Alone in the Dark weaves a chilling tapestry of psychological horror and….
Alone in the Dark weaves a chilling tapestry of psychological horror and Southern Gothic charm, reimagining the iconic game that set the benchmark for the genre. We invite you to join us on a journey into madness, where each encounter could be your last.
Title: Alone in the Dark
Genre: Action
Release Date: 20 Mar, 2024
Support the software developers. BUY IT!
• https://store.steampowered.com/app/1310410/Alone_in_the_Dark/
Alone in the Dark-FLT
Size: 27.8 GB
first here !
WOW !!! Tanks !!!
like u don’t know it’s a keyboard mistake ?
piu piu
not keyboard mistake, someone hitting it brain mistake, oops second mistake now!
hope the game is good, cause i don’t give a f*** about reviews i do my own review!
I agree. So far i am enjoying it.
‘hope its good’
– nice review LUL
it’s not my language lol
dont worry is not like “Illumination” at all
Good,because for example IGN could give a 4 in re2 remake but a 10 in minecraft,that´s not is not right at all,basically it´s kinda preference review.
, IGN are a bunch of retards and woke ass imbeciles… and you shouldnt care about scores anyways, especially from autistic dumbtards.
If you cant decide if a game is for you by watching gameplay or trailer videos alone then idk what to tell you because that should be more than enough.
yayyy thank you so much FLT
Thankss, i need the torrent
My request, very fast.
Thanks a lot!!!
GOFILE pleaaase
Waiting for links *.*
fuck, how faster people write! more than files are up! x’D
I bought it few hours ago! thx for share anyway
30min downloading *-* manyy thanks Skidrow you’re the best of the best
How tf they crack it so quckly, this game ain’t have pre order. This warez group have like 1gb/s download speed. Thanks
If NO DENUVO .. The game crack quicker than light
I know. But if you want to crack the game you need to download it first. They cracked it instantly as it released
it doesn’t have DRM.
Man u got anwsered 2 times. Its on gog with no drm. That means u download it from gog and play. Like someone could buy the game and then send files to you without cracking it…
Please can someone share crack only?
Ho ou pourra mas já !?!??! thks a lot !!!!!
pls link digital deluxe edition.
When will AAA games be released 😉
Well, this certainly has the pricetag of an AAA game 😉
lmao its 25 bucks already. l feel almost bad for them
MERCI !!!!!!! ^^
Thanks alot guys! works greaaat i7 8700k
Wow, they seriously wanna have 60 bucks for this short, mediocre game. That’s insane. With how greedy most devs have become it’s even more fun to pirate stuff! Fuck you, Pieces Interactive and THQ Nordic, I’m paying exactly NUTTIN for your game, AAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA
8-12 hour game? How is that short? also have you played it and completed it cause i mean its been out a few hours. Give your head a wobble
He might be a new kid or an old man but get use to the new games that are like 999999 hours haha,i wonder what he´s going to say about ps1 games like re2,re3 then hahaha.
dude its 25 dolans on Steam
@Ekelpaket: how it’s 60$ ? i just buy it 25$ in steam, maybe regional price
Still 25 bucks is a scam. Go figure.
lmao fuck off kid… go play Fartnite or Mainkwaft with your retarded and autistic friends
Piracy FTW!!
Dragon’s Dogma 2 next!
Dragons dogma lmfao, capcom uses denuvo so for now u can forget about it
well so did RE4 Remake and everybody was a fagget like you saying it will never be cracked until at least 2 years.
But anyways… after all the hype its gone and kids like you stop playing it and go back to play Fortnite or Minecraft or any fps game, like the idiot retards that you all are, they will remove denuvo so the game can become playable instead of requiring the a 3K rig and having to be online 24/7.
So yeah keep fagging all you want little boy, but at least we dont bend to the greed of some dorks that want to make video games for a living instead of being reliable members of society lmao
Go read a book once in while will you?
getting triggered again about nothing significant
maybe you should boast about your superior level…… of getting triggered
l dont have any issues admitting that retards like you or that other kid trigger me… l bet the world would be a much better place without the idiocy you idiots bring just by being alive. So yeah l lash because l hate stupidity thats it. So stop being stupid and l will stop getting triggered and roasting your dumb asses on the internet its that easy.
Ain’t nobody out there cracking denuvo anymore, gotta pray for capcom to remove it after one year’s lincense is over or get it on a discount
Thank you so much!
Thanks that was very fast
from the graphics and movements of the characters you can clearly see its almost a waste of time…but ok free,who cares…
yeah, the last good AitD was still The New Nightmare… this one looks worst than games like Man of Medan lmao, l like though that it has a lot of voice acting instead of just make you read everything which is annoying as fuck for a game. But yeah the game is not even well optimized and has a lot of frame drops, and was downgraded like hell, from the trailers.
This game is a “shit” compared with classic and 2001 version of course.
Update (Hotfix) just out few min ago:
thank you very much for the fast work, great job!
thank you Skids! you are the man. the true king of pirates!
it seems that this Alone in the dark is well optimized as someone is playing it at 8K resolution, look here:
how possible?
IGN gave 6 and gamespot gave 4, the reviewer from gamespot is just an asshole, im playing the game and its not bad
Damn… Can I fap with this?
LA Noir meets Resident Evil… and have a retarded son
soooo you are the retarded son
Nice its here no denuvo at all.
Another shitty cheap unreal engine game that runs and looks like dog shit honestly it looks like it was made 10 years ago.
rtx 4080 dropping into the 80fps range i could understand if this game looked decent but it looks from generations ago so over this cheap and nasty unreal engine games.
Alone in the Dark 2024 – FLT
Rapidgator: https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/0B2FEFEDE6.html
ddownload: https://www.filecrypt.cc/Container/4861714D3D.html
i’ve installed the game and after 10min gamepay directly uninstall …
Bonjour, je commence à vraiment détester ce site, ça fait le 5 jeux que je dois réinstaller ou devoir encore téléchargé, pour rien fichier manquant jeu qui ne s’ouvre pas ou qui plante mise à jour qui détruit les fichiers du jeux pareille pour les correctifs, non la franchement le site devient vraiment plus fiable du tout et la communauté pareille quand je vois les commentaires tolérer sais juste une garderie sais pas possible, je pensais que le site avait un minimum de sérieux ben le non clairement pas. En parallèle je ne pense pas que vous vérifier réellement les jeux au vu du nombre d’erreurs qui commence à grimper. Bonne journée à vous.
English version:
Hello, I’m starting to really hate this site, that’s 5 games that I have to reinstall or have to download again, for nothing missing game file that doesn’t open or crashes update that destroys the game files the same for the fixes, no, frankly the site is really becoming more reliable at all and the community is the same when I see the comments tolerate just know a daycare I don’t know possible, I thought the site had a minimum of seriousness well no clearly not. At the same time I don’t think you really check the games given the number of errors which is starting to climb. Good day to you.
you are an idiot frog… how can you fail to install so many games is just beyond me.
Are all frenchies this stupid?
Just go buy yourself as console, you are not made for PC gaming little boy