The history of the driver, Alexander Rasputin, he goes on an internship to manage….
The history of the driver, Alexander Rasputin, he goes on an internship to manage the train, and enters the paranormal world with his mentor. You have to uncover the secret of the train 6120, and its passengers!
Title: 6120
Genre: Adventure, Indie
Release Date: 19 Apr, 2019
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Size: 3.5 GB
Rasputin. One of the biggest scumbags in history.
Stalin MAo ce tung and even Hitler was way worse… muchWORSE.
@Clyde3D I believe that award goes to a certain german gentleman named Adolf (BUT HE WAS A FUCKING AUSTRIAN!!! *yells every true german patriot every single time*).
Septimus Raven
Stalin and Mao killed way more yet somehow never get placed in the same category as Hitler. I really don’t know why. I mean, a basic view of history, and taking what they taught you at school at face value, yes I can see why Hitler gets consistently mentioned, but look even a little bit beyond all that and you see it really isn’t that clear cut.
I guess it’s because Hitler was a racist and in the modern day we hate racism. Ok. But I’ll take a racist responsible for the death of 6 million over someone whose racism is less blatant yet is responsible for the deaths of 10 times that many, any day.
I don’t care what someone THINKS, I’m not the thought-police,I care about what they DO, and Hitler DID harm to less people than several others already named here.
I think he was worst because he planned it and executed it with the typical german preciseness…
Voxel: I will tell you why Stalin or Mao are not placed in the same category. because they didn’t kill fucking jews. You know that jew lobby is basically dominating the world right? USA in their pocket as a weapon….
why hitler is the most demonized character in history? because murican is controlled by jews
ya see, they’re bunch of gun toting moron that still stuck using archaic measurement system!
if you see in the chart they’re the worst in practically every category of developed country, except the number of nukes and other weapon, fat people, racist bigoted people, and school shooting which they’re definitely number one.
now tell me how the hell this bunch of monkey became a superpower?
they had jews leading them, a smart few jews that control them from the dark! you know that 911 is an operation to target those jews right? they’re leading their economic power and their hatred!
So now we’re having Hitler apologists going about asking ppl to take it easy on poor mister Adolf becoz he didn’t kill as many blobs as Stalin or Mao. That’s interesting. Never had that one before witch is also interesting (why doesn’t Genghis Han get any fuckin apologists running around tell ppl it’s okay to be a general piece of sht that doesn’t deserve to live let alone have a chance to produce offspring).
Here’s a tip for ppl like that (i mean ppl that try to rationalize mass murder and it’s merits): just because he didn’t killed as many as the gentlemen post mentioned, DOESN’T MAKE HIM ANY FUCKING BETTER than them. He was still a fuckin psychopath that planned to kill half the population of the planet and enslave the other half, and create a master race (Aryan race ideology, look it up if you don’t believe it) to rule over what’s left from the Great Racial Cleansing war. So yea, thank God for the russian winter, because if not for that, mister Adolf would’ve probably managed to finish off most of Russia, march into China to kill all those filthy slant eyed, then India because the ppl there are obviously not blond with blue eyes and so on… and in about 10 years time probably only Norh and South Americas and Australia would’ve be the only landmasses left on the planet where ppl wouldn’t be slaughtered because they look slightly different than the master race. So there ya go. Here’s your fuckin Adolf in a nutshell. Defend him now. At the very least, in Stalin’s and Mao’s case, one killed off ppl out of necessity and the other out of sheer incompetence. Mr Adolf did it because it was trending at the time.
hitler himself was a jew. it’s enough to look at a photo of his to see if one’s trained in spotting jews. he reportedly was related to the rothschilds. his coming to power was funded from New York, US. his objective was to spread communism in Europe after the muscovite communists’ march on the West failed and then stalin found out his closest 20 advisors were planted agents and had them executed. and stalin was poisoned. he, too, was a jew. Switzerland wasn’t invaded during WWII because there were banks of the Global Revolutionary Movement there, the same movement started the French Revolution and all the major wars (ane possibly others) thereafter. hitler lived in Argentina, and there were German nazi communities in South America numbering tens of thousands. the CIA was guarding hitler, they knew about his location all the time, as recently surfaced documents revealed. highly recommend find Jim Condit’s YT video about this 2 hrs long but it’s a must-see if you want to be informed. Mr. Condit also has other videos on YT, on communism etc. and he is a jew himself, so even more kudos to him for talking about jewish war crimes. getting rid of cash is just a stage in the scheme to do away with money altogether to achieve the so-called ‘resource-based economy’, but without money, how would goods be distributed, how to assess who should get the best electronics, housing locations, food, and who would have to wait in line or make do with worse quality stuff? ultimately, going cashless is a solution to cull the unneeded masses, and there will always be those in charge, making sure they get the very best of everything. transfer of consciousness into machines is impossible due to the very nature of how humans are built. and it has nothing to do with religion, just rational observations are enough to arrive at this conclusion. if memories can be extracted from the brain, only simulacra based on our memories will be made pretending to be us to suck our relatives and friends into the scheme like docile sheep to slaughter. how come whenever there’s a communist revolution, the rich are being killed en masse with the exception of the bankers? because they fund the revolutions. read “The Currency Wars” and “Pawns in the Game” – required reading to become versed in the global jewish schemes and, well, at least increase your chances to survive. fun fact: in nenonazi organizations, there are many jews, which is stupid and sad, but such organizations were started before WWII to steer societies in the desired way in preparation for the war. oh, and hitler’s main immediate goal was to help start israel by scaring jews into going there, as Mr. Condit explains in his 2-hr-long presentation. actually, here you go:
also, google “youtube jim condit hitler” – seems there’s some new stuff on these issues
you don’t have to be a scholar to understand that the russians killed people, sure, but they didn’t do it on the scale of the germans, get over it, the USSR wasn’t communist and hitler isn;t innocent, I can’t wait for the day I’m called to kill the nazis for my people.
Hitler failed in one thing to erase a whole RACE, it was impossible at all so he couldnt do much about yes he killed alot include gypysies, some handicapped but Stalin killed his own for benefit on him. How bout Pol pot, Those are much worse then Hiter but still they get less credit for and Hitler even not nkowing anything more get Primary role… and he was half Jew and impotent jerk.
Yes Russian killed even after war much more perople then Hitler could… I despise and reject them and im full of it. Communism is much worse then Nazis.
Also this game is nonsense Rasputin driving train and going for another Dimension lol.
Guy2: wait, what about mao? pol pot? etc?
Guy2: whoa dude
could somenody stop defending Hitler and give an opinion about the game?