having a more relaxing game (in comparison). I might critic it here when I’m done.

  18. Kyu (04 Jun 2016, 8:56)

    I have a problem, everytime when I launch the game it opens Steam :c

  19. Anti-Anima (04 Jun 2016, 10:40)

    Carlos so cabronazo, aun estoy resentido por esa mierda que sacasteis llamada Ark of Sinner, aun asi espero que os vaya bien en ventas con este juego, si realmente esta mejor hecho.Menudo timo fue el Ark of Sinner, si me bajo esta version pirata es basicamente porque ya no me fio de vosotros

  20. dede (04 Jun 2016, 15:12)

    Thank you .
    I have miltilanguage?

  21. jubjub (04 Jun 2016, 15:35)

    there’s a penguin in the game, wtf?

  22. TheEconom1sT (04 Jun 2016, 16:22)

    Looks good, worth buying i guess, XNA feature-work mister Carlos ?

  23. Z-san (04 Jun 2016, 18:37)

    tnx a lot thats the game mate take me away from my cuz hero probs TNX

  24. Rodrigo (04 Jun 2016, 22:20)

    pô bateu aqui desanimo de baixar…. no steam ta 33 reais se não me engano, vou ter que comprar agora !

  25. Un futuro compa (05 Jun 2016, 2:45)


    ¡Hola! Soy un estudiante español de diseño y desarrollo de videojuegos. Hace mucho ya que España no tiene ningún referente en este arte que muchos amamos. Me gustaría mostrarte todo mi apoyo y agradecerte que demuestres que los españoles tenemos mucho que aportar a esta industria.

    He visto vuestro precio en Steam a un precio justo, así que espero poder comprármelo en cuanto tenga dinero suficiente 🙂

    Felicidades por el juego y mucha suerte en tu carrera (y en la del resto del equipo, por supuesto).

  26. FilipeJF (05 Jun 2016, 3:47)

    I don’t know if I’m buying the game anytime soon, but I’m also not downloading it – the developer showed himself very nice to us. I pretend to buy the game, the OST itself was capable of giving me interest for doing it. I’m a big fan of great stories. I’ll see some reviews before, and if the game shows up to be quite a journey, I’ll buy it with no excuse.

  27. Red Baron (05 Jun 2016, 5:05)

    I just bought it on steam just because of your classy post !@carlos

  28. hmmm (05 Jun 2016, 5:19)

    Was planning on DLing, but I won’t now. I’ll wait when I can buy it instead just because of Carlos acting all nice.

  29. Axiel (05 Jun 2016, 16:19)

    This game is fun…hard as hell too O.o, that fairy king is kicking me in the butt!!

  30. homie (05 Jun 2016, 21:00)

    Hy Carlos , Great Game

  31. panteillo (06 Jun 2016, 10:39)

    Where the update 1.02 and update 1.03?

  32. Lorkham (06 Jun 2016, 12:54)

    In my first impressions, this game look cool.

    I Will buy it, when i take money.

    Thanks for upload this game Skid, and thanks for developed, Carlos.

    Good Bye ♥ ʢ◔ᴥ◔ʡ

  33. Zerohour (06 Jun 2016, 19:34)

    Please upload the patches…. thanks

  34. problemo (06 Jun 2016, 19:51)

    I have a problem i can’t play the game .I start game normal there is sound and all that and when i go to new game and chose normal or easy and press start it start to load game and just crash . 🙁

  35. Ggmfc (06 Jun 2016, 21:09)

    @Carlos: Just finished downloading the game and the first 5 minutes, combined with you post, made me buy your game ! I wish you luck and success in the future , good sir !

  36. problemo (06 Jun 2016, 21:49)

    None have solution ? 🙁

  37. Undercova (07 Jun 2016, 10:54)


    I just bought this game because I like the path you used with your message here Carlos.


  38. carlos braga (07 Jun 2016, 18:22)

    Ótimo game, muito bom meso. depois de testar a versão do skidrow comprei o jogo. Alem disso ele roda perfeitamente no línux pelo playonlinux desativando o glsl. Meus Paraben Carlos tudo de bom, sucesoo a você e sua equipe. Aqui omeu sistema operacional é o o debian.

  39. Anonymous Citizen (08 Jun 2016, 16:16)

    Well Carlos, your attitude changed my ways for this one game. £13.49 in your pockets sir. Well done on taking a great approach to piracy!

  40. arthaslish (09 Jun 2016, 1:45)

    a really good game … wish you the best dev ( i ve just purchased it from steam ) he remember me of drakengard …. good luck hope he will be succefull and you will do another one

  41. DA (10 Jun 2016, 2:28)

    Please consider selling this game on I buy all my games from there, and I would love to add this game to my collection there.

  42. Deric Ng (10 Jun 2016, 6:22)

    thank for sharing. however, the gamepad configurations seem like has some problem. please update ASAP

  43. Kai (11 Jun 2016, 11:39)

    Does anybody know how to fix ISDone.dll and Unarc.dll error? is it related to my PC spec? Help please, sorry for my bad english. TX

  44. Pupsick (15 Jun 2016, 11:59)

    Update 1.3 Please 🙁

  45. Yuki (27 Jun 2016, 16:34)

    @carlos hello thank you for creating this great game! 😀

  46. Carlos (05 Jul 2016, 18:17)

    Thanks everyone for your words. You made us so happy knowing that you had fun with the game.

  47. josie (12 Jul 2016, 14:10)

    carlos you game is very great i buy this in steam if you know how, the piracy can make good publicity not always is free games only , if like us the game buy this after playing, this helps take a good decision of shipping

  48. Abnegwazhernagger (20 Jul 2016, 9:09)

    Great job man. W-Men on send hi 🙂

  49. aziz (24 Jul 2016, 11:13)

    guys helps me… i cant install this game when i click install codex did an error.. please anybody who know how to fix n i can play this game…

  50. Deric Ng (29 Jul 2016, 10:09)

    this is the reference for the input configuration~ “configuration-explanation-button”
    horizontal-character movement left right-left analog stick left right
    vertical-character movement up and down-left analog stick up and down
    axis4-camera rotating left right-right analog stick left right
    axis5-camera movement up and down-right analog stick up and down
    axis6-item slot-dpad left right
    axis7-item slot and map-dpad up and down
    1-skill 2-B
    3-skill 1-Y
    4-skill 3-LB
    8-target-L analog button
    9-restore camera/change target-R analog button
    **axis3-skill4 and dodge-left right trigger
    Due to system do not recognize L/R trigger as an axis, I directly leave the axis3 setting remain and assign the trigger buttons as button10/11 respectively.

    Hopefully this might help u.

  51. dont work (09 Sep 2016, 19:50)

    dont work for me dual 2.5 gh 3 gb ddr and video crad ati hd 5500 1 gb say a eror has close the game

  52. Cristi (09 Sep 2016, 21:24)

    sory for that comment i need it to copy the crack for folder not whit the instaler it work now realy sory good game hard even at normal cool thx a lol

  53. Baboods (20 Jan 2017, 0:20)

    the game crashes after i started a new game… what to do?

  54. Mizuki (29 Jun 2017, 16:31)

    Please, help me. I can’t level up in this game 🙁 My character is stuck on level 1!

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