AI Drone Simulator is an FPV drone simulator. Start from an existing….
AI Drone Simulator is an FPV drone simulator. Start from an existing drone Model, or place a BlackBox file in the game and fly your own FPV drone in races or free flight on a variety of maps.
Title: AI Drone Simulator
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: 27 May, 2021
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AI Drone Simulator-DOGE
Size: 28 GB
AHAHAHAHA , 28 gb for this looking shit . This game look like a game of 10 years old . Devellopers cannot devellop a game , they cannot make a good engine . What a pity how shit games became since few years .
Thank you 🙂
@colruyt55000 t’es bien un bon gros connard de français !!!
You write like you’re 10 years old.
@colruyt55000 Even if the game is crap, at least they have the balls and brains to make something work, unlike your brain and talents of trolling this site with bullshit. Here is a new talent you can try, go swallow a live grenade
Read the Steam reviews you Braindead Retard.
who’s seen slaughterbots anyone?