Amnesia Rebirth, a new descent into darkness from the creators of the….
Amnesia Rebirth, a new descent into darkness from the creators of the iconic Amnesia series. A harrowing journey through desolation and despair, exploring the limits of human resilience.
Title: Amnesia Rebirth
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 20 Oct, 2020
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• https://www.gog.com/game/amnesia_rebirth
Amnesia Rebirth v1.31-GOG
Size: 17.96 GB
Its only AMnesia i actually completed, ( Amnesia descent got boring being clueless what zop do, i think second one i skipped, Machine for pigs wasnt that great biut my harddrive died and it was shame i never came back in, later time got it on Epic tought..) Its just only killing it stupid ending, i dont really know why they ruined that much!
thank you for gog !!!
That first screenshot. Worst period ever.