Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms; the second new official expansion for the…
Welcome to Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms; the second new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over 16 years. Challenge friends with four additional civilizations, new units, ships and technologies. Fight your way through the African continent with four campaigns and obliterate your opponents with a fresh batch of units under your command!
Title: Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms
Développeur: Hidden Path Entertainment, Ensemble Studios
Éditeur: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: 5 Nov, 2015
This release is standalone and includes all released campaigns so far:
• Age of Kings Campaign
• The Conquerers Campaign
• The Forgotten Campaign
• The African Kingdoms Campaign
Crack.Fix-CODEX { Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Download | Torrent }
Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms-CODEX
Size: 2.26 GB
Skidrow as always, you are the bomb!
crashed in random map
Damn, same! Crashed in random map 🙁
I’ve just commented yesterday about age of empires that it will be released today. and yes their is already a free released here in skidrowreloaded. You guys are awesome.
Need for speed 2015 thanks if you do it
ahhh the memories while playin it online in gameranger
it crash you out of the game in various situations
The game crashes when starting custom campaign.
Which languages are available ?
when i click on standard game it closes?
It is strange…. I get id downloaded installed and everything…. but when I try to start a standard game, it crashes…
Game crashing on start, windows 7.
The game crashes, we will have to wait for the fix
crashes when trying to start game
why there isn’t patch for forgotten game -_-
Thanks for Release. But I have encountered some problem with random map. Pls Help and reply
can play with IA in a battle?
That doesn’t work in Random Map ! PLease HELP !!
Crash! No good crack i guess
crashed when click Standard Game
it crashes anytime i try to build anything
How to fix problem with mfc11u.dll?
game crashes to desktop when selecting single player – standard game
Codex released a crash fix….its on Kickass Torrents…cannot post link on here 🙁
Skidrow could do an update so that the game does not crash standards ? Thanks
Why cant we play custom game? need help!!
It crashes
No me funciona. Quiero jugar una partida estandar y sale al escritorio sin mensaje alguno. Con las campañas me pasa lo mismo. Alguna solución?
Its online?
Crack Fix Added.
Single player not working:(
How do I play a lan game ???? Can’t fin an option in multiplayer, and can’t create a multiplayer game (got the message “game cancelled”)
The crack fix definitely fixed all my issues (namely the standard game crash)! Thanks guys!
how to play on lan ?? thanks for the fix !! you’re the best !!
Missing mfc110u.dll ? can’t play
cant play LAN guys ??
Even after the new crack fix it crashes in the middle of the game….Is there a better version?
Thanks for the crack, the game always crash inside the map, gonna try, thanks skidrow.
Crack fix still lag and crash while playing… any idea to fix it ???
The Crack Fix Is Work Thank You So Much
This Site Is Awesome
installed Crack and still crashes, can’t play custom campaign or create own maps, this sux badly
@Blago : agree with you. if I play training mode crashed when building house.
Crack fix doesn’t work 🙁
First of all thanks skidrow for this torrent.
The issue was that the game crashes when i click random map and when i load a campaign the game
freezes and my laptop says hardware failure and stuff. please help
all games here are for 64 bit computers damm!
@61keysofmusic have you tried running it in compatibility Mode? because the game is already so old it wont support win 8 and higher as the operating system. Try running it in windows 7 oder windows xp compatibility mode, this might fix your problem.
@61keysofmusic doesnt work for me either just tried it damm i wanted to play this game 🙁
Working thanks been waiting for this
crackfix also doesnt work. The game crashes in 1-2 min.
randomly crash mid game even after the crack fix
We can not play standard Game….it throw Out from Game…..when click on standard Game…!!!?
Ok everyone, just downloaded fix from another page and works, this one didn’t, so start looking
can we play online? Anyone knows?
After winning 3 campaigns, the game gives me an error when I want to save the game or when I win a campaign: “Failed to open file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms\savegame\save.aoe2spgame No file line information” or “Failed to open file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Age of Empires II HD The African Kingdoms\profiles\Player.nfp No file line information”. For the record, I downloaded the fix, and these errors are displayed after copying and pasting the crackfix. Any suggestions?
Lan ON?
game is not running on my windows 10 plzz help me i have installed it 2 times its not working waitnn for reply
Thank you guys….. I love Skidrow!!!!!!
where is the save for campaign progress
Does the crack not work? I cant play it, kickes me out when i start a sandard game.
it crashed when I tried to play standard and the campaigns, the crack fix is not working
Hi guys, can we play LAN ?? I’ve “Game cancelled” message when I try it.
It’s possible to do a patch with LAN mod ?? Thanks.
Pls help. Crash dump.Cant play. 🙁
Thank you
Can you please fix it? It gives errors when trying to open the learn to play campaign and completely crashes when starting the single player campaign
Hey guys does it function on windows 10? thanxxxxx
Crackfix not working. I tried on my Win 7 Pro laptop and it still crashes to desktop if you run single player. Campaign seems to work.
skidrow please help
Try this crash fix guide, it’s worked for me ! (Maybe install the Netframework 4.6):
Plz help me, i want download it 🙁
But i cant, link all dead.
Torrent link, plz
why the game ends in ” standard ” ???
please respond to the email
This patch this sucks at LOW FPS
Could you upload the freshest 4.6 patch for this?
Can you upload patch 4.6 as well as steam workshop tools with all campaigns? The history section in custom campaign doesn’t display?
I uses to search “age of empires codex” . there is only 3 or 4 results, I chose the 7mb Codex Crack, it shows as no seeds, used mononova site and files fine. I cant say it will work yet, but it did start a standard game without craashing to desktop
1. Don’t forget to install the “Crack Fix” provided
2. Delete all the files inside the “savedgames” folder in the game install dir. (that fixed all the crash problems I had)
3. Play this awesome game for “free” 😉
4. Don’t forget to come back and thank the ADMIN if the game worked for you
I haven’t fully tested the game yet because I didn’t have free time but I could start a standard map and even build structures without the game crashing to desktop… I haven’t tested any level of the campaing yet however if I don’t come back to post it means this worked!
Crash at Standard mode.
” An error occurred while trying to start the game. Failed to open file: C:\…..\savegame\SP Replay v4.4 @2016….162149.aoe2record
No file line information. ”
I have installd the ” Crack Fix” .
solving the problem of Crash
1) Download this file:
2) paste the folder Age2HD
3) create a shortcut in the desktop from file AOEHDLauncher
4) choose English in the game options (this in Spanish)
5) have a good game 🙂
Superderpino’s link is broken
I found out that if you run the game in compatability mode it works perfectly fine. I am currently running Windows 10 and I set it to run for Windows Vista. I was getting crashes every minute and now I dont, the way to do it:
Right click on the shortcut on your desktop > click open file location
In the folder you see two files named Aok HD .exe and Launcher.exe, you are gonna do the following for of those files
1) Right click
2) Click on properties
3) go under compatibility tab
4) Check “Run this program in compatibility mode for”
5) in the drop down menu select Windows Vista
6) Check Run As Administrator
7) Apply changes, close everything and run the game from your desktop.
8) Enjoy
Also dont forget to do this for both files.
The game’s still crashing after installing crack fix. It crashes during the william wallace’s last campaign. please fix it.
Updated to 4.6 using this file and no longer crashes at the final ep of wallace campaign
for @Hello …. it’s still crash when I set it to Vista… maybe I need a crack
for @mike . thanks dude! its WORK …. !!! now there’s no crash anymore
someone pls give link for patch 4.7 and 4.8 coming out soon too.
Whenever I try to build something the game crashes I’m using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, i-3 4th gen, Nvidia GeForce 820M 2 GB , 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB Hard disk
Doesn’t even start up on windows 10 very sad
I bought AOE2 from steam and it doesnt work. Steam told me NO SUPPORT. M$ said NO SUPPORT, TO OLD OF A GAME!
Here I am, FUCK M$ and STEAM!
Thanks Skidrow!
Thanks 😀
it worked on Win10 64 bit, thanks
Thanks for sharing! Keep it up! 🙂
What about ‘Rise of the Rajas’ expansion????
After completion of a mission i can’t see the story telling any idea how to fix this?
how to download the game i cant download
does it fit windows xp ????
mfc110u.dll not found, any solutio?
WORKED on windows 11 64, nice thanks